Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or ST or any TV series. I do own Susan and Lara though :) Urania is a planet made up by me, but I did get the name from Urania, a Greek muse of space and astronomy. I don't own her either.

Two strange girls living on the Star Ship Voyager decide to take the Delta Flyer for a little spin. Their having the time of their lives, but you know what they say: "its all fun and games until SOMEONE ends up steering the ship into an interdimensional rift, ending up in DBZ-world and getting attacked by an android!"

Okay, maybe it isn't really a saying, but you get the idea ;)

By the way, I live in Holland, my English might be a bit messed up sometimes (if you see any errors, please tell me, it would be very helpfull) and this is also my very first fan-fic EVER so please, please, please don't kill me! -falls on her knees and begs-

VERY Important: the writing in this chapter is mostly italic, so it would be easier to tell the difference between the "narrator" and Susan and Lara's catfigh...uhm...conversation. If you find this annoying, don't worry: the text will be normal in the next chapters.

Chapter 1: Houston, we have a problem

"Great, even the lights went dead…HEY! G-g-get of me!"

"You get of me!"

"No you… OWW! OWW! OWW! You're standing on my hair!"


A small ship had just crashed into the surface of a little planet called Earth. The hull (and almost everything else) was badly damaged, but if you looked closely, your could still read its name: the Delta Flyer.

"Where are we?"

"How am I supposed to know? YOU'RE the one that wanted to see that weird nebula and steered us into that rift!"

"Well if YOU didn't distract me swooning over a certain ex-drone…"


"You know what I mean! Lara and Icheb, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I…"



Trapped inside because the doors were jammed, were two girls: Susan and Lara. The oldest of the two squabbling aliens was Susan, who looked almost human except for her long, navy blue hair. Lara looked a lot different from her older sister. She also could pass for a human (sort of) but her hair was much shorter and almost fluorescent pink. Their eyes were the same color as their hair, only lighter, a common trait amongst their kind.

"Alright, enough with the fighting already!"



"You're just saying that because I was about to kick your BUTT!"


They were Uranians. A very weak species (the average Uranian only possessed about two times the strength of a human) but their psychic abilities were a force to be reckoned with. It gave them the ability to transfer their thoughts and memories to other peoples minds (they couldn't read minds though), and sense emotions. Another thing the Uranians were good at, was flying, and the legendary speed of an Uranian was also something that proved to be a great advantage in escaping The Doctor and his Hyposprays of Doom. Susan and Lara had joined the U.S.S Voyager crew a few months ago and enjoyed practicing their skills on the holodeck every now and then.

"Ah hold on Lara, the door is finally starting to give"

"WOOHOO! FRESH AIR! We should…O no! Look at the Flyer!"

"Its wrecked!"

"Captain Janeway is gonna kill us…."

"Don't be so.."


The hysteric Uranian got slapped in the face by her older sister, who was quite attached to her hearing.


"Thanks… I needed that...'

"Aright, here's the plan: you stay here and try to repair as much damage as you can, in the mean time I'll try to find out where we are. According to my tricorder, there's a city nearby, maybe the people living there can help us."

"I'm not an engineer! I'm still studying!"

"Well until I find some help, IF I CAN find some help that is, you'll have to do. At least try to get communications back on-line."

"Sorry, those were destroyed just before we went into that rift, remember? If they weren't beyond repair then, than they sure are now!"

"Of all the… alright, just get this thing flying again! We don't know who or what lives here so I want to be able to leave if we need to."

"Slave driver…"


A/N Well, how did you like that one, huh? I know this chappie is mostly Star Trek orientated but trust me, the Z warriors will show up eventually, I'm just building up the suspence -evil grin-

And now for the dramatic part:

Susan and Lara really did it this time… Not only have they destroyed the Delta Flyer (Lara: "we just wanted to borrow it…" Susan: "which was YOUR idea, if I remember correctly" "That is SO not true!" "it SO is!" "you're dead!" "EEEEEEEEK!"), they also ended up in another dimension. The DBZ-dimension that is, and one of our squabbling heroines is about to find out… Will she find help? Will something find her? WHO TOOK MY COOKIES? Find out next time, on DRAGONBALL Z! Tadadadadadadadadaaaaa! -starts humming annoying ending tune-