Disclaimer: J.K Roweling owns Harry Potter.

A/N: I lied! ok? I lied!!! I lied!! last chapter wasn't the end! this might be though. Since everyone says the last chapter couldn't be the end, well here is some freakin closure! ta-da!

"Kerri, you sure about this?" Ron asked quietly.

"Yes," my mom said crying.

"Kerri why?" Ron asked.

"Why? Why what?" my mom asked.

"Why did all this have to happen?" Ron asked.

"Well, when a boy and a girl love each other, they decide to show their love in an action," my mom started to explain.

"No, not that," Ron said with a smile. "I know all about that."

"Well, why what then?" my mom asked.

"Why did I have to go and kiss Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Cause you love her," my mom told him, stoking his head.

"But, I was married to you," Ron said, very gloomily.

"But you loved her also, and she was there and I wasn't," my mom told him.

"But I..." Ron drifted off, not knowing what to say.

"After Severus told me about you kissing Hermione, I wanted to kill you," my mom told Ron, laughing.

"If I remember right, you did hit me," Ron said.

"I didn't kill you though," my mom defended. "I acted like I was in control and calm about the whole ordeal."

"Yeah, it was a tad disturbing," Ron said.

"I was acting. What I really wanted to do was hit you till I had no strength left in my body, and then cry," my mom said to Ron.

"I'm sorry," Ron said.

"Didn't work back then, and it doesn't work now," my mom informed him.

"I felt terrible if that helps," Ron said. "I was devastated, and I knew it was my fault, and I wanted to kill myself."

"What stopped you?" my mom asked. Then she added bitterly under her breath, "Hermione?"

"No she actually made me feel worse every time I looked at her," Ron told my mom.

"Well, that makes me feel better," my mom told him with a smile.

"George was the one who helped me through it," Ron said.

"Yeah, George helped me through it also," my mom told Ron. My mom started laughing and said, "Right after I found out I wanted to hurt you. I remember being angry and said to George, 'Let's sleep together, that way Ron would know what it's like to be hurt.'"

"What?!" Ron exclaimed.

"Relax, George talked me down," my mom told Ron laughing.

"That's good," Ron, said relieved.

"You're funny," my mom told Ron.

"Kerri, I don't know why I kissed her," Ron said, feeling very guilty.

"Ron, it's okay," my mom told him. "I have had a great life with Krystal, and I am happy, and I know you are happy with Hermione, don't deny it."

"But when I was with you, you let me feel like I was worth something. I wasn't the best friend to the hero, or just the comical relief, I was a Ron who was worth something," Ron told my mom, grabbing her hand.

"Ron, you were always worth something. I don't know why you need someone to point that out," my mom told him.

"When I was with Hermione, I was just there and there was nothing special about me. When I was with you, I was the journalist, the person who could get a story out of anyone. You inspired that in me, and I was stupid enough to throw it away," Ron told my mom.

"What are you saying?" my mom asked, a little bit worried.

"I, I don't know," Ron stuttered out.

"Ron, I'm glad you felt, past tense. But you are married now, and I know you love Hermione dearly," my mom said. "Hermione is smart and sassy, I assume. Now let me ask you this, if Hermione's and my role had been switched, do you think you would have kissed me?"

"No," Ron answered sadly. He understood what Kerri was saying; he had loved Hermione more then my mom.

"See, sad but the truth," my mom told Ron. "I have accepted the fact that you loved Hermione more, and I want you two to be happy together."

"Kerri, you're the best," Ron told me mom.

"I know. Now, let's go help Hermione and Krystal unpack," my mom said.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ron asked again.

"Yes, this is for the best," my mom said, sadly looking at the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Ron asked.

"Get an apartment, and I already have a job lined up," my mom told him. "I think I am going to like England, I've got my old friend Celia here with me."

"Well, if you ever want to stop by and say hi," Ron said, shyly.

"I am going to want Krystal, and Hermione and you to come over for Easter, and during the summer, I want at least two weeks for Krystal to come and live with me," my mom informed Ron.

"Ok, wait," Ron said, "what is happening between you and Harry?"

"What makes you say something is between us?" my mom asked surprised.

"Well, I was talking to Harry and he seemed to be floating on air, you have that affect on people," Ron told my mom.

"Well," my mom said before she broke out in a fit of giddy giggles. "I thought I didn't want anything else to do with wizards, but I find myself liking Harry."

"Ok," Ron said, not sure how to feel. "I guess I can't get mad, considering how good you are being about Hermione and me."

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious," my mom told Ron.

"As long as you are happy," Ron said.

"Thanks," my mom told him. She hugged him, and said, "Let's go now. I think Krystal is really going to like being a witch."

"Yeah, and since she is a Weasley, she is bond to get into Gryffindor," Ron said, with smile.

"I'm still a Bailey," I told my mom coming from my new room.

"We were just coming up to help you," my mom said.

"Yeah, well, it took you too long," I informed her.

"Ron doesn't shut up," my mom retorted.

We sat there in silence for a second, till I hugged my mom.

My eyes started getting misty and I said, "I love you."

"I love you too honey, and it's not like this is goodbye forever," my mom told me, "I still get to see you at Easter, and during the summer."

"Still," I said.

"Hey, remember," my mom said, "you are a Bailey-Weasley, but Bailey comes first."

"Yeah, of course," I told her with a smile.

"Well, goodbye Kerri," Ron said.

"You and Hermione take good care of her," my mom said.

"We will," Hermione said, coming down the stairs.

"Bye kid," my mom said to me ruffling up my hair. "Don't forget to write."

"I won't," I told her.

I watched her walk over to the fireplace and take a handful of Floo Powder. I waved goodbye and she waved back. She threw down the Floo Powder, and said, "Leakey Caldron."

In a green flash she was gone, and I alone with my dad and my stepmom. My dad put his arms around me and asked, "What do you want for dinner?"

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed! and to everyone who said that they didn't want it to end, well her is some closure, I hope! thanks for reviewing!! and I hope you accept that this is the end! and thanks for being loyal readers!!! I love ya all!