The Basket Case-Geena
The Sport-Zach
The Criminal-Jake
The Princess-Addie
The Brain-Eli
The Principal-Principal Brandywine
I picked up my guitar and started strumming:
I can't believe I got detention
Maybe it'd be easier if I didn't mention
It to mom and dad
Boy, were they mad.
At that moment, Mom poked her head in and looked at us (me and Nancy that is). "Let's go," she said, in that "Come on Nancy we're not going to the vet" voice. Nancy's ears perked up and she jumped down off my bed and crawled under it.
"That wasn't meant for you," I told her. "It's me."
Then suddenly as if in one of those prison movies I felt like I was walking into…death.
"Don't be such a drama queen," Mom said, looking at me after she picked Geena and Zach, my two best friends up. We all had detention together which was pretty cool/depressing, I guess you could say. "You do the crime, you do the time."
But the thing is we didn't actually commit any crime.
We got out of the car and watched Mom drive off.
"Don't make me go!" we heard someone screaming. We turned to see Eli get pushed (physically) out of his car. "NO!" He nearly got ran over as his mother put on the gas and sped off. "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! I'M TOO GOOD FOR DETENTION!"
Geena rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like we care," she said.
I turned as another car door slammed, right there I saw Jake Bahari get out of his car. Jake Bahari? What was he doing in Saturday detention?