Hey people, as it's Christmas DrKerryWeaver and myself have decided to join forces to bring you a little Christmas fic! This is set during season 3... After Monica and Richard broke up but whilst Ross and Rachel are still together.

So…Let the fun begin!!

Lonely This Christmas

Chandler sighed as he watched the flames dancing in the fire. Rachel had convinced them all to go to her parents' cabin and spend Christmas there, just the 6 of them. He looked across and out of the window, watching this friends. Joey and Phoebe were building a snowman while Ross and Rachel was messing in the snow, pausing occasionally to kiss and hug.

He looked back at the fire, all he wanted to do was go home, pull on his sweats and forget all about Christmas. It was only 2 weeks ago he broken up with his girlfriend, Anna. They had been together for 6 months and Chandler thought everything was great until he found out she had been cheating on him for 5 of those months with her Ex-boyfriend.

Monica usually loved the holidays but this year she was alone, so she wasn't in the Christmas mood either. She was stood in the kitchen making some hot coco when she noticed Chandler sat alone by the fire. She filled two cups up and put some marshmallows on top before going in and joining him.

"Hey, Hot Coco?" She offered him a cup.

"Thanks." He said quietly, giving her a small smile as he took one before turning back to the fire.

Monica took a seat next to him and glanced out at the window to see her friends playing in the snow.

"At least they're having fun." She mumbled taking a sip of her drink.

"Yeah…" Chandler agreed. "Why aren't you out there? I thought you loved Christmas. "

"I normally do but this year…" She started, sighing loudly. "I'm just not in the holiday mood."

"Is everything okay?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah….No! My life sucks, Chandler!" She whined. "I work at a restaurant where everyone hates me, my Mom constantly reminds me I'm not getting any younger, I haven't really had a boyfriend since Richard and its Christmas time and I have no one!! I'm such a loser!!"

"Yeah? Well we'll be losers together, then…" Chandler told her. "Christmas is so over-rated."

"Alright we'll have an anti-Christmas celebration," she said. She glanced out the window she saw her brother and Rachel kissing as the snow fell around them. It was so romantic she wished she had someone to kiss in the snow. She turned away from the window and looked at Chandler. She sighed softly looking down at the coco swirling in her cup.

"I think there should be an anti celebration for every holiday…" Chandler muttered, his eyes transfixed on the fire. "None of them make any sense."

Monica hadn't heard what Chandler had said; she was busy staring at the mistletoe that hung above him. She was trying to decide if she should kiss him or not. She looked at him he looked so cute in the light of the fire. She decided she was going to do it. She set her cup down and leaned in kissing him gently on the lips.

"Mistletoe" she whispered pointing at it when she noticed the questionable expression on his face.

Chandler stared at her shocked for a moment before slowly looking up to where she was pointing and then back down at her.

"I thought we weren't celebrating Christmas?" Was the only thing he could mutter in reply.

"I know…I just saw the mistletoe and just…well sorry…" She whispered, blushing slightly.

Chandler gave a single nod and looked back down into his cup, still stunned slightly.

"I umm, I'm going to go for...ummm for a...ummm I'm going to take a nap.." He stuttered, standing quickly. "Cya later."

Monica just nodded watching him go to the bedroom.

"Way to go Monica…" she mumbled to herself. "He just broke up with his girlfriend and you kiss him!! Stupid Christmas!" she groaned.