Hello Everybody! This story is going to kick off my Christmas set. I am going to post more chapters on my existing story and post two other stories that I am working on. Well here goes the first one….. Info. about story: Happens right after RotG, on a fictional island.

Disclaimer: Not mine….hers.

Chapter One: Swim Lesson

"Put some backbone in tu it!" bellowed Old Eli over all the chattering we were making. I dove into the water and started to swim a practiced freestyle down the length of the swim area, about 25 yards, touched the dock, doing a flip turn, and back again. I pulled myself onto the dock, dripping icy cold water. Brushing a wet blond lock out of my face, I realized I was the first one there. I sat back, breathing in the deep salt air, and reflected.

I lived on the small island of Ruhen, off the coast of Tortall. It was closest to the fief Blue Harbor. Ruhen was a fairly small island, about 4 miles long and 3 miles wide. It used to be a quiet island but now it was being used as a base to protect the coast from Copper Isle raiders.

I normally had chores at this time, but it was Sunday, no chores today! Old Eli had agreed to give us swim lessons on Sunday's. The youngest of the swimmers there was about seven and the oldest was about fifteen. I'm thirteen, thank-you very much.

I glanced over beside me and saw I wasn't alone. Marcus Kaluem was hunched over, breathing hard, dripping water. He was the heart throb of the small island, but I couldn't see why though, his personality was as sour as a lemon. The other swimmers were crawling out of the water, some shivering.

Trisha, a very good friend of mine, was with them. I also saw my older brother Mactel, my sister next to me, but younger, in age Collena, and my younger brother Eben. My littlest sister, Leasel, was too young to take swimming lessons. Trisha sat next to me and grinned at me, I grinned back.

"That was good," said Eli, looking us over. He was an old sailor from the royal navy. He was also a tailor of sorts, he had fashioned the swim gear we were now wearing. Eli had us get in the water and tread water for ten minutes. He then finished the swim practice by saying, "Good practice."

"Come on Artemas," said Trisha wrapping herself in a towel, and standing up.

"No, my lady, you go ahead. I'll meet you later," I said, walking to the end of the dock, I had heard someone calling.

I got to the end of the dock and saw a gray body, a dorsal fin, and a laughing smile. "Wave Dancer!" I said, sitting down, dipping my toes in the water. "I haven't seen you in a while."

I know, she said, It was a hard winter, but I'm back now.

"It was a hard winter," I said nodding. I had known Wave Dancer for a long time; she was almost like another sister to me. My ears then picked up two other voices. Turning around I saw the owners of those voices, both very familiar.

Lily, the tabby/tortoise shell cat, walked down the dead center of the dock peering at the water darkly. Harry, the golden retriever, was bounding down the dock, wagging his tail wildly.

I don't know how you can enjoy that stuff, said Lily to no one in particular, looking at the water.

Easily, said Wave Dancer, smoothly.

Hi, Artemas! Your swim practice is done, observed Harry, perfectly oblivious to the already occurring conversation. Lily looked at Harry, rolled her eyes, and then began to wash her fur.

"What do you have against water?" I asked, watching Lily

I don't know about you, said Lily between licks, but water is awfully messy. It gets all over my coat.

"You just don't like it because you fell in that one summer as a kitten," I said, bursting Lily's bubble. The picture of a soaked Lily, sulking as she tongue drying herself made me grin. Wave Dancer slightly wrinkled her eyes in a dolphin smile/laugh.

Or it might be because in water, she is definitely not the graceful creature she would like to be, said the dolphin. Lily picked herself up and stalked away, tail held high. She's mad at me, right? said Wave Dancer watching Lily leave.

"Yes, her pride's been scarred, but she bur she is also trying to make you feel bad," I replied, also watching Lily leave. She had tried that trick on me, many times. Harry sat next to me, head on my lap. "Do you have any news from the main land?" I asked Wave Dancer, while I was stroking Harry's head.

Yes, said Wave Dancer, The war is over.

"Oh, good," I said.

Also there is a rumor going around, continued Wave Dancer, as I leaned toward to listen, there is a two-legger who is able to talk to, heal, and become the People. She is being called a Wildmage.

"What's a Wildmage?" I asked

It means they have a connection with the People, from what I understand.

"Wouldn't it be wonderful, to meet someone like that?" I sighed, swirling my toes in the water.

Yes, it would, said both Wave Dancer and Harry.

I hoped you liked! R and R.