Hey readers!

Time for chapter three… This will be the ending to both The Halloween Dance and A Christmas With You. It might seem like I went too fast, but I'm working hard to end it by Christmas. It probably isn't as good as the rest of my stories, but think about it, I never wrote them in just three days, did I? So I didn't have time to add certain things to it like The Halloween Dance. But in this last update for this story, I'll work my hardest to finish it as best as I can. So thank you for sticking with me through this.

A special thank you to TaiOokamiYoukai for being my first reviewer for Chapter 2!


A Christmas With You

By: Sanci J

Chapter 3: Hard Wood and Mistletoe


He smelled her.

He was walking through his forest, deep in it. Too deep for a human to wander about in. Was his nose betraying him just as his heart had? Was it really her?

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, ignoring the steady fall of the snow. Why was she here? He had told her he would kill her if he saw her again. How had she gotten so far in the forest with her injuries? She should be too weak to move. He didn't smell any blood flowing from her body, just some from earlier.

"How dare she think I won't carry out my threats." He thundered and stalked around trees as the scent of her grew stronger. It warmed him, though he wouldn't admit it.

His breath puffed out white like smoke and he stopped when he saw her. She was smiling under a tree as the flurries of snow came down upon her. Smiling! How could she still look happy after he almost killed her? It irritated him.

Inuyasha watched as a stream of light cascaded over Kagome's body. He blinked. Was he seeing things? It was dark out, so how come he was seeing a light on the human he used to love? He looked up into the silent sky and watched as the snow hit his face. Was someone sending him a sign? His face hardened. It didn't matter. He didn't care about her anymore. All he wanted to do was get rid of her.

"Get out of here wench before I slash you to pieces." He growled.

Kagome jumped up in surprise. She saw him standing and stared warily, watching his every move. "Inuyasha…you found me." She said and a soft smile spread across her face.

'Why is she looking at me like that!' he thought angrily. He cracked his knuckles.

The smile left her face. "Inuyasha…why? Why did you do this to yourself?" she asked and stepped closer.

"Do what?" he snarled. "I like the way I am."

"Your not the way you used to be." She whispered, looking over his changed features. "You hurt me and I know you would never do that. You love m-"

"Don't you dare say it!" he yelled and stood directly above her, his red eyes swirling with a tainted black. He held his pointer finger at the base of her neck threateningly. "I could kill you right now, you know wench."

"I-I know. But, Inuyasha. I didn't betray you like you think I did. The well was sealed after I got back. I mean…how do I know if it wasn't you that sealed it?" she protested. 'I have to make him see that it wasn't my fault.'

He gaped at her. "It wasn't me! I would never do that, and I don't even know how!" he defended.

Yes! She was finally getting somewhere! "So how am I supposed to tell if you ever even loved me back then? Did you only say those things to keep me away from…Hojo and Kouga?"

"No! How can you even say that wench? I never lied. I loved you and you loved me." His blood boiled.

Kagome watched all these emotions come over him. 'It's working! I know he still loves me! I just know it!' Her heart thumped wildly within her chest. Love filled her and she felt so…happy. "And I suppose Kikyou was the one you went to when I never came back?"

"No, I never went to her." He gritted through clenched teeth. He felt his lust for her consume him. "And who did you love after me?"

"No one…" she said quickly. She tried to look guilty. She was so close to bringing back the old Inuyasha.

He smelled her guilt and his eyes flashed. "Would you lie to me?" he hissed and pricked his long nail, drawing a spot of blood from her neck.

She whimpered. "No-No…Inuyasha. I love you and only you!"

He seemed startled. "Damn you…" he muttered and dragged his mouth over hers.

Kagome's eyes bulged at his impatient kiss. He was like a giant above her, his male scent surrounding her like a blanket. She felt a tear cascade down her cheek at his rough kisses. 'He does love me still…' Her arms rested on his shoulders, her eyes closed as she leaned into his kiss. It had been so long since they had kissed.

Inuyasha realized what he was doing and cursed himself. 'What is wrong with me? It was a trick, now she'll think I love her and that I forgive her.' His mind was telling him to take her as his mate, but he refused. No. She didn't deserve it.

He shoved her out of his arms. His eyes gleamed darkly down at her. "I will not fall under your spell woman. I'll kill you first."

Kagome opened her mouth. 'What do I do now? He won't forgive me…' "F-Fine! Try and kill me then!" She couldn't believe what she was saying.

He blinked. Once he recovered, he smirked. "It'd be my pleasure."

'Oh no…What if he tries to hurt me again? I can't just let him.' "Fine, but it won't be easy." She said, though she had no idea how. He could slice her into a million pieces with just one hit. What could she use to fight him?

"Kagome." A voice whispered softly into her left ear.

She listened.

"It's me, Shippou. Sango told me you were here and went looking for Inuyasha so I brought your bow and arrows. Just in case."

She looked around, aware of Inuyasha's gaze on her. "Where are you?"

"On your shoulder…Kagome, your hurt. Did Inuyasha do this?" his squeaky voice asked.

"No. Go back with the others. Okay? And thanks Shippou. After this, I'll spend lots of time with you." She whispered under her breath.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me Kagome. I knew. Because you're my mama." His voice trailed and disappeared.

Kagome's eyes blurred in front of her. Shippou had called her his mama…

"Stop wasting my time wench. Let's get this over with already." Inuyasha said.

She blinked the tears away. She couldn't act like a baby in front of Inuyasha. She had to be strong. Somehow she had to get him to stop fighting her. Emotionally and physically.

Looking next to her, she saw her familiar bow and arrows on the ground. She quickly picked them up, but wasn't nearly quick enough.

Inuyasha flew to her, smirking as he swung his claws across her back.

Kagome knew she had made a mistake when she saw Inuyasha move like the speed of light. Especially when she felt her skin open up on her back.

She fell to the ground, feeling nothing but pain. She couldn't move. She tried, but only squirmed. Her body was in shock from more pain. She dug her fingers in the cold ground wet with snow. 'I have to make him see…he does love me-I know it!' she thought defiantly and screamed as she lifted herself up. She blinked and let her ruined coat fall to the ground just as a grueling wind billowed. She felt like the cold went straight through her battered body.

She stood up, surprised at how dizzy she felt. She stood as still as possible with her bow and an arrow in her hands and aimed at Inuyasha. 'Where can I hit him without enough force to put him to sleep or fatally injure him?' She drew in a deep breath of ice cold air and let her arrow fly.

Kagome watched as it hit Inuyasha right on his elbow and went through the skin.

He howled in pain and grabbed the arrow with his right hand. When he touched it, a blue shiny light surrounded it so he couldn't take it out.

Kagome wanted to see his reaction, but his head was bent with his silver locks covering his red eyes. What was he thinking?

"Do you actually think that puny arrow will knock me down?" he asked with a disgustingly twisted voice. "I can still use my other arm and my legs."

Kagome's breathing picked up as he slowly walked towards her. She reflexively aimed another arrow and let it go with expertise. It hit him directly in one of his legs and blood spurted out.

A crunching sound made her feel sick. It had hit his bone.

He cried out in pain, but still, he kept walking towards her. No, he was limping. But he was still coming as if nothing could stop him but a shot in the heart.

No…she refused to shoot him in the heart. She wouldn't. All she needed was for him to forgive her and tell her that he still loved her. As long as she had him, she didn't care. He was what she wanted for Christmas.

Snow fell harder than before and she squinted to see him better. It was totally dark in the forest, the only sounds being the snow hitting the ground and their breathing.

She readied her bow at him. "Inuyasha…I didn't close the well. Believe me." She demanded and felt angry tears on her cheeks.

"She's right Inuyasha." A cool voice broke in from the darkness.

Inuyasha snarled. "Kikyou."

Kagome lowered her bow. "K-Kikyou… What are you doing here?" she cleared her clouded throat.

Kikyou stepped closer, and Kagome saw that her soul catchers were glowing a grayish color. "I have been watching you both for a long time now."

Inuyasha was still shocked at seeing Kikyou there. "You have been watching me wench?" he seethed. Mostly he was angry that he hadn't noticed she had been so close to him.

Kikyou glared at him. "Don't speak to be in that tone. You may be full-demon, but that doesn't give you the right to degrade me."

Kagome swallowed. "So, Kikyou…how do you know that I wasn't the one who sealed the well?" she asked suspiciously.

Kikyou's cold gray eyes were empty as they stared at Kagome. "Because I was the one who did it."

Kagome gaped.

'Kikyou sealed the well?'

Inuyasha was confused. "Kikyou…you sealed the well? Why?" he shouted.

Kikyou smirked. "Why wouldn't I? You confessed your love to my reincarnation and I was so full of hatred towards you both. You were mine Inuyasha, and then you had to go to her. So I sealed the well and knew exactly how the both of you would react. Inuyasha became hateful and left his sword to succumb to his demonic self. He hated everything because he thought you betrayed him, though you were right, Kagome, you didn't. Kagome would be depressed…and soon enough give up hope of coming back. So she would attempt to move on to her real life. That was what I had planned."

Then she glared at Kagome. "But you attempting to come back so long after wasn't within my thoughts. My spell wore off about a year after you left. I had figured you would be so hurt that you wouldn't go back into the well again. When I saw that you had come back, I followed you without your knowledge or his."

Inuyasha's ears drooped a little bit. "So Kagome didn't betray me?" he asked, stunned.

Kikyou hated answering the same question more than once. "No Inuyasha."

He looked at Kagome, who was currently holding onto the tree with a death grip.

Sweat beaded on her forehead and she was breathing harshly, staring wide-eyed at the ground. Her legs shook like a bowl full of jelly. The pain in her body had flared up, and she could feel it. She wondered if there were nails in her back. As the pain worsened, she felt blood running down underneath her shirt and moaned.

'The pain…why is it hitting me now?' she deliriously wondered. She was so stricken she couldn't pay attention to anything else but the pain on her back. She barely noticed Inuyasha or Kikyou as she collapsed to the ground on her stomach, groaning at the pain.

"What's happening to her?" Inuyasha asked and went to Kagome's side. His gaze wandered over her back. He sniffed.

"She's infected. Her wounds were uncovered too long." Kikyou offered.

"Well, is she going to be okay?" he said sarcastically. He gulped and stared at his love, hating himself. 'Kagome…you never betrayed me and you never left me. Even when I…hurt you, you remained at my side.'

"Since you two still love each other, I will help and be gone." Kikyou said.

"Miroku, what is that?" Shippou asked, pointing at one of Kikyou's soul catchers outside their door.

Both Miroku and Sango saw it and gasped. They immediately stood up, Sango putting Kagome's backpack over her shoulder, and rushed out the door. "Stay here Shippou!" Sango called out over her shoulder. They followed the soul catcher, knowing it would lead them to Kikyou and Kagome.

'How did Kagome get this far in the forest?' Sango thought as they were still running minutes later inside a dark forest. She saw a light up ahead past the soul catcher.

"Were almost there." Miroku gasped next to her.

They ran with the wind and snow hitting them on their faces until they saw Kikyou ahead. She turned then and pierced them with her cool gaze.

Sango gasped when she saw Inuyasha leaning over Kagome, who was lying on the snowy ground. She rushed to them with Kagome's huge yellow backpack. "Inuyasha…"

He looked at her with sad, pained red eyes. "Please…Sango. Help her." He rasped.

Sango stared at him as shocked as ever, but obliged with a nod. She opened the bag with shaking fingers and took out the first aid. She opened it and took out a bottle.

Inuyasha watched Sango carefully take out a cotton ball and put some of the smelly liquid on it. She dabbed it on Kagome's back and Kagome cried out.

"What are you doing?" Inuyasha asked, casting worried glances at Kagome.

"Cleaning the wounds you made." Sango said briskly.

Inuyasha remained quiet, but he held Kagome's freezing cold hand.

After Sango dabbed one of the holes, Kagome screamed a piercing scream that made Inuyasha wince and his ears droop over.

"Kagome…take your mind off of the pain. Can you do that?" Sango asked.

"I-I'll try…" she said and yelped at another dab. 'What can I do to take my mind off of this pain? I want to crawl into a hole and die…'

Inuyasha looked back, and narrowed his eyes when he saw that Kikyou was gone.

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…" Kagome's soft voice sang into the quiet night. "It doesn't show signs of stopping, and I brought some corn for popping; the lights are turned way down low, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…"

Everyone stared at her as if she were crazy, Miroku now assisting Sango with her injuries.

"When we finally say good night, how I'll hate going out in the storm; but if you really hold me tight, all the way home I'll be warm…" Her voice whispered the words with beautiful emotion and Inuyasha couldn't help but watch her. "The fire is slowly dying, and, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing, but as long as you love me so… Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…" she ended and all was silent.

"Sing more." A voice said.

All their heads swung to the left but Kagome's.

It was Rin, and with her Sesshoumaru and Shippou.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, but he knew Sesshoumaru wasn't there to fight.

"Kagome…" Shippou whined and ran to her side.

Kagome smiled with tears in her eyes. "Alright." She cleared her throat and thought quickly. "Have a holly, jolly Christmas; it's the best time of the year. I don't know if there'll be snow, but have a cup of cheer. Have a holly, jolly Christmas; and when you walk down the street say hello to the friends you know and everyone you meet."

Shippou smiled dreamily. Sesshoumaru actually looked bewildered and Inuyasha smirked.

"Oh, ho, the mistletoe hung where you can see; somebody waits for you; kiss him once for me. Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you didn't hear, oh by golly, have a holly, jolly Christmas…this year!" she sang with a grin. It was working. She had forgotten about her back.

"What's Cwistmus Kagome?" Rin asked softly next to Sesshoumaru.

Kagome almost laughed at her mispronunciation. "Christmas is a time of the year when you give your friends and family gifts to show them how much you care."

"Can you sing another one?" Shippou asked with puppy eyes.

"Sure." She gasped when Sango started bandaging her.

"Everything's fine Kagome. Just sing." Miroku said.

"Sleigh bells…ring, are you listening, in the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland. Gone away is a bluebird, here to stay is a new bird. He sings a love song, as we go along, walking in a winter wonderland…" she finished the second stanza.

Sango was still bandaging.

"In the meadow we can build a snowman, then pretend that he is Parson Brown. He'll say: Are you married? We'll say: no man, but you can do the job when you're in town… Later on, we'll conspire, as we dream by the fire… To face unafraid, the plans that we've made, walking in a winter wonderland."

Sango was now finished bandaging. She sat back and she felt Miroku take her hand in his. He smiled at her and she smiled shyly back.

"When it snows, ain't it thrilling, though your nose gets a chilling… We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way…walking in a winter wonderland…walking in a winter wonderland…" Snowflakes landed on Kagome's lashes and she blinked. "Walking in a winter…wonderland!"

"That was very pretty Kagome." Sango replied.

Kagome blushed. "Are you finished?" She reached out and pulled the arrows out of Inuyasha's body. He didn't look at her.

"Yes. Miroku and I will help you back to Kaede's. She has some herbal medicine to take away the pain. Can you make it?" she asked.

"Of course I can." Kagome noticed that Sango didn't say anything about Inuyasha helping her back She bit her lip and felt hands helping her up. "Thank you, but can Inuyasha just take me home? My family is probably very worried about me."

Sango and Miroku shared a look. "If that's alright with him." She hesitantly said.

Inuyasha growled. "Why the hell wouldn't it be alright Sango?" He stood up, cracking his knuckles again and glared at her.

"Well, look at what you did to her? You can't deny it, can you?" she spit out, fire in her eyes.

"Be silent, fools." An even colder voice threatened.

Rin looked up admiringly at Sesshoumaru. He noticed and cleared his throat. "Get over your grudges. I have Inuyasha's sword, so he can become a hanyou once again." He lifted his fluff (?) and they saw Tetsusaiga hooked to him.

Inuyasha stared at his elder brother in shock. 'Sesshoumaru is giving me Tetsusaiga…willingly?'

"Close your mouth Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru said through clenched teeth.

"So…I can decide whether I want to become a half demon again or not?" he said, more so to himself than anyone else. He looked at Kagome guiltily. She stared down at the snow, being supported by Miroku and Sango. If he chose to stay like he was, then he would most likely hurt Kagome…but if he went back to being a hanyou, he could be with her again. The way it was before… "Give me the sword." He said, reaching out.

Sesshoumaru watched him carefully before handing it over.

Inuyasha didn't mind. He knew his brother would think that he would immediately strike at him or Rin. His demonic blood was boiling inside him, wanting him to kill.


He groaned at the smell of Kagome's old blood. "Get back!" he warned and he saw Kagome's eyes widen.

He felt the transformation come and growled. His demonic blood protested, but it wouldn't win. Not against Tetsusaiga.

Kagome stared at Inuyasha with tears in her eyes as he changed back into a half-demon. His marks on his face disappeared and his claws receded back to their original size. The last thing that changed were his eyes. The deep red became a beautiful golden color, one she remembered so vividly. She was so happy she 'ran' straight towards Inuyasha.

He stared at her warily as if wondering what she was going to do.

It only made her love for him blossom. She flew into his arms. "I love you…" she whispered through tears.

His arms tightened protectively about her, but not tight enough to hurt her. He breathed in her scent hungrily. "I love you too." He said under his breath so the others wouldn't hear.

They parted with his hand holding hers. "I'll carry her back." He said.

Miroku grinned pervertedly and Sango smacked him. "She needs to take the medicine first."

"Okay, but then I have to go back." Kagome said and Inuyasha picked her up bridal-style. She turned to Sesshoumaru and Rin. "Thank you Sesshoumaru for bringing Tetsusaiga."

He didn't reply.

She smiled and looked down at Rin. "Merry Christmas Rin." She said warmly.

"Merry Chwistmus to you too Kagome." She said shyly.

They parted there and Inuyasha silently wondered what had compelled Sesshoumaru to come to them. Maybe Sesshoumaru was an old softy underneath all the layers. He chuckled softly. Yeah right.

"Thanks for the medicine Kaede. Merry Christmas guys!" Kagome called out as they finally left the hut the next day. Shippou had clung to her like white on rice, not wanting the well to close up again. She promised she would come back with presents and that had sated him.

Sango had talked her into changing out of her bloody and dirty clothes into a kimono. Her mom would freak out if she saw Kagome like that.

Now Kagome relished the feeling of Inuyasha's arms around her as they went through the well. She had gone over a year thinking she would never see him again, and now he was here, with her. She was in his arms once again. She smiled and tightened her arms around his neck, pressing her cheek against his muscular chest.

Inuyasha jumped out of the well, also happy to have his love in his arms again. Now they were back to normal. He wasn't a youkai anymore. She was back with him, and they both knew they would never betray each other. He stepped through the inches of white snow and jumped up to her window. It was open. "Kagome…why did you leave your window open? Your room is probably cold as ice." He set her down on her pink bed.

She smiled. "I think I was just always hoping you would come back."

"Now I am." He said and sat next to her.

"Yeah… Hold on a minute. I need to talk to mom. Stay here." She saw his face tighten and touched his cheek lovingly. "I won't leave you."

"Go and be fast." He said.

Miroku grinned wickedly as he walked outside the hut to where Sango sat on a log. He sat down next to her with his hand behind his back.

She didn't look at him. "What is it, Miroku?" she asked sadly.

His mood dampened. "Nothing…I just wanted to give you something." 'What is she thinking about?'

That was when she looked at him. "You-You got me a gift?"

He nodded with a serious look on his face. "It's not much though."

She didn't answer.

"Don't you want it?" he asked.

"Of course. I have a gift for you too."

"You do?" he asked with surprise.

She blushed.

"Well, here's mine." He brought his hand out from behind his back.

She stared at it and then at him. "Is this a joke?"

"No. It's a piece of wood. A hard piece." He gave it to her.

"Well, what am I supposed to do with it?" she asked, bewildered.

"If I step out of line then you can hit me with that." He said.

"Miroku…" she trailed off.

"So, where's your gift?" he asked.

She blushed again. "Close your eyes."

He did.

She took a deep breath. 'Here I go…' She leaned close to him and met her lips with his.

He froze for a minute before kissing her back slowly. He weaved his arms around her. Once they broke apart, she was beat red blushing and he was feeling awkward.

"Maybe you don't need that wood." He murmured.

She smacked him on the head in embarrassment.

"Sorry." He looked into her eyes. "You know…I love you Sango." He said, his eyes not leaving hers for an instant.

She blinked. "Oh Miroku…" Sango wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I love you too." She whispered into his ear.

He pulled her back into another kiss, this one mind consuming.

"Marry me Sango." He gasped with his arms around her waist.

"Ye-" she started to reply until she felt his lowered hand on the wrong spot. "Pervert!" she yelled and stalked away.

"Sango dearest, wait!" Miroku called out.

She rolled her eyes. "Some things just never change."

When Kagome came back into her room she closed the door behind her.

"Is your mother mad at me?" Inuyasha asked.

"Nope. She was happy." Kagome hummed another Christmas song with a grin on her face. She plopped down next to him on the bed and held out her hand.

"What is that?" Inuyasha asked, pointing at the plant.

"It's mistletoe." She giggled.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

She lifted it over his head.

"Hey, what are you-"

Her mouth replaced his words and he pulled her to him in surprise. Oh…but a good surprise.

She pulled away. "That's what mistletoe is for."

"Well…in that case…" he grinned devilishly. He grabbed it from her and stuck it back over her head.

She laughed as he bent towards her.

His lips captured hers in a breath-taking kiss. Kagome's eyes widened and she smiled against his lips. She knocked him down on her bed and kept kissing him heatedly. They had never had such a meaningful kiss that shocked them both to the core, and neither one of them wanted it to end. Soon, though, they had to break away for air, in which she collapsed next to him closing her eyes. "I love you." She said with a yawn.

He kissed her one more time gently as her eyes closed. "I love you too Kagome. Merry Christmas."


Awww…now, wasn't that cute? Hope you guys like what I did in this chapter as it is the ending of this story. It took me all day on Christmas Eve to write it…I'm worn out…

TaiOokamiYoukai: I hope me putting Sesshoumaru in it made you happy. Probably, since he's your favorite…(duh). Naraku is hiding out still. He knows he wouldn't win against all of the full-blooded demons and Inuyasha….since Inu was a full-demon. Sesshoumaru came with his sword, which I thought would make Sesshoumaru a little softer. Like he respected his brother. I'll be sure to e-mail you asap…thanks for reading!

Overobsessy: Thanks for the help. I changed the genre to also horror because of the gore… Thanks!

Thanks to all my reviewers for this sequel: I-wish-I-was-kagome, schoolqueen, VampireGoddessAmaya, Inuyasha's-girl-Kyome, MoonGirl19, Liizziioo, gossa, Shamanic Destiny, IamSupergirl, Inu's1fan, SurfinDiva15

Thank you guys so much for reading this story. I worked real hard, so I hope you like the finish. Just so you know, I won't be doing any more add-ons to this or The Halloween Dance. This is where the line ends, and it was a fun ride.

If you're reading The Captured Princess, the next chapter will come out sometime next week before my birthday. If you want to know when that is, check my bio. ;)

So I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be sure to leave a review!
