A Marauder story: My Real Family

::Chapter One::

Summer holidays… the time you can empty your mind and finally have enough time to do the things you wanted to do all year.

It is the time you stay at your friends' places and enjoy the careless days of the summer.

It's the time you have fun and enjoy your days home…

Too bad that doesn't count for all of us…

For example:


The boy, Sirius, who sat against the wall on his bed and was holding an enchanted, electric guitar, sighed irritated. "WHAT?!"


He threw the guitar aggressively aside, muttering: "Yeah, and you stop shrieking like a hag!"

He lay down on the bed, arms folded in his neck, observing the ceiling of his four poster.

Sirius was tall, had jet black, half long hair and blue eyes. He'd just turned sixteen (though you'd say he was at least twenty) and the guitar was his best friend's, James, birthday gift to him. It was enchanted so it didn't need electricity. Sirius was very pleased with it…

His parents weren't. They kept barking at him to stop 'ragging' on it, as they barked about everything he did that didn't please them… which seemed to be everything.

As he stared absentmindedly onto the ceiling, he drifted away in thoughts. He thought about James and his home situation. James' parents were kind, hospitable, friendly, unprejudiced and everything real parents should be. In other words; everything Sirius' parents would never be for him.

He jumped up and looked at his clock. It would still take half an hour before diner would be ready and he was really getting hungry. So he decided to get something now.

He left his bedroom and descended the stairs to the first floor. He went to the cellar and opened the kitchen door, to find Kreacher, their house elf, preparing diner.

Sirius completely ignored him, walked over to the table and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.

"Diner will be ready in half an hour, young master Black. Mistress doesn't like it if you eat just before dinner." Kreacher said unfriendly.

Sirius didn't bother to look up, as he cleaned his apple on his sleeve and said: "If I'd be listening to her jabbering, I'd be puking disgusting curses and faking my identity by now, wouldn't I?!"

Kreacher looked extremely offended, but bowed and sulked out of the kitchen in his usual manner. Sirius snorted silently and moved The Daily Prophet, which lay on the table, towards him. Then he heard footsteps on the other side of the door.

"Oh great," He thought, "The little creek couldn't keep his ugly head shut."
He turned some what lazily towards the door as it opened. It was, as he'd expected, Mrs Black, his mother, closely followed by Kreacher.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mrs Black said disapprovingly.

"What does it look like?" Sirius said indifferently, throwing the apple into the air and catching it again.

"Keep your big mouth shut! We'll be eating in half an hour, so lay that back!"
But instead of laying the apple back, Sirius demonstratively took a bite out of it.

Mrs Black scowled, pointed her bony finger at her son and hissed: "No dinner for you tonight!"

"What?! I'm hungry! Can't I even-"

"I said no dinner for you! You insolent youth! Now get out of my sight!" Mrs Black yelled, looking livid.

"With pleasure!" Sirius yelled back, storming out of the kitchen, slamming the door, making the hinges creak dangerously.

"You're no son of mine!" He heard his mother yell trough the door as he went up the stairs and got to the hall, where he bumped into his younger brother, Regulus, just coming down the other stairs.

"Get out of my way!" Sirius spat, as he pushed Regulus aside. Regulus just found the wall in time to remain standing. "What have you done this time?!" He said, slightly insulted.

Sirius ignored him, opened the front door, stepped outside and also slammed this door shut with a loud bang. Breathing heavily, he stared furiously at the house for a while. It was raining and it was already pouring through his clothes, but he didn't seem to notice.

He started walking, hands in his pockets, kicking every thing aside that came across his way.

After five minutes of walking through the rain (and getting soaking wet) he arrived at a totally deserted playground. He used to come here every time he'd walked away. Most of the time to think.

As he used to do every time, he sat down on the old and weathered swing. Absentmindedly, he swung it a bit, his feet touching the ground without difficulty. He ate his apple and threw the core into the bushes.

There he sat for a while, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands buried in his hair, rain streaming over his back and face. He thought about his friends… James, Remus, Peter… all the girls at school that fancied him…

It was then, that his thoughts were interrupted by a boy's voice. It was Regulus.

"I knew I'd find you here. You're wet."

Sirius didn't bother looking up. "Sod off!"

"You're soaking wet." Regulus continued.

Now Sirius did look up, looking irritated. "I know, and I don't care! Now, piss off!"

"See?! That's your problem! You just won't listen!" Regulus took the risk of sitting on the other swing, next to Sirius who was getting really pissed off, now.

"I don't need you telling me what to do or not, twit!"

Regulus stared at Sirius for a short while. "Who has to do it, then? You won't listen to mom."

Sirius snorted sarcastically. "Hm! That's weird?! Why would that be?! Let me think…Oh! Maybe because she hates me because I'm the only one being placed in a decent house and maybe because she just proclaimed to half the neighbourhood, that I'm no longer her son anymore! And maybe because she's got mental thoughts! Following that selfish, sick-minded freak of a Voldemort! Just like dad! And maybe because she expects me to follow in their filthy tracks! I don't think so! But, hey! They've got you for that, right?!"

"Alright!" Regulus said, a note of insult getting trough very clearly. "I get your point!

Man! You sound like an aggressive bulldog! Everyone knows Slytherin is the best house. And why did she proclaim you're no longer her son anymore?!"

Sirius was getting really pissed off now.

"Slytherin sucks! It's filled with nutcases! Mental ones! Like- Snivellus and you and the rest of this stinking family! And how the hell do I know?!"

He got off the swing now, looking down at Regulus. "I can't help it you're mommy's favourite boy! Oh, and hey, you'll be the only one too, soon!"

It was Regulus who got angry now. Rage was building up inside of him. He got of the swing too, facing his brother. He was still a lot smaller, but his anger didn't stop him and he yelled:

"Us Slytherins are greater than you Gryffindorks will ever be! Mom and dad are right about you! You are a disgrace to our family!"

"GOOD!" Sirius roared, grabbing Regulus' arms and pulling him aside. "Now, FUCK OFF!"

Regulus scowled and pulled himself lose.

"I hate you!" He whispered angrily and he ran back home.