Time Heals Everything: Chapter 1

This is a re-post of Chapter 1. Read and enjoy.

Knock knock.

James looked up at the sound. He wondered who it could be at this time, seeing as Lily was out, and Sirius and Remus never knocked. The rest of the student body never entered their Heads' common room, because they either didn't have anybusiness up there or just admired the Head Boy and Girl from afar.

He put down the broom that he had been polishing, and got up off his bed. He trudged out of his room, and into the Heads' common room. The visitor (visitors?) was getting impatient. James quickly opened the door, expecting a teacher. Instead, he saw Megan Ryerson, and Sara Collins, Lily's two best friends. They shifted from one foot to another, not meeting James' eyes.

"Hey James, is Lily there?" asked Megan, glancing at Sara.

"No, she left about two hours ago, and didn't say where she was going."

Sara looked at Megan and the two held a conversation with their eyes. After a moment, Sara spoke up and said,

"Um James, since she isn't here, we're going to go now. Have a good night."

Before they turned, James caught a glimpse of Megan's eyes, and they were filled with worry. He wondered what could be so wrong in not knowing where Lily was going to be for awhile. He closed the door, and got back to polishing his broom. That took his mind off things for a while, as he fantasized about quidditch and got lost in his own world.


Lily sighed. She had come to The Three Broomsticks again, for the third time this week, to try to escape from her world. The unlucky, sad, world that she belonged to. She got up and brushed her robes. I really should be getting back now, Lily thought. Meg and Sara are probably getting worried and thinking I committed suicide or something.


Fifteen minutes later, she got back to Hogwarts, and quickly climbed out from under the gargoyle statues. This time she really didn't care if she got caught, she could just use her Head Girl role to bail her out of trouble. She knew she shouldn't be using her privileges like this, but this was a time of need.

Why did her father have to get diagnosed with cancer? Why him of all people? She felt tears well up in her eyes, and angrily wiped them with the back of her hand. She had spent enough time crying about it. The words, no cure, no cure, no cure repeated themselves over and over in her mind, causing her heart to feel as if it were openly bleeding.

She got to the Heads' room, said the password, and went in. James' door was shut which meant he was probably busy, doing whatever it was that annoying prats did at this time of the day.

There was a loud rapping at the window, which she recognized to be Dumbledore's owl's. Lily opened the window and let the owl in. The owl dropped two letters in Lily's hands and left. She looked at the names on the letters, and there was one for her, and one for James, both from Dumbledore.

James heard a knock at his door, and knew that Lily was back.

"Come in!" he yelled, not looking up from his polishing.

Lily walked in, holding something. Actually, two somethings.

She sat down on the bed and silently handed James one.

Slowly, she tore the letter open. Even slower, she took the letter out of the envelope. Her green eyes skimmed it, and grew wide.

And everything was black, as Lily Evans fainted onto James Potter's bed.

Okaii. I know that was a little different from what I had before. But, people change. They grow up, and so do their writing styles. Let me know if you liked the old version better.