A/N: don't know what a chibi is; check it out from my profile page. Small people, big emotions. Chibi's are srhunk and cutified forms of their counter parts Take um, Jack Sparrow, shrink him down to thumb size, chubby him up a tiny bit, colour hom brightly and add huge eyes. Poof! You have a chibi.

Christmas time with the Chibi phantom of the Opera.

It was Christmas time at the Opera House. The whole chibified cast was eagerly putting up sparkly decorations. Chibi Raoul was high up on a little chibi ladder with chibi Christine attempting to hold him steady as he hung glittering stars upon the curtains.

The chibified directors, Andre and Firmin, were happily playing with glossy tinsel. While chibi Carlotta was throwing a chibi fit over how she should get to put the sparkly star onto of the chibi Christmas tree, since she was the most important chibi present.

Then from the left wing, a chibified Meg appeared, with a light tan from her vacation away in chibified Hawaii. Upon seeing her little chibi companion, chibi Christine let out a high pitched squeal and abandoned the ladder. She quickly launched herself upon Meg and talked her to the floor in a tight chibi embrace.

'Meggy!' she chimed happily. 'Your back!' In the background chibi Raoul came plummeting to the floor, waving his chibi arms manically, and ladder falling on top of him.

Suddenly in a mix of chibi jolliness the chibi theatre was suddenly filled with manic chibi laughter. All the chibi's cowered and ran around in small circles of panic unsure what to do. Chibi Andre attempted hiding in the box of decorations.

Suddenly the chibified Erik glided onto the stage, almost loosing his balance. Teetering for a moment he quickly regained his balance. Now Erik was the cutest chibi of them all. I mean seriously this guy was cute as!

'I am the Phantom! Fear me if you dare!' he squealed with delight, quickly removing his sword he slashed a 'P' into Carlotta's dress, who screamed in chibi out rage.

Continuing to wave his little plastic chibi sword he accidentally sliced through a rope, causing a sand bag to drop from the rafters and come crashing down upon chibi Raoul's head, who fell to the floor in a chibi heap.

'Raoully!' chibi Christine cried in a high pitched tone. She went quickly to his side and attempted to bring chibi Raoul back to consciousness with little chibi kisses to make him feel better.

Chibi Andre poked his head from the box, tinsel entwined in his chibi hair. 'W-w-w-what do you want?' he stuttered meekly.

Erik puffed up his little chibi and then said proudly. 'I wish to put the star upon the tree, if my demands are not meet.' The chibi phantom attempted a sinister glare, but it turned out too cute for words and the authoresses head exploded at how adorable he looked. 'Then I shall cancel Christmas!'

All the other chibi's gasp in unison, chibi Firmin burst into a flood of chibi tears. Chibi Erik continued to laugh in a high pitched tone as he began to step backwards.

'Now I take my leave good chibi sirs,' pulling a lever dramatically a trap door under chibi Raoul flew open causing the chibi to go plummeting into the hole.

'AIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiii…..' he shrieked.

'Oh, wrong lever…' chibi Erik blushed and pulled the correct one which made him soar up into the chibified rafters, although the rope pulling him up was clearly visible.

'Christmas? Cancelled?' Chibi Meg's eyes went huge with chibified fear and her bottom lip began to wobble.

'My chibi companions,' chibi Firmin chimed sadly. 'We have no choice…the chibi Phantom is to place the star upon the tree…'

All were silent with chibi terror and sorrow, when a small chibi voice of Raoul came from the trap door. 'Ouchie….'

Chibi Count so far: 52