Gordo sat in class, with his heart aching. He would be graduating from high school and would finally get the chance to ask his wonderful girlfriend to marry him. He sad in the graduation hall, and to nobodies surprise went up when they called him up to be valedictorian.

When he got back to his seat right next to Lizzie's he asked her, "After graduation can you hold back for a while I have something I need to ask you?"

"Sure," replied Lizzie as she looked at the face of the boy that she now loved more dearly than life. As she stared into his dreamy face she couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold for them, and when he would get up the courage to ask her to marry him.

As they were called up, Gordo held on to Lizzie's hand real tight and said, "To our future."

"Yeah, to the future." She replied.

Lizzie's mom went all hysterical and ran down to see her "baby" and take as many pictures as possible. Lizzie started to signal to her mom to cut it out, but to no avail.

Finally, after they left the graduation and went to the breakfast hall Gordo pulled out Lizzie's chair and sat down beside her and she asked, "Now Gordo, What were you going to ask me?"

Gordo pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring and asked Lizzie, "Will you marry me."

Lizzie in her extreme excitement called out, "Yes," and then kissed Gordo in front of everyone. After noticing that everyone was staring at her she sat back down and asked when it should be.