Thank u for reading my first Fanfic! I would like u to read stories from MizuiroSnow (she my sis) I helped her on some too! This is going to be great! NO FLAMES, WARNING: I HATE HIEI/SANGO SO FORGET IT! (My name is SnowAngelYuki or SilverFoxYumi whichever way works) Songs that I will put here is not mine's either


Judge: Yuki I found you guilty of stealing characters from animes!"

Yuki: I didn't do it! I'm innocent!

Judge: Then what's this (Points at my 2 closets that has names on it)?

Yuki: There's nothing inside judge

Judge: (open the one with "cool boys I love" Out pop Sesshomaru (From Inuyasha), Youko, Hiei, Kurama, (From Yu Yu Hakusho) and Yue (from Card captor Sakura)

Yuki: Fine Fine Fine I don't own Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho or anything else

Judge: It isn't so hard now is it Yuki

Yuki: Nope! Here have them if you want (push the boys to the Judge)

Judge: Thanks! Yuki: Bye bye (runs away with my other closet that has the sign Cute girls I just have to hug)

Judge: Go after her

Yuki: Mwhahahahahahahahahahahah

Thinking: 'think'

Talking: "talk"

Youko mind talking: -Youko-

Kurama mind talking: Kurama

Hiei mind talking/Hiei/

Kagome mind talking: Kagome

Shikon no tama girl mind talking: girl

Chapter One: The memory part 1

Kag pov

'Sango, Miroku, Inu Yasha, Shippo, Kirara, Kohaku, and the rest of u guys why did you have to leave?' I thought

'Come on guys don't leave me here, I won't be a crybaby no more, I'll won't yell no more, I would even spend more time here instead of going home for the tests I always take, so please, please come back'

'I have to be strong and face the truth, they're gone…gone…. forever….'

Flash back

(Still Kagome's pov)

"I sense 2 Shikon shards going here at super high speed," I called out.

"Probably just Kouga here to help us fight the last battle," Inuyasha bitterly bit out.

"Not that we need any help from a want to be like him, he'll just slow us down" Inuyasha added.

All of a sudden a furry foot came slamming in and landing right in front of Kagome, which was where Inuyasha once laid… once…

"Oh Kagome we have meet again my heart has-," Kouga began but was cut off with a punch from a forgotten foe.


"You should be grateful that you have a chance to be stepped on by me you ungrateful puppy dog," Kouga said with a smirk.

"OH YEAH AT LEAST I DON'T GO ON MATING EVERYTHING I SEE," Inuyasha yelled while pushing his way up.

"WHAT DID YOU SAID," Kouga yelled back.

"YOU HEARD ME YOU WANT TO BE," Inuyasha barked back.

"SIT BOY AND KOUGA IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE THEN I'LL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN," I screamed out my face red with anger.

"Calm down lady Kagome," I heard Miroku said while his hand was…


(A/N Which wasn't ready calm at all).

"Oh come on Sango I was just trying to calm you down," Miroku stated while his hands was still rubbing her behind.


Miroku now land unconscious on the floor with a large boomerang on top of his thick skull.

"When will he ever learn?" I asked while trying my best not to laugh.

"Do you think he'll ever learn Okaa-san," Shippo asked.

"Nope," I answered over the year Shippo and I have grown close and we soon become like mother and son.

"Exactly my point made," Shippo said with a sigh.

"Mew" Kirara meowed as if she was agreeing with us, which I think she is

(A/N BACK AWAY! KIRARA IS MINES I said while hitting all the Kirara fans out of the house and into my cage and lock them there mwhahahahahahaha)

sniff sniff

"What the matter Inuyasha your nose finally broke?" Shippo teased with a big fat smirk on his once innocent little face.


Ahhhhhhh the horrible melody of Inuyasha connecting his fist against poor Shippo's head

This may be horrible music to us but to Inuyasha it must be the sweetest sound he ever heard because whenever he did it he has the largest…

'Wait a second something is missing isn't he supposed to have his evil grin on right now?

This isn't like Inuyasha to be...I don't know…so…. ummmmmm…serious…at…'

I was quickly snapped out of my thought mode when I heard Inuyasha murmured the word


"What did you say Inuyasha," I asked softly.

"I smell Kikyo and…" Inuyasha began before taking a sniff again.

"SESSHOMARU," Inuyasha growled.

"WHAT," Shippo yelled

"We're all going to die noooooooooooooooo, I'm too young to die," Shippo painfully screamed.

"Don't worry Shippo everything is going to be all right," I calmly whisper to Shippo as I picked him up and patted his back.

"Are you sure Okaa-san," Shippo said worry filling every word.

"Shut up Sesshomaru is coming soon," Inuyasha said.

Everyone followed Inuyasha out and we were all greeted by the sight of Sesshomaru, Lord of the western land standing right next to a cute little girl and a really, really ugly toad.

"What do you want Sesshomaru, if you'll here for the Tetsusaiga forget it!" Inuyasha loudly growled out.

"Shut up you stupid half breed, I'm not here for your worthless sword," Sesshomaru said in a calm but dangerous voice.

"Then why are you here?" I found myself asking.

"Lord Sesshomaru sama is here to help you fight Naraku so you better be grateful," the ugly toad almost croaked out.

"Shut up Jaken," Sesshomaru said in a voice that betrays all emotions.

"Yes Sesshomaru-sama," the ugly toad now known as Jaken answered.

'Man I feel bad for that toad wait what was his name again… oh yea Jaken. On second thought I don't.'

"Hello Rin's name is Rin pretty lady, what you're name," the little girl now known as Rin asked. I blushed after the thought of me being pretty.

"I'm Kagome," I said.

"Sesshomaru-sama can Rin play with Kagome onee-san please," Rin asked with the kawaiiest puppy eyes I ever saw

It even kawaiier than Shippo's puppy eyes and Shippo's puppy eyes are KAWAII!

"No Rin I have serious business to discuss with them," Sesshomaru said as his voice just soften a teensy bit.

'Wait did Sesshomaru voice just SOFTEN! The world's coldest demon's voice just SOFTENS! Nah it probably just my imagination… Or is it…'

"What do you want with us Sesshomaru," Sango said while her hand gripped tightly around her big…. err…. huge…. err…. GIANT sized boomerang.

"This Sesshomaru has come to join your so called team and help defeat Naraku," Sesshomaru said in an ever so calm and gentle voice.

'Gentle my ass… If you call him gentle I don't know what you call evil...'

"Forget it we don't need you're freaking help and stay away from Naraku I'm going to be the one who destroys him, you got that," Inuyasha said with such anger in his voice that you would have mistaken him for a raging lion.

"Sit boy," I said while trying my best not to break his back.


'Opps that must had hurt'

"Sure we would like you help, the more the merrier," Miroku said in a flirting voice.

Sesshomaru slowly raised a delicate eyebrow.

"Is this Sesshomaru is mistaken or are you trying to flirt with me," Sesshomaru said.

"Oh I was just wondering if you would bear my chil---," Miroku began but was cut off by painful object against his head.

"Don't…Even… Dare… Finish… That… Sentence… You… Gay… Lord," Sango bit out while a dark aura surrounded her.

"I was only joking around my dear Sango-chan," Miroku innocently said while rubbing his perverted hands on Sango's behind.


" I…I'm…I'm…innocent," Miroku murmured.

'Something tells me Miroku wasn't kidding around when he asked Sesshomaru to bear his child, nah he must be kidding………. Or is he'

Inu: Hey why did I have knock out in the middle! I'm the main character in this show see INUYASHA hold up comic and anime So Yuki put me in as main character

Mika: Sorry Inu no can't do beside if it was called KAGOME it would sell better. AND CALL ME MIKA IN THIS FAN FIC

Inu: Shut up you old hag

Kag: Sit boy

Mika: give me five (Kagome gave each other five)

Miroku: HEY I'm not a GAY LORD!

Mika: Sure you aren't

Miroku: I'm am not

Mika: That what I just said sure you aren't man you are noisy fighting with Miroku

Kag: Anyway please review or else Mika won't update so give at least 2 or no next chapter!