1Disclaimer: Last time I have to do this, I don't take credit for creating the Teen Titans, but I do for the plot. Somewhat. Exactly I was inspired by Eve's Christmas, that was on lifetime.....I was bored I swear!

AN: Well here's the last one y'all. Hoped it was a good story to read. Why am I updating so late? Well I cooked Christmas dinner, I feel proud and just now is the rush of Christmas running off; so I figured now was a good as time as any to do it. Merry merry Christmas everyone. Hope you all got what you wanted!

Friends will keep you sane; Love could fill your heart; A lover can warm your bed, but lonely is the soul without a mate.

-David Pratt (food for thought, one of my favorite quotes)

The Christmas Spell

"Alright everyone! No pushing, yelling, or fighting over gifts. Line up single row style so we can get this done quickly and less painful than last year's mishap." Cyborg commanded resting his eyes on his friends in front of him, particularly Beastboy who smiled sheepishly. His hands, out spread in front of him held up the traffic that was sure to happen. Cyborg had his back to the tree, and had everyone wait in the doorway as he finished giving instructions.

Beastboy was crunched over in the middle looking like a runner ready to shoot off for the goal, Starfire stood next to him her arms at her sides and Speedy standing quite closely. They were close enough for holding hands, but none happened as of that moment. Raven stood off to the side, leaning on the doorframe with her arms folded over her chest and cloak. Robin was opposite of her, waiting for Cyborg to be done, in the same manner as Raven.

"Now you may have your-" Cyborg was cut off by a squeal from Starfire and a speedy cheetah that took off for the present mountain. They dove head first in the pile and all could be heard was a rustling of wrapping paper being torn off and crumbled. Cyborg rolled his human eye. "Presents. Oh well, when in Rome...." He trailed off and followed after the other two jumping into the pile as well. Speedy stood there for a moment and looked back at the two remaining teammates.

"They always like this?" He asked raising a masked eyebrow. Robin smiled uneasily, but Raven's voice responded for him.

"This is just the beginning." She stated, before crossing away from the tree and colorfully wrapped presents to the couch, where she sat silently; unnoticed by the others. Robin's eyes watched her the whole way there.

"Did you talk with her yet?" Speedy whispered, so only Robin could hear him. Robin shook his head defeated. This was just all too confusing. He was feeling things for Raven, that seemed to have just made itself known. It didn't feel artificial, like it was put onto him, or made possible; it felt natural. Like he had been suppressing the feeling the whole time and something had just loosened the top to let it be released. Whatever had done it, he wanted to thank it, and to strangle it.

"No. You with Star?" Speedy smiled knowingly.

"We've gotten closer. Last night she was in my room until around midnight, when she said she had to catch some sleep. I'll tell you this much, I've never felt any happier."

"That's good man. I'm glad for ya, truly. But maybe you want to go to her and see if those feelings are mutual with her." Robin grinned. Speedy winked and walked over to the fighting teens; soon he was dragged into the hustle.

x T x T x

Raven sat on the couch, tuning everything out of the world around her. She figured, the longer she stayed away from the tree the better chance she had that she didn't get her hopes up. She wasn't exactly happy with the fact that she had grown a liking for her leader, but she was happy at the fact that it seemed he might feel the same. She wasn't the kind of girl to put her feelings out first; heaven's no! But if Robin was anywhere courageous as she thought of him, he'd make the first move. If he didn't, it wasn't any skin off her nose. She never admitted to 'liking' him, just having a strong need for his companionship.

Robin walked over to join Raven on the couch like he had the day before. There was that pull again, like his body and mind new something his conscious didn't. He didn't like that, he wanted to be in control of his own body, but it seemed Raven was. Ironic.

"Uh hey Rae. Merry Christmas!" He tried brightly. Raven let her cold eyes land on him and glared. She looked to be still mad about the incident yesterday. An idea struck him. He thought that she probably thought he was messing with her emotions, a wrong move. But he wasn't. In fact he thought maybe she was with his. But Raven wouldn't; it wasn't like her character to do that to her friends, let alone someone she might 'like',

"What do you want Robin?" Her voice was flat, defeated. She was fighting an internal battle and sounded tired from the battles waged. He let a moment of pity into his being, he knew he caused it. Raven didn't liked to be confused; something everyone knew about.

"I just wanted to explain about yesterday. A little bit anyway." He mustered the strength to look into her eyes without wanting to be drawn into them. Where were these feelings coming from?

"Fine. Talk." Raven commanded in an icy tone. If Robin wasn't careful, he could easily catch frostbite.

"I don't know what happened, per say but...."

"You thought I might have an idea as to what the hell happened correct?" She finished for him. She was always able to follow his train of thought without having to read his mind. It was quite refreshing than having to explain himself, continuously.


"I don't."

"Alright, I think I expected that. But Raven, it's.....I feel like that a ....'spell' of some sorts has been cast on me. But the strange thing is, it can't be because the feelings feel like they were always here, perhaps buried. Do you have any idea as to what I'm talkin about?" He asked in vain.

Raven tuned him out after he said 'spell'. Spinning around her eyes caught that of the sight of the tree. It didn't look out of place. How was this supposed to work? Raven had one idea; and she needed to get some help from Robin.

"Robin. You said spell just now right?" He nodded, confused.

"Yeah.......why?" She let her eyes blaze with determination. She quickly took his hand and brought him over to the tree.

"Because, Starfire and I have.......what I mean to say is last night we finished a spell. A love spell." Raven whispered, ashamed. She had always promised herself she'd never tempt the fates; now it looked as if they were completely angry at her.

"A love spell!?" Robin whispered harshly. He was right. There really was a spell on him. But it still didn't explain the natural feeling.

"Yes. But not the kind you may be thinking of. It was Starfire who wanted to know who her true love was. The spell was supposed to point out our true loves, by the Christmas tree." Raven rationalized for Robin. He remained calm.

"How do you tell?" His voice was tight and held strictly together. He wasn't mad, but he did not like his feeling tempered with. Raven sighed and shrugged.

"That I am not sure of." She turned her back to Robin and looked at the tree in question. Suddenly it began to pulsate with a bright blue energy. Her eyes darted to the others swarming the tree, they couldn't see it. Robin walked up to her side and smiled down at her.

"Please tell me you see this and let me know that I'm not going crazy." Raven pleaded slightly her eyes in complete disbelief. Robin nodded.

"Apparently the spell has the tree glow when the two are close to it. And considering no one else can see it except for you and me....."

"Don't assume Boy Wonder. The spell could be faulty." Raven interrupted. This wasn't going well. She wasn't meant to be with Robin; that was Starfire. How could the spell betray her like this? How could she betray her friend, by being with Robin if that was what this meant.

x T x T x

Starfire shook present after present, hearing the rattling noises from within. They delighted her. Speedy was next to her grinning pleasantly at her antics. She thought it slightly comforting to have Speedy nearby; he was similar to Robin but different enough that she enjoyed his company much more. Odd because she had a crush on the masked teen.

Finally looking upward, she saw the tree pulsate in a bright blue warm glowing light. It took all of Starfire's energy not to scream out with joy. This had to be the way the tree was supposed top help. She looked around, trying to see Robin but he was busy standing in front of Raven, smiling slightly and smugly. Raven looked to be very angry at that. Starfire put a finger to her chi in thought.

If Robin was with Raven at that moment, and did not see the light, then who was her true love supposed to be? Next to her she heard a gasp and saw Speedy staring holes into the tree.

"Speedy? Are you alright?" She asked quietly not wanting the attention of the boys in front of her to notice her conversation taking place. Speedy slowly shook his head side to side.

"No I'm not. You see that don't you?" Speedy wasn't crept out. He was actually liking the display. But what caused it was something altogether.

"Yes, I do. But I think I need to explain a few things." Starfire crawled over to Speedy's side and started to, in great detail, tell him the story of how the spell came about.

x T x T x

"Raven, you said yourself, this tree is a guiding point for lovers to find their soulmates. When it glows it has to mean that the people able to see it are meant to be together." Robin was grinning smugly. Raven had a desire just to slap it off.

"It means, that we are compatible in a relationship, not that we are soulmates. I do not even believe in that term." Raven said coldly. Robin didn't back down. He knew he found a way into the situation; it wasn't the spell that attracted him to Raven. The tree was a spot to attract souls together. He was feeling all of that before on his own. He was actually falling for Raven. Weird concept to grasp.

"How can you not believe in soulmates?"



"Yes." Raven sighed and crossed her arms. Her powers were dangerously close to coming undone. But Robin infuriated her to no end. He didn't take no for an answer. Weren't guys supposed to go away after you shot them down? Why didn't Robin act like normal stereotypical guys, life would be such easier if he did.

"Fine. Have it your way." Robin grabbed Raven's hand and swiftly walked over to the main door. Above it was a mistletoe wit two red berries dangling from the green leaves. Raven's eyes widened.

"No." She stated firmly, anger seeping out. A crack spiked up from the floor next to the metal door but did not real damage. Robin smirked.

"You don't believe in soulmates. Well the legend of a mistletoe is that when two people are 'caught' underneath it and kiss it means they were destined for each other. The guy picks the berries and as many as he gets means he kisses the girl that many times. If you don't believe in soulmates Raven, then this wouldn't do what I think it will."

"What do you believe will happen Robin?" Raven asked sarcastically. Robin reached up and picked one berry carefully. He looked down at Raven with such an intensity that she became uncomfortable, and shifted feet and darted her eyes away from him. Robin wasn't daunted. He leaned forward and place a light but sweet kiss on Raven's lips. It was over too soon for both, even Raven who enjoyed it. Then the tree shot up into the air with a puff of black energy underneath it swirling about.

"I thought that'd happen." He stated cheerfully. "If you didn't feel anything, and didn't believe in soulmates then that tree wouldn't be in shreds now." Raven glared at her leader and pursed her lips together. In her mind her mantra was repeating in rapid motion.

"Or it was just that horrible." She muttered. Robin didn't stop smiling, in fact it grew with that spoken comment.

x T x T x

"So you cast a spell?" Speedy asked trying to get a clear answer. Starfire nodded. "And the tree glowed that blue energy because it meant we were compatible for a partnership as you said?" Again another nod. Speedy sighed. "Ok then."

"Yes I think it was quite a lot to take it, but it is the truth. I am sorry if this makes you upset, but it seems we !" Starfire said in her usual chipper voice. Her thoughts though, weren't centered on Robin, she had saw what happened between her two friends. She came to her own conclusion and knew that the spell would not have paired those two up if it meant there wasn't something there; same as it was for her. Speedy was a nice guy, and she was already comfortable around him, she'd give him a chance.

"I got that Star." They sat in silence for a few moments then after on as the conversation died down. Tiny bits of tree floated downward, and Starfire watched it completely in a trance. Beastboy minutes earlier had taken to hiding behind the couch for protection; when the tree had exploded, they were blown backwards from the sudden blast and now refrained behind the sofa. Their eyes watched both couples; piles of blackmail working its way into their heads.

"So.....do you want to give it a shot?" Speedy question, rubbing the back of his head nervously. Starfire smiled pleasantly.

"That is exactly what I wanted." She then tackled him int a hug, him landing on his back and her on top, both laughing wildly and loudly.

x T x T x

"I guess Star and Speedy are meant to be together." Robin commented lightly. He and Raven hadn't moved from there spots. She refused to believe that she felt for him; in her mind it was a weakness to feel. Therefore if she denied it, it meant it wasn't true. As we all at one point wish were true.


"Raven, c'mon. You know you care. Just say it."He leaned next to her, and whispered into her ear. She again wanted to flinch but her body remained still. She sighed in a tired sort of way.

"If I admit it, then the tower could be like the tree." Robin shrugged, understanding at once. "But that doesn't mean.....I can't believe I'm going to say this. But it doesn't mean I don't." She said in an even voice. Robin grinned triumphantly. Raven rolled her eyes.

"Good. You still have presents to open, wanna go do it now?"

"Uhh....sure. I just hope I didn't destroy any in the blast."

x T x T x

"So.....we have Robin hooking up with Raven and Speedy with Star." Beastboy recapped with his eyes scanning the living room. Raven was sitting mid-air unwrapping a present from Robin who sat on the ground in front of her and on the other side Speedy and Star were laughing at each other's jokes. Not a bad day.

"Yup. That's what it looks like." Cyborg said, in the same position as Beastboy. Slowly they looked towards each other and a sly smile crept on to their faces.

"Did you record all that big man?" The green one asked, his eyebrows raised expectantly. Cyborg nodded, an evil smile taking it's place on to his face as well.

"Roger, that little one. Ready?"

"Defiantly." Beastboy and Cyborg both jumped over the couch and each one took a couple.

"Yo, Rob! Rae! I gotta talk to yous for a minute here!" Cyborg hollered.

"Hey Speedy dude, and Star! Guess what?!" Beastboy screamed out, arms waving around wildly after him. This was surely going to be a good Christmas after all. Soulmates, presents.....and blackmail

x T x T x

AN: Alright, that's all folks! I think I made it rushed and I am so sorry for that. I hate when other authors rush relationships, but I tried not to. If I did, feel free to let me know. Maybe I could go back and change some stuff. So good night everyone and I'll see ya again really soon. Thanks to all who reviewed! You're all the greatest....keeping my ego up there and everything. Gotta love it. Thanks again!

Peace215 :)