AN: When I get ideas, I have to post them!! I think I've got a pretty good idea here, and I hope you guys like it. I'm thinking this fic will be pretty long, but maybe not. I don't know if I'll be able to keep this going, but I think I will, especially if you guys like it! LOL! Anyway, this is very loosely based off of Maroon5's Woman from the Spiderman 2 soundtrack, more like it gave me the idea. But still, if you want, I would suggest that you go listen to it at smashitsusa. com (sorry for the space, but I have to put it) From there, you can either navigate to "Spiderman 2 Soundtrack" or search "Woman" and go to page 4 of that list. I'm just saying this so you feel…For lack of better words, the texture of the song and the fic. This whole chapter will be in italics because it's, in a way, a memory, but really it's the prologue, but it will be in italics. By the way, for all of you reading "Dangerous" I might take it off, or at least put it on hold until I finish this, or at least get a good start. Enough of my rambling, enjoy!


If I be so inclined to climb up beside you,

Would you tell me that the time just isn't right?

And if I ever find the key that you hide so well,

Would you tell me that I can spend the night?

She was different somehow. No other girl at the frat party was like her, Leo saw that right away. She was different somehow. Sure, she was a freshman, like a lot of the others, and sure, she had brown eyes like a lot of the others, but hers twinkled and danced, like nothing he'd ever seen. Leo took a sip of his beer, tapping his ring finger against the red plastic cup. Why did all frat parties serve beer in red plastic cups? Damn, there was definitely something about that girl…No, Woman, yes, a woman. A woman.

Piper took a sip of her Bacardi. Wait, Bacardi, right? She looked down at the bottle. Yep, Bacardi. She wasn't even a quarter through the bottle when somebody walked by, took it from her hand, hissing that she was a "lightweight". She turned around, tempted to give them a piece of her outspoken mind, but quickly dispersed of the idea, not caring. Nobody had come to talk to her all night, and if that was all someone would say, she'd take it.

Why the hell had Chuck invited her to this stupid thing anyway? Because she was eighteen, Piper realized sadly. She stood up to leave. After weaving her way through crowds of people, kissing couples, chatting groups and the like, she walked out into the crisp night air of San Francisco in the fall. What didn't she love about this city? Okay, maybe she didn't love poverty, or murder, or pollution, or even traffic, but she would never leave. Piper checked to be sure that she had her portfolio. The aspiring model gave a sigh.

She had the dumb thing with her, all because stupid Chuck said he wanted to see some of her pictures. Liar. With another sigh, Piper started off across the SFU campus. At that moment, a gust of wind flew by, knocking her portfolio out of her hands, and her pictures scattering across the nighttime darkened grass. She swore and rapidly began chasing down her pictures. As the photographs danced across the neatly kept lawns, Piper couldn't help but feel as though all her dreams were floating away on the autumn breeze. She'd been insecure all through high school, been told she wasn't pretty enough to be a model.

Sure, she'd been the proverbial mess. She had had all the problems, flat chest, thick glasses, braces, horrible hair, terrible clothes…But in the summer between 17 and 18, she'd morphed completely. She grown breasts, lost the braces, gotten contacts, done something about her hair and gave her wardrobe an update, but most of all, she'd had a major self-confidence boost. Now, she wanted to model and travel all over Europe, and nobody had even begun to squash her dreams.

As Piper bent to pick up the last picture, one of her with her long dark hair falling over her shoulders, chin rested on her upper right arm, her arm on a windowsill, she saw another hand. She looked up into the prettiest aqua eyes she'd ever seen.

"Here you go." The owner of the eyes said, putting the picture in her hand.

"Thank you." Piper said sheepishly, tucking it away in the bag now on her shoulder, which contained the portfolio.

"I'm Leo Wyatt." He said, sticking out his hand.

"Piper Halliwell." She replied, shaking it. They stood in silence a few minutes more, both of them looking at their feet in the nervous way of children. Piper noticeable shivered, to which Leo smiled.

"Would you like my coat?" He asked, already pulling the light brown suede trench coat from his body.

Piper slid it over herself, noticing that it was warm from him and smelled of a festive, fiery aftershave. She liked it. "Thank you." She said.

Leo was almost afraid to bring up his offer, but he had to get to know her better. "Would you like to go back to my place?"

Piper stiffened. And he'd seemed like such a gentleman… "Look, I've already been tricked by one male into coming to this stupid frat party and now, you want to proposition me further, by taking me back to your dorm and—"

"Apartment." Leo interrupted.

Piper sent him a dark look. "Apartment then. But still—"

"I just want to talk."

Piper pursed her lips. "Then why not just invite me to coffee, or out to a public place?"

Leo smiled knowingly. "Because, there's something I want to show you. I know you'll appreciate it."

Piper bit her lip. She knew she shouldn't but fate intervened, causing her to take Leo's hand. "Alright, but just talking."


"You paint?" Piper asked, immediately moving to the covered easel in the middle of the sparsely decorated living room. Leo shrugged.

"Sometimes. If the feeling strikes me."

Piper lifted a corner on the cloth but then paused. "May I?" she asked slowly.

Leo nodded.

Piper lifted the cloth and gasped. "Oh my God!" It was an interesting blend of blues, reds and purples. Things sprang off the page and fell into the back ground. Different colors caught her eye and enticed her imagination, all the while making an enigma of swirls and spirals.

"You painted this?"

Leo nodded again.

Piper turned to him in utter astonishment. "It's so…beautiful and moving. It's…It should be in a museum like the Louve or something." She was at a loss for words, there was no dialect to express her feeling. "It's so, so beautiful."

Leo walked over to her and out a gentle hand to the side of her face. "So are you."

Their lips met in a painfully gentle kiss. Before, kissing a boy was just a clash of mouths. Kissing Leo was like an intertwining of souls. They quickly deepened the kiss, sucking softly on each others mouths, moaning softly on one another's lips. After a moment, they pulled away.

"I thought we were going to talk." Piper said, biting her lip.

"I did too." Leo replied.

Piper took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. They, without more ado, fell on his bed. He ran his hand along her now exposed thigh, due to the shortened length of her shirt. He quickly lifted the shirt form her body and kissed her again, throwing it to the floor.

If I be so inclined to climb up beside you,

Would you tell me that the time just isn't right?

Leo felt her shiver under his touch and when she ran her soft hands against his cheek, he did the same. "You are so beautiful." He said, nibbling at her lips.

And if I ever find the key you hide so well,

Would you tell me I could spend the night?

"Make love to me." Piper said, moonlight filtering over her stunning features.


Leo awoke the next morning without Piper at his side. He looked around, but saw that her clothes were still on the floor, but his t-shirt was gone. He smiled. Leo pulled his boxers on and walked to his kitchen, only to be greeted by the scent of eggs.

"I thought you'd never wake up." Piper said, putting a plate of cheese omelet in front of him as he slid into the table. He noticed with a grin that she had his SFU tee on. They ate breakfast in silence only breaking the habit of eating by looking at one another every so often.

They both said it at once. "I love you, but…" They both chuckled bitterly. "You go first." Leo said.

"But, I've got plans with my life and they don't exactly involve a boyfriend."

Leo smiled sadly. "And I've got plans that don't involve a girlfriend."


Piper clung to Leo, tears running down her face. "Did you ever believe that people have more than one lifetime?"

Leo nodded, trying to be strong for the both of them.

"Maybe this isn't our lifetime."

"Maybe." They'd both mentally gone through the steps and unfortunately decided to skip it. Sure, they could get together, but their relationship could keep both of their careers at bay, and they could try the long distance thing, when she got to Europe, but they knew how it would end up. She'd gotten up to leave right after breakfast, only stopping to put her skirt on.

"But," Piper began, "They say it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

Leo laughed sorrowfully. "Do you really believe that?"

Piper didn't respond. It was time for her to go. With one last kiss, the lovers departed.

Leo turned back to his apartment, heart heavy, mind weary. He walked back to his bedroom where he plopped dejectedly to his bed. It was then that he noticed it. A picture of her, one of her with her long dark hair falling over her shoulders, chin rested on her upper right arm, her arm on a windowsill. He glanced down at her shirt in a heap.

Leavin' your clothes on the floor, making me walk out the door…

Leo raced for the door desperate to catch her. But she was gone. He turned, right into his coat rack. With a sigh, he pulled his coat from the hook and put it to his nose. Oh God, it still smelled of her.

Leavin' your smell on my coat, your taste on my shoulder…

Leo sighed and rubbed his temples. He really did love her.


Piper knocked on Leo's door a month and a half later, tears in her eyes, nails shabby from the bad habit of biting them. When he came to the door, a look of shock crossed his face.

"Piper, what are you do—"

"Leo, I'm pregnant. As the father, I thought you deserved to know." With that parting information, Piper turned and walked away.

If I be so inclined to climb up beside you,

Would you tell me that the time just isn't right?

And if I ever find the key you hide so well

Would you tell me that I could spend the night?

Leavin' your smell in my coat, your taste on my shoulder,

I still fail to understand what it is about this woman…

Leavin' your clothes on the floor, making me walk out the door,

And I still fail to understand what it is about this woman…

AN: So, what'd you guys think? I loved this writing this and I think I will have a lot of fun writing this. Well, please drop me a review and tell me what you thought of this tidbit!!