Disclaimer: I don't own Hogwarts, the characters or anything. JK Rowling owns this all. But the rest of the characters and the plot line are mine and I would appreciate it if you would leave it be. I know that Lucius Malfoy isn't even close to the same year as everyone else, but in my story he is. Besides, he is only in this part. I also would appreciate it any comments you have on my writing.

Chapter 1

It was a normal day. Gryffindor had double potions with Slytherin. The Marauders were sulking in the back corner, to say the least. Their potions professor had come down with a bad case of muggle whooping cough so they had a sub. Some teacher no one had ever seen before and usually when you are a seventh year, you have seen everyone.

There were a few students who weren't trying to make the sub's life hell. Of course one of them was Lily Evans. She was carefully stirring her potion as she helped the other students around her. Her potion was a nice cobalt blue color when the boy next to her had a lavender potion.

A select few Slytherins were making a different potion though. Severus Snape stirred a hot pink potion as he read from a thick, dusty book. "Lucius," He drawled to the blonde beside him. "Add the unicorn hair." Lucius Malfoy plucked a small silver hair from a bottle and dropped it into the cauldron. "It is almost finished." Severus said in a low voice. "We need to bring it to a boil, and then our concoction will be finished." He said, turning the heat up.

Meanwhile, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were sitting in the opposite side of the room as Severus. "I wonder what he is making." Remus asked, studying Lucius and Snape. "I don't recall reading about a pink potion before." He said to James and Sirius. "Who cares what they're doing?" Sirius asked in a disgusted tone. "I can't believe Evans is such a teacher's pet." He said, giving James a smirk. "Hardy har har, Black. You are so funny." James replied in a sarcastic tone. James looked over to where Lily was. She had uncapped a juice bottle and was drinking out of it before going back to her potion again.

"Should we get out of here?" James asked, tired of being in class. "Yea." Sirius said, standing up. He gathered all his stuff and shoved it into his bag. James did the same and they started walking towards the door. "Remus? Peter? Are you guys coming?" James asked, turning around when he realized they weren't following. Peter eagerly gathered his stuff and ran to where James and Sirius stood. "Moony?" Sirius asked, wondering why it was taking him so long. Remus gave Severus one last gaze before gathering his stuff too. "I suppose a break would be nice." Remus slowly walked to where the other three were, not taking his eyes off Severus. "I still think he is up to no good." He said quietly. "Don't worry about it, Remus." James said, not really caring about Severus right now. "Snivellius isn't smart enough to pull a fast one." Sirius said, agreeing with James.

The four of them walked out of the classroom, ignoring the professor's protests. Remus was the first to leave, followed by Peter, Sirius and then James. James stayed behind a while to collect the detention slips from the professor. "What should we do with these?" James asked as he shut the door behind him. "Why did you even take them?" Sirius asked. "They just take up space." James smiled. "I thought we could add them to the collection." James told Sirius, with a small smirk. "How many points do you think they will take off for this charade?" Peter asked in a squeaky voice. "Do we care?" Sirius asked Peter in a snappy tone. "So where too?" Remus asked, sensing an argument. "I would like to go to Zonko's." James said, heading in the direction of the witch statue. "Is that fine with everyone else?" He asked, not really caring if they disagreed. "Sure." Sirius said, and Remus nodded in agreement. Peter knew that Sirius or James didn't care what he had to say so he didn't say anything. When they reached the statue, James opened it and all three climbed inside.

Back in the classroom, Severus had finsihed his potion. "Now who wants to do the swap?" He asked, looking at Lucius. Lucius shook his head no and looked at anotherSlytherin that was nearby. The boy looked up at them. "What?" He asked as Severus smirked. "Perfect." Carefully ladeling some potion into a bottle he added a drop of liquid from a vile. The hot pink potion turned clear, looking strangely like water. "Would you mind swapping this with the bottle that Evans was drinking out of?" He asked, handing the boy the bottle. Looking questioningly at the bottle, the boy snatched it. "Ok." He walked over to Lily and grabbed her juice bottle out of her bag. Placing the potion bottle back in her bag, he toddled back to where Severus and Lucius were. "Perfect. Thank you ever so much. You can keep the bottle as a souvinier." Severus drawled out. Lucius smirked. "So what exactly is the potion going to do to the mudblood?" He asked, watching Lily take a swig of the potion. "Well, the potion has different affects on different people.It could do a variety of things. We will just have to wait and see." Severus settled back in his chair and continued to watch innocent Lily.

Author's note: This is my first fan fic, so I would love any comments or constructive criticism you can leave me. I will try to get the second part up soon! I hope you enjoy it.