Author's Note: This is the first in what I hope to be a long, novel length series titled "The Air That I Breathe". That is also the name of this first chapter. I don't own any of it, as all the "Dark Angel" characters belong to Mr. Titanic and company. Nor do I own the song(s) that will be featured heretofore. "The Air That I Breathe" can be found on Patti Lupone's album "Matters of the Heart" belongs to whomever wrote it. I'm just borrowing everything, for my own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others. I get no recompense from it. Please R&R if you want me to continue. Feedback and criticism (as long as it is constructive) is craved. Now.... without further ado...on with the show.

*If I could make a wish
I think I'd pass
Can't think of anything I need*

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this evening..."

It was nighttime in the city. The sky was full of starlight, twinkling orbs that danced for the lovers. The light of the full moon streamed in through the large windows, luminous and brilliant, creating an eerie beauty along with the candlelight. Although small, the assembled crowd was made up of those who were loved by the couple before them. It was a blessed and joyous occasion.

*No cigarettes
No sleep
No light
No sound
Nothing to eat, no books to read*

The city outside the windows was quiet, newly peaceful. It had taken the world a long time to get to this point. With the help of the two soon-to-be-married people, their friends and comrades, and others like them, in addition to a newly reformed government, the country was slowly emerging from the Second Great Depression. There was less hunger, disease, and poverty, fewer squatters in ramshackle buildings. Martial law had been abolished and a sense of normalcy few could remember was slowly sweeping its way across the country.

*Making love with you
Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired*

Standing on the polished hardwood floors, framed by an arch of flowers and some candlelight, the lovers stood in profile. The groom, tall and handsome, with rugged features and constantly tousled hair, was dressed in a tuxedo, a red rose in his lapel, and shiny shoes on his feet. His glasses glinted in the candlelight, reflecting the light shining from his eyes. His bride, a young, dark beauty, was dressed in a simple white floor length gown, empire cut with a scooped neck and no sleeves. Her hair was piled high atop her crown, accented by the glinting tiara she wore in her hair. Wispy strands fell delicately around her face and neck, concealing the slight scar she had from a year old tattoo removal. Her hands were clasped in those of her soon-to-be husband's, and it was obvious they only had eyes for each other.

*Peace came upon me
And it leaves me weak
Sleep silent angel
Go to sleep*

"I would now like to ask them to recite their vows. They have chosen to write their own, as sincere and heartfelt expressions of their eternal love and devotion." The minister turned to the groom. "Logan, if you please."

Logan Cale took a deep breath and tried to smile through his nerves. He hated public speaking, ironic, since he was Eyes Only, seen by millions. He remembered the last time he had to give a written speech, at his cousin's wedding. He had screwed it up royally. He said a quick, silent prayer before opening his mouth. "Max Guerva, I love you beyond words. You brought joy and adventure into my life. You gave me back my life, and my legs. From the moment you came crashing through my window you became my inspiration." The assembled chuckled at that, knowing the pair's history. "You made me believe there was still something worth fighting for. I can't imagine how I ever lived not knowing you." He turned to Bling, his best man, for the ring. Bling wanted to pretend he has misplaced it, but he recanted at the last moment, not wanting to cause Logan any additional unnecessary panic. Turning back to his shining bride, Logan continued. "This ring is a symbol of my everlasting love and devotion. From this moment on, I promise to love you, honor you, cherish you, respect you, comfort you, and care for you. I promise to cook for you, and not make a big deal when you go out for a ride on your bike. I promise not to hide anything from you. From this moment on, and as long as we both shall live, Max Guerva, I thee wed." Blinking back tears, Logan slipped the ring on Max's finger, fighting the urge to take her in his arms and kiss her that moment. The time for that would come.

All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh*

Max smiled widely as she felt the cool ring slide onto her finger. It gleamed in the soft light. Still smiling, Max raised her head, fighting back tears of her own, and began. "Logan Cale, I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone. You have brought peace and calm into my life. From the moment I came crashing into your life, you gave me something to believe in. You made me believe in myself, and you taught me what love is. You made me believe there were things still worth fighting for in a world that had only been cold and unforgiving to me." She turned to one of her maids of honor, Original Cindy, who eagerly turned over the ring. She and Kendra, who was holding Max's bouquet, exchanged devilish glances, glad their boo had finally admitted she was in love with Ex Roller Boy. As Max slid the ring onto Logan's finger, she said, "This ring is a symbol of my everlasting love and affection. From this moment on, I promise to love you, honor you, cherish you, respect you, comfort you, and care for you. I promise to be less stubborn and thick headed, and more open to compromise. I promise not to hide anything from you. From this moment on, and as long as we both shall live, Logan Cale, I thee wed." Tears glistened in her eyes and a stray escaped down her cheek. Logan reached out with his other hand and brushed it away with his thumb.

*Making love with you
Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired
What more could I ask
There's nothing left to be desired*

The minister grinned, "Now that Logan and Max have made their vows of love and devotion to each other, in the sight of God and witnesses, it is my pleasure to present to you, for the first time, by the power vested in my, Mr. Logan Cale and Mrs. Maxine Guerva-Cale." They looked at him expectantly and he started. "Oh yes, how foolish of me." He smiled. "You may kiss the bride."

*Peace came upon me
And it leaves me weak
Sleep silent angel
Go to sleep*

Beaming, Max and Logan stepped forward a fraction of an inch, bringing them closer to each other. Still holding hands, Logan leaned down slightly to kiss his bride, relishing the look of sweet anticipation on her face as she rose on tiptoe to meet him. As their lips touched, at first soft and gentle, but then more passionately, and full of joy, their arms enveloped each other. They were vaguely aware as the crowd of well-wishers rose to their feet in thunderous applause. For at this moment, there was no one but Max and Logan.

All I need is the air that I breathe
And to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Yes to love you
All I need is the air that I breathe
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh*

As they broke apart, more than a bit reluctantly, and walked down the short aisle arm and arm, they knew that a new world was opening up for them. It was a new and mysterious world, undoubtedly full of new and exciting (and most likely occasionally dangerous) adventures. For the first time they would face those adventures and that world united, as one, man and wife, never to be parted.

Thus endeth part one...are you intrigued? Shall I continue? Please review! If ya like it, I'll post another one tomorrow.