IT'S THE SEQUEL!!!! It really didn't take me that long to plan out…I'm not sure exactly how it'll go, but hey, IT'S THE SEQUEL!! Enjoy!! It'll probably turn to Rated R after several chapters…and I still need to redo the first Chapter of Dakishimete. Anywaaay…

Nightmare Aura – The Sequel to Dakishimete

Chapter One: Repeated Dreams

Kei sat Indian style in the soft rocking chair adjacent to his and Sho's bed. His pluffy blonde hair was only a few inches longer; he had been getting it cut at Sho's request. His brown eyes were tired, worn out, and bloodshot. It had been four months since they had made up with each other and vowed never to leave each other's side, and the nightmares were getting worse.

For at that moment in their bed, Sho was thrashing about, mumbling in his sleep, kicking the white covers off of him, only his bare torso was visible over the white sheets. It kept Kei up at night for the first few weeks, but after that, he couldn't take the tossing and turning. Although, being a vampire, he didn't need sleep, but it was nice just to lay down in a warm bed with the person he loved after a hard night's work…

Work. Work alone had caused the first fission in their relationship, by Kei hospitalizing Sho. And soon after Kei had blown up at Sho, leaving for a few days, but soon after making up again, vowing that neither would leave the other…

Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss
Another flashing chance at bliss

So they decided to change Kei's room into a guest bedroom, moving Kei's thousands of wardrobes into Sho's bedroom (which was much larger than Kei's old bedroom) and shared the new bed Sho had bought after Kei had left. Their dressers were next to each other, on the wall adjacent to the window. The bed stayed where it had and in the empty corner, they had bought several fluffy large pillows where they could lounge around. The rocking chair had been next to the large walk-in closet, but since the nightmares had been reoccurring every night, Kei had stationed himself in the rocking chair, moving it next to the bed.

Kei snapped himself out of his daze as Sho's eyes snapped open, a silent sob escaping his lips. Quickly, Kei slid over on top of the covers and touched the top of Sho's head. "Sho?" Kei said, looking deep into the man's crystal blue eyes. They were bloodshot and not as playful as they had been four months ago. Sho whimpered slightly, staring back into Kei's eyes. As Kei leaned down and scooped Sho into his embrace, he plainly asked, "Which one was it this time?"

Sho didn't answer right away. Kei didn't blame him…the first nightmare Sho had told him about was something you'd never want to relive or think about ever again. Kei could only remember bits of it now but it was something about himself drowning and no matter how much Sho tried to save him, he couldn't reach, and ended up watching him die.

"It was…a new one—" Sho whimpered, pressing his head into Kei's bare chest. Kei could feel the man's tears falling onto his chest, but he didn't mind it. "You—you were trying to—to save me—something was shooting at me—but—but you stepped into—sunlight—and couldn't move—and we—we both—……we both—" He looked up into Kei's comforting eyes, which held the slightest trace of tears forming. "Oh Kei—!" He cried as tears splashed down his face.

Another kiss, another kiss
The days are bright and filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain

Kei slowly shifted Sho's body upward so Sho could place his head in the crook of his neck, and Sho obeyed, cuddling up, still crying. This was somewhat comforting to Kei—he was so used to it by now. But he was worried that the nightmares would soon become worse and never-ending. He didn't want Sho to be tortured by his thoughts like he had been four months ago.

"Sho-chan," Kei muttered into Sho's hair. Sho looked up, still not used to Kei calling him 'Sho-chan'. "We need to stop this—and soon. We can't even sleep together for god's sake!"

"I know," Sho managed to reply, trying to rub away the tears but it was useless. Kei leaned down and kissed the man's cheek.

The time you ran was too insane
We'll meet again, we'll meet again

"I know you know, but that's not doing any good," Kei replied, hugging the man tighter. "You flinch any time I touch you—you even back away when I try to come near you! Hell, you can hardly even look at me anymore! Sho-chan—it's like you don't—"

"—Want my dreams to come true." Sho finished sadly. "I don't want you to die in front of my eyes!"

"But I can't die!!" Kei snapped back, anger flaring up in him—anger that he had vowed for the past four months would never come up again.

"You—you can't?" Sho asked, his eyes widening. He looked up at Kei. Kei realized that Sho was still half-asleep and didn't even know what he was talking about.

Oh tell me where your freedom lies
The streets are fields that never die

"Sho—wake up," he said, leaning down and, brushing his lips past Sho's, lifted the thin man onto the pillows so he could lean against the backboard of the bed, able to sit up. Sho obeyed quickly, grasping Kei's right shoulder for support, not letting go of it even after he had settled onto the pillows. "Look at me." It wasn't a suggestion, it was a command and Sho obeyed.

As he looked at Kei, he realized what great distress the vampire was going through. His brown eyes were bloodshot and a bit hazy; his hair was falling in fluffy clumps, not like his usual hair. Sho looked down as well, noticing how incredible thin and pale Kei was becoming. "Kei…when was the last time you—"

Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly

"It's not that!" Kei interrupted, not caring to go into details about his ever-growing need for blood. "I haven't had a good night's rest in three and a half months because of your nightmares!!"

"God, Kei—I'm sorry…its just…I can't control it—" Sho whimpered sincerely.

"It's alright, Sho," Kei replied, sighing. He turned to face Sho. "I know you can't do anything about it. It's alright, we'll manage in the meantime."

"Why don't you sleep on the couch?"

"That thing kills my back!!" Kei replied.

"The pillows over there in the corner?"

"It's waaay to drafty down there."

"You have a problem with everything—"

"And you have an obsession with your pants—" Kei said, smiling. "—and that trench coat."

The crystal ship is being filled
A thousand thrills, a thousand thrills

"HEY. DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY TRENCH COAT!!" Sho said, beginning to wake up a bit more. Kei laughed.

"Oh Sho…you've changed so much in the past four months." Kei leaned over and wrapped his arms around Sho's abdomen.

"How so?" Sho asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"I dunno…just in the way you do things—"

"Like yo—?"

"Shut it," Kei said, cutting him off. "I mean in the way you act…you've matured greatly."

A million ways to spend your time

"It's all because of you," Sho said, raising his arm up to stroke Kei's cheek. "You've taught me so much."

"Yeah right…" Kei mumbled, looking up to conceal his reddening cheeks.

"But it's truuuuuue!!" Sho taunted, leaning upward, kissing Kei pleasingly. When it was over, Kei sighed.

"That doesn't solve our problems…" he mumbled, letting go of Sho. "But the other problem is—we need to find someone who will help us by night…otherwise I'm useless…" He glanced at Sho's glowing wristwatch. "And it looks as though our hunt shall begin…"

"But it's only 6:00 p.m.!!" Sho said, stretching.

"Perfect time…" Kei muttered, walking out of the room to get in the shower…

When we get back, I'll drop a line...

Yes, this is during the day…all of the blinds are just shut so Kei can stay and comfort Sho…

And yes, Kei does have thousands of wardrobes…just watch the movie…every single scene he has something different on…really.

Hope you like it…I wanted to wait a bit, but it's an early Christmas gift to you all!! Merry Christmas!!! Lyrics are Crystal Ship by the Doors…not one of my favorite songs…I won't be home at all tomorrow, but I'm bringing a notebook with me (we're celebrating Christmas with the family…my mom's parents…) so I can work on it…