Hey, for all of you who don't know, this story is the sequel to The Halloween Dance. So make sure you read that one first otherwise you might be confused. Sorry about the late update. I just finished finals last week, so now I'm back.

Thanks for reading. I'll try to have the next chapter up soon.


A Christmas With You

By: Sanci J

Chapter 1: Am I really back?


"Bye Kagome! See you after break!" Eri called as she got into her mom's car.

"Bye! Have fun!" Kagome smiled and watched her friend disappear down the street. She looked around at all the familiar faces leaving school for the holiday and sighed, a puff of white air blowing from her warm mouth. A gust of cold air hit her and she huddled away from the cold. It was almost Christmas, and yet it still hadn't snowed. She was disappointed. Kagome liked the snow. But only at Christmas. Otherwise she could live without it. That and the freezing weather.

She put her cold hands in her coat and hurriedly walked down the street towards her shrine. It was almost Christmas and she knew her mom would be baking cookies when she got home. Kagome looked at her surroundings: the bare trees, Christmas lights hanging on houses, and frost bitten grass. They all reminded her of Christmas. Her last Christmas. Something that made her bite her lip to keep from getting emotional about.

It was because of him.

She couldn't see him for Christmas; no, she had found out she couldn't see him ever again. She had to stop thinking about him…but was it working?

Up until now, it was.

A year had passed, and yet she still felt like it had all happened yesterday. A year had passed since she had been in the Feudal era. A year passed without seeing Inuyasha or her friends. She still didn't know why or what had happened.

Kagome remembered that fateful day so vividly.

After she had fallen asleep on Inuyasha Halloween night, she had dreamed. Not a good dream, but a nightmare.

Kagome was playing with her brother when the sky darkened black. She gasped and grabbed her brother's hand, but he disappeared. She looked around frantically. "Souta! Souta, where are you? I'm not playing, come here! We have to go inside!" She ran into the house and slammed the door shut. "Souta, are you here? Mom? Gramps?" she said in a shrill voice.

A piercing scream broke into the quiet and Kagome thudded up the stairs. "Mom? Mom!" A fog layer upon layer blocked her sight. "Mom? Where are you?" She squinted and swung her arms through the black fog and into her mother's room. "Mom?"

Her mom lay upside-down on her queen mattress.

Kagome fell onto the bed gasping with tears. She reached for her mom and turned her over on her back. "Mom?"

Kagome looked down and knew.

Her mom was dead.

"No! Mom, no!" Kagome started shaking in fear and shock. 'Gramps! Souta!' She ran from the room and screamed when she saw her grandfather crawling on the floor.

He looked up at her with accusing eyes. "I told you. I told you."

"G-Gramps…what are you saying?" she cried. "Who did this?"

"I told you Kagome." He sputtered and collapsed, dead.

"Gramps!" Kagome screamed, tears streaming down her face. "Why? Why!"

"You don't belong." A voice rasped.

Kagome turned around and saw a big dark cloud in front of her. "Who-who are you? Why have you done this? Where is Souta?"

Her brother appeared in the middle of the cloud. "Kagome…help me!"

"Souta!" Kagome said and reached out. "Come here Souta."

"Don't be stupid girl. He can't come. He isn't your brother anymore. See?" The cloud encircled Souta's neck and he whimpered. "Crack goes the neck," the evil voice said and broke Souta's neck.

Kagome stared with red-rimmed eyes in shock. "No…no. He's not dead No!" she wailed.

Kagome gasped as she woke. She felt Inuyasha's arms around her and sighed. 'It was just a dream. It wasn't real.' But her mind wondered if it was. What if Naraku got through the well? She closed her eyes and rested against her love, but the dream wouldn't get out of her mind. 'I won't be able to sleep until I know they are alright.' She thought and quietly departed from Inuyasha's warmth.

She quickly stepped down the tree. This wasn't something big enough to have to wake Inuyasha. He needed his sleep. Anyways, she would be back soon, so it wouldn't matter. She raced to the well, neglecting her backpack beneath the tree, and lifted her foot to get in.

"Don't leave me." A voice pleaded and she felt a grip on her wrist.

She squeezed her eyes closed and smiled. "I woke you up anyways, huh?"

"Where are you going?" he asked, his hair rumpled up while blinking the sleep out of his golden eyes.

"To check on something." She said, looking into his eyes.

He tugged her into his arms. "Can't it wait for tomorrow?"

Kagome buried her head contentedly into his warm neck. "No." she breathed.

"I'll come with then." She heard him say.

"No." she blurted out and stepped away.

He looked at her curiously.

"Uh-it's personal… You just wait right here for me, okay? It'll only take, like two minutes."

He looked at the ground.

Kagome blushed. He didn't want her away from him. "Inuyasha, I love you. I'll be back as fast as possible. Don't worry." She hugged him.

"Then why does it feel like good-bye?" he replied softly.

"Inuyasha." Kagome swatted his nose. "If for some reason I can't get back, then you can come and get me, okay?"

He kissed her gently before letting her get into the well. "Be fast."

"Of course." She laughed as she changed times.

That was the last time she had seen Inuyasha. She had wondered what he was doing. Was he waiting for her? Or did he move on with Kikyou or someone else? He never had told her whom he had chosen. She had just assumed it was she and not Kikyou after his pledge of love. But, oh, how she wished she could see him again. Even for a moment's time. She missed him so much. Even after a year her love for him was there.

Kagome opened her front door to warm air and the smell of cookies. She smiled. "I'm home, mom!"

Mrs. Higurashi bustled to the front door in her family apron. "Hi honey. How was the last day of school?"

"Great." Kagome gave her mom her winter coat and walked into the kitchen. "Are the cookies finished?"

"What for? So you can eat them all before Souta or Grandpa can have some?" her mom teased. She knew her daughter was still hurting over Inuyasha after a year so she tried to take Kagome's mind off of him for a while.

"Right mom. Right." Kagome half-smiled. "So where is Souta?"

Mrs. Higurashi took her coat out of the closet and put it on. "At a friend's house. I'm going to pick him up now. Don't eat too many cookies while I'm gone." She winked before closing the door behind her.

Kagome smirked and took the red cookie, but it faded when it reminded her of Inuyasha. She bit into it sadly. 'Why can't I forget? I can never go back. The shards don't work anymore. I need to…move on.' The warm cookie softened on her tongue as she chewed.

Maybe…Maybe if she tried one more time, it might work. Maybe it was only temporary. Then she could see her friends. Miroku, Sango, and Shippou. She would also be able to see Inuyasha. 'Inuyasha…I still love you.' She thought softly as a tear ran down her cheek.

Her mind kept telling her to try one more time.

"It won't work. I'll just get my hopes up again." She said in despair.

Please…try again, the voice reprimanded.

"But I don't want to. It's too hard." She whispered to no one. The urge to just go get the jewel in her closet and jump in the well was overwhelming. She wanted to. But how could she try when she knew she wouldn't see the purple light. 'I'll do anything to go back…'

Kagome ran up the stairs with her school shoes pounding against the floor. She went straight to her closet and opened it. She immediately set her eyes on a small box and opened it. She sighed when she saw the sparkle of the shards and put the necklace on her. 'It's been almost a year since I touched the shards. They feel warm on my neck. Almost as if I just took them off.' She ran down the stairs hurriedly and flung her coat on along with her green scarf before running outside to the well. A place she hadn't visited for a long time.

Her family understood her anxiety about the well and had never asked her to go into it. After trying for days to go back to the Feudal era, she had tearfully given up, vowing to forget.

But she couldn't.

No, she could never forget.

She gasped when she saw the well. There were wooden boards shut with sutras covering it along with cobwebs. Kagome harrumphed. 'Gramps was trying to protect me. Little does he know that his sutras wouldn't work anyways.' Kagome made a face as she pushed through the many gray spider webs. She secretly hoped a demon would pop out so she could get back. Yeah, right. If Inuyasha couldn't get through than no one else would be able to.

Kagome touched the dusty wooden covers and pushed them off, coughing at the dust. 'This is nasty. I figured gramps would have still gone in here." She paled when she looked down the well.

It was dark.

What could be down there?

"Here I go." She sighed before dropping in there, slowly. Just in case she hit the bottom of the well, she wouldn't be as hurt as the last times she had tried and hurt herself.

She hit the ground with a soft thunk, groaning when her face met dirt. 'I knew. I knew it was stupid. I'm so pathetic…' She sniffed and brushed the dirt off her face. Wait…dirt? Kagome didn't remember any dirt at the bottom of her well.

She looked up to see clouds rolling in the sky. She gasped. Clouds? She jumped up and climbed out of the well. 'Am I dreaming? Am I really back? Am I in the Feudal era?' Tears crawled down her face in joy and disbelief.

"Inuyasha…I have to see Inuyasha." She choked and walked quickly to Kaede's village. A cold wind blew and she couldn't help but shiver. The sky was blackening…blackening in a scary way. What was happening?

She hurried faster and stopped when she saw the village. "N-No…" she whispered in shock. The village looked like a tornado had struck. She didn't see a single soul walking though the streets. Where was everyone? She walked slowly, trying to digest all that she was seeing with her coat tightening around her. 'What happened?'

Kagome went to Kaede's hut and opened the door with an eerie creaking sound. "Kaede?" she called inside.

"Aye, Itomi? I would like some rest before we fight so that I can regenerate these weak old bones." A scratchy voice pleaded.

Kagome's face saddened. 'Oh…Kaede…' "It's not Itomi. It's…Kagome." She said and stepped into the hut.

"Itomi! Stop it now! I don't like being bothered. I'm an old woman who deserves peace and quiet."

Kagome wiped her tears away and sniffed. "Kaede, it's Kagome. Believe me." Kagome watched Kaede gasp when she saw her.

"Kagome…is it really ye my dear?" Kaede asked, holding a thin hand over her heart.

"Yes, it's really me." Kagome's eyes watered up and she flew into Kaede's arms. 'Kaede…she has gotten so weary. Her skin is like sandpaper and she lost a lot of weight.'

"Kagome, where have ye been?" Kaede asked when she let go.

"I went home the last time I was here…and I couldn't get back through the well until now. The jewel didn't work. I don't know what happened…" Kagome said, looking at the floor. "I was stuck, and I waited for Inuyasha to-to come and g-get me…but-he never came." She cried.

Kaede looked at Kagome sadly. "He tried, Kagome. Inuyasha stayed at the Bone Eaters well for weeks trying to get through but to no avail. He was torn apart…" Kaede's voice broke.

"Where is he now?" Kagome asked, filled with hope. 'I need to find him. I've got to. I missed him so much…'

"I don't know. Kagome, please, whatever ye do. Do not go after him. He isn't himself anymore…" Kaede grabbed for Kagome's hand.

"What do you mean Kaede? Please don't tell me…" Kagome asked shakily, holding back tears.

"Miroku told me that Inuyasha transformed…into his demon form. For good." Kaede said and her vision blurred. "He gave up hope."

Kagome felt hot tears flowing down her face and didn't stop them. 'Inuyasha!' "How long has he been full-demon?"

"A little over a year, I presume."

Kagome broke out into tears, crumpling onto Kaede. "Kaede…he-he'll never f-forgive me now. He hates me…he hates me… I never came back to him, and I promised. I promised!" she cried. How could she find Inuyasha now? What if he was a cold-blood killer now? He wouldn't harm her, would he?

Footsteps entered the hut. "Lady Kaede, I heard that more demons are headed this way. We must get all the people out of here as soon as possible."

"The skies are darkening as we speak." Another voice said.

Kagome recognized the voices and her eyes widened. She turned towards them. "Miroku, Sango!" she said.

The two gaped when they saw her. Miroku grabbed her and swung her around the room with a grin on his face. "Kagome. I can't believe you're back!"

Sango stared and started to cry. "Kagome?" She received a nod and they hugged tightly. "Where have you been? We missed you so much."

Kagome was a bit surprised on how emotional Sango was being. Maybe it was the bags under her eyes or just that she looked like she had been in a brutal battle and lost. Oh Sango…"What do you mean, what happened to me? What happened here? Where's Shippou?"

"He-he's…with the other hurt children. He's still so confused. Wondering where you are, where Inuyasha is, and why the other demons are attacking the humans."

"Oh, Shippou." Kagome moaned. "I have to see him soon."

Sango glanced at Miroku, who frowned. "And the answer to your other question, were battling against the demons Kagome."

"Why? I thought things were going fine when I left. What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"Sure, they were then before Inuyasha turned full-demon. Ever since then, things have been chaotic. Demons have severed any ties with humans. Now it's war." Miroku said.

Kagome felt sick. "And this was because I left and couldn't come back?"

There wasn't any answer.

Kagome walked to the door. "Wait for me…I have to find Inuyasha."

Miroku grabbed her arm. "Don't, Kagome. He won't spare you, and neither will any of the other demons. If you would have seen him when you didn't come back, then you wouldn't go. He'll kill you as if it were nothing."

Kagome looked stricken. "Don't say that. He won't kill me. He loves me. Remember? He told me."

"Kagome, that was a year ago. He's different now." He said.

Kagome looked at Sango. "You think the same thing as these two?"

Sango's eyes pleaded with hers. "Kagome, it's for the best. Don't go…at least until the war dies down some."

Kagome stomped out of the door sniffling and ran towards the Goshimboku. "Kagome!" she heard both Sango and Miroku yell, but she kept running. 'I have to find Inuyasha now. I won't believe he's a killer until I see him. I love him so much…please, I hope he won't hurt me.' She choked on her loud tears when she saw the tree, which was bare and looking like it was dying. She sat down in front of it, remembering when Inuyasha held her in this tree.

She felt overly vulnerable in his haori, his arms, and with her confession in the open. But she was drawn to Inuyasha's eyes. The gold looked liquidy, mesmerizing.




She directed her gaze, but in confusion. "Treat, of course."

He touched her cheek. "…I love you too." He said, and a squeal rang out. He knew Miroku, Sango, and Shippou were watching it all.

Kagome threw herself into his arms. This was the happiest day of her life! "Oh, Inuyasha! Is it true?"

"Yes Kagome." He smiled down at her.

Yes, smiled.

"Say it again." She whispered against his cheek.

"I love you." He breathed into her ear.

'Oh Inuyasha…can you still love me?' she thought, closing her red-rimmed eyes. 'I didn't leave you…I never left you.'

Leaves crunched behind her.

"I knew I smelled the stench of a human." A male growled.

Kagome's eyes popped open once again and she stood up.

The red haori was familiar.

The man had silver hair with doggy ears, but he had marks on his face she didn't recognize.

A swell rose up within her chest. "Inuyasha!" she cried and her legs wobbled.


Yeah…finished with the first chappie to my sequel. I'm so sorry about the huge gap. So many things happened to me and I got held up until now. But I'm still late…

Thanks for reading. Please review like you did for The Halloween Dance, this story's sequel. Thanks for all the reviews for The Halloween Dance. I was so surprised!
