Corad: Man, I can't believe I haven't updated this in a year...I have chosen to continue though, thanks to a recent reviewer. Yami Roojii asked me to write more, so I did :) However, whilst writing this again, I forgot what happened in "A Cinderella Story", but no fear coz it's not really mentioned an aweful lot in this chapter. You'll see why XD Well, thanks to all the reviewers so far. I'll be suprised if you guys are still reading this. Probably not, but it doesn't matter. This chapter's for your Yami Roojii!

I don't own Yugioh, but I own the joyous invention known as Friendship Week...but that's really not anything to be proud about...also don't own Hilary Duff or any of her songs...or the "movie".

Chapter 9 – It just keeps getting worse

"NNNOOOOOOOO!" I cry again, sagging my shoulders down while I realize just where exactly I'm situated. You thought watching "Cinderella Story" was bad enough…well now I'm surrounded by idiots, particularly the Duke and Tristan kind. Yes, they have barricaded me in the theatre…I have nowhere to run!

"Seto please, you're giving us unwanted attention again!" I hear Mokuba say over my loud wailing, his pathetic attempts at silencing me while the movie begins. He doesn't know the pain he causes me…well, he probably does, but Mokuba was always the one to side with Yugi. Even if Yugi leapt of a cliff I'm sure chimney-sweep Fred would go after him. Typical if you ask me. Let's all side with Midget Motou and get ourselves killed or thrown into oblivion! It'll be tones of fun…it you don't know, I'm being sarcastic…

"Learn to enjoy it, Rich Boy!" Oh, so now Wheeler is piping up. That's the last thing I need! Idiotic rambling, complimentary from the stupid blonde himself. I shoot him the biggest death glare I can muster across the row of seats, and he begins to quiet down, my message obviously penetrating his thick skull. If these morons want me to sit here for two hours watching Hillary Duff, and enjoy it, they have another thing coming!

"Now guys, let's all just sit and watch the movie. I mean, that's why we came…to watch the movie…right?" Yugi states in his friendly, know-it-all way. It sickens me…

"Yugi is right. We must watch the film," Yami claims in his usual mystic, pharaoh based tone while grabbing a handful of popcorn from Yugi's large popcorn box. I watch as he stuffs it into his mouth, and eats it like a wild boar of some sort. I find it hard to decide what sickens me more now…Yugi's persistent nagging voice about the love of friendship or Yami's disgusting display of eating…if it can even be called that anymore.

"Humph, you idiots can watch this pathetic film, but I'm outta here," I snarl threateningly, rising to my feet to retreat out the door after my last thread of patience disintegrates. However, I can see a solid, starfish headed dimwit standing in my precious way to freedom through the dark. It's Yugi again…and the determined look on his face takes one simple guess to his intentions. It's quite funny really. His attempt will prove to be futile as I stride out the door in victory. The only problem is forcing my way past him. Things could become difficult if I'm not too careful.

"Kaiba, you said you'd watch the film! You can't leave while we on a friendship outing. It's defying the laws of friendship week!" he cries in that all-so-innocent tone of his. Doesn't this guy ever learn to shut it? He's acting so heroic and stuff…I mean, he's no hero. Well, I guess he is after saving the world and such on numerous occasions, but…No! No, he's not a hero! How dare he infiltrate my head with these thoughts of heroism! I won't allow it! Yugi is officially gonna crash and burn…by my hand! Bwa hahahahahahahah!

I take a moment to level my cackling mind back to normal, before glancing back down at Motou man. He's still looking up to me like the Holy being I so am. That geekish, determined face with that puny, lame smile…he's really pushing his luck now…

"Oh, so this thing has laws now, does it?" I mutter more to myself than anyone in particular. I cross my arms tightly over my chest and continue to glare down at Yugi. He's beginning to crack under my aggravated stare now. I gotta give him credit though. It's taking longer for this idiot to cower and flee than most. Usually by now Roland would have ran screaming from the mansion in his underwear, or Mokuba would've locked himself in the broom closet, weeping insistently about demons possessing me like he always does. It's quite sad really.

"Sure, this thing definitely has laws! It helps to keep party poopers like you within the group!" Tristan says loudly from his position on the cinema seat. I roll my eyes, ignoring that pointless comment and begin to force my way past Yugi. I don't manage to get anywhere though, because his taller, older, stupider self stands up and also acts as a road blockage. These guys would make perfect detour signs if you ask me.

"Kaiba, I know what you're planning! Don't think that I don't know what you're going to do. Leave my van tyres alone!" I give Yami a questioning look, wondering why he keeps thinking I'll deflate the van tyres while the last of my patience runs from my veins. I would happily scream at all these incompetent fools but my brother is grabbing hold of my sleeve, tugging on it with that annoying look again. The one that says "Please don't leave Aniki, or I'll cry again and drown everyone. And it'll be all your fault". Yes, it's that look again.

"Seto, you said you'd watch it! You can't leave now. Yugi has a point! Please just stay!" Mokuba pleads; tugging on my sleeve like it's a life support or something. The chronic tugging is really gonna crease my precious coat soon.

"I appear to be caught on something," I hiss sarcastically, yanking my arm away but still he remains latched onto it. Won't this kid ever give up? I think he's been spending too much time around Yugi. Starfish head never gives up, even if he looks like an idiot for still trying in useless situations. Situations such as these. The thought brings a cruel smirk to my face, because it's the truth. It always will be the truth. Heh…


"Let go, Mokuba," I growl, my blue eyes narrowing and eyebrows lowering dangerously close to them. Even more so than usual.


"Will you two shut up already! We're missing da film!" Wheeler shouts over our loud arguing. I'm surprised nobody else in the cinema has complained about us yet. Maybe they're all scared of me or something. Seems likely, considering I've been known to kill numerous things while on a rampage in my helicopter. Most of the Domino inhabitants know by now that my anger leads to insane massacres if provoked. I guess they're all hoping I'll sort it out myself without their "input". For once these fools are being wise. Either that or our argument is more entertaining than this lame movie.

"Can it Wheeler! I decide when to shut it! Now let me past!" I shout in Yami's general direction, turning around only to find him gone. Oh, so Yami's allowed to leave but I'm not? That's just grand, that is! I'm about to head towards the door myself when I see the so called Pharaoh return, his arms hugging what appeared to be a giant, super sized bucket of popcorn. I can't see his face thanks to the bucket, but the hair…there's no mistaking that hideous hair over the top. Heh, I should start calling him bucket head. Better yet, I should super glue that bucket onto his head, so I never have to look upon his face again.

"I bought some more popcorn Yugi," I hear Yami mutter while he sits back down beside his Hikari. Why on earth he went and bought more popcorn is beyond me, but after I give up and settle myself back down on the seat, I cast an angry glance down along the floor and see it. The horrible mess only the Pharaoh could make…the spilt popcorn, smushed repeatedly into the cinema carpet, grease and butter staining the fine blue color. I cringe at the thought, just glad deep down that he hasn't been, and never will be allowed in my mansion. I can picture it now, Yami taking one tiny step inside my home, and a split second later the place will resemble like a bomb-shell.

"Ah, so you're staying now? Great!" Tristan exclaims in a happy tone, slapping me hard on the shoulder. I growl in loathing, gritting my teeth in the hopes to ward him away. He must have felt my murderous aura and decided to keep to himself, because now the lot of us are watching the movie again. It looks like Hilary can't find a decent dress…Aww, what a shame. Little princess can't fit into a little princess dress…big whoop! Who cares! Why am I even here anymore! This girly insanity is killing my brain…they get worked up about such stupid, lame issues. What's with these people? They bring shame to the name "Cinderella"!

During my fun musing of Hilary being fired out of a circus cannon and into a pile of broken glass and manure, I feel something lean across in front of me. I don't take much notice until I hear a small yelp and the sound of a cup being tipped out of the cup holder in the seat arm. It only takes me a few seconds to realize why my lap is suddenly drenched, and I turn my head slowly to glare at Duke, my eyes blank while arms are tightly crossed over my chest.

"Uh, sorry Kaiba! Let me clean it up for you!" Duke cries feebly, grabbing hold of the nearest material based thing to mop up the coke mess in my lap. Unfortunately for me, that material based thing just so happens to be the end of my trench coat. Why are my coats always the first to go?

"Oh damn! What happened!" Tristan shouts when he realizes what's happened. He leaps up in panic to help Duke, probably his way of ensuring the dice fool would survive another day without me ending his space-wasting life. But of course, Tristan can't do anything right. As he leaps up, the box of popcorn on his lap is tossed into the air, and it soars majestically for a bit, just like the cannon shooting Hilary Duff in my daydreams, before falling like a broken angel across my lap. Hmm, never had that combination before…popcorn and coke…on my lap…aggravating my rage to a point I can feel it bubbling up. Should I release it upon these mortals? Mokuba would have a nagging fit again if I caused more havoc than I should. And out of experience, his nagging fits have been known to last hours…hours turning into days, and days turning into weeks.

I sigh deeply, trying to remain somewhat calm as I stand, my arms still crossed tightly across my chest. I shove past the monkey and the gorilla trying to clean up their mess from my royal lap, and inch past Mokuba, Joey, Tea, Yugi, and Yami all still entranced in the Craperella Story to even notice. The sounds of Duke and Tristan's panicked whisperings as they argue over who will follow me seem to become muffled, maybe it's because of the rage drumming against my eardrums…or the fact that my breathing is becoming rugged and out of control again. Better get out of this cinema before I finally let loose.

Wandering slowly out the cinema, the blank face and crossed arms never once faltering, I stride my way towards the public toilets. It's not too far away, and with my current condition it's a bonus. I'd rather not let the public see me this way…with the coke and such splattered into my tight, black pants. It kind of sends the wrong image…and after just emerging from the Hillary Demon Duff movie, there are those who would like to abuse the situation and see how far they can take it before I finally crack.

Upon reaching the toilets, and push open the male door and step inside. It's completely empty, just the way I like it. No morons around to make matters worse. Quiet, peaceful serenity…heh, Serenity. I wonder what ever happened to that loud mouthed, cry-at-everything, pipsqueak. The thought just struck me that she'd disappeared without me realizing. If only I had realised. Maybe then I could have recorded it on my calendar as the happiest day of my life. Now, with a bit of wishful thinking and luck, maybe Wheeler will suddenly disappear on his own. Or I could arrange for his disappearance…yes, the possibilities are endless.

A smirk once again occupying my face, I don't notice the door creak open slowly. It's not until I hear heavy, stumbling footsteps approach do I turn around and growl inwardly at the annoying sight. Yes, this is the worst, possible sight to see right now. It only takes three guesses as to why the idiot is in here, looking at me in that dopey way of his.

"What do you want, Wheeler?" I snarl, grabbing hold of some paper towels from the container sitting on the wall. I begin to wipe up some of the coke mess when the blonde starts up on his rambling spree. I usually like to switch off in situations like these, but this time I find it quite hard. Not only because I hear the mentioning of Duke being sorry and such a few hundred times, but also the fact that Joey has grabbed some paper towel too. He's approaching me, closing in the gap and I'm fearing for my life. The last time Wheeler got this close Tristan went on one of his gossiping sprees, particularly to old man Motou who in turn, told the remainder of the geezers in Domino. I know for a fact it's the old people who spread rumors faster than their younger generations. Maybe because in their day and age, spreading rumors was the only fun thing to do, and they're still clinging onto their old "ways", too stubborn to let go and move on.

I cast another dirty glance in Wheeler's direction, hoping to use my death glare as a form of self defense, but still the blonde is too persistent and/or thick headed to realize it. He moves in closer, and reaches out to help wipe the coke from my lap.

"What are you doing, you idiot?" I hiss angrily, my clothes already tainted by Duke without the need of Joey to pollute it further. I take a step back, eyes narrowed dangerously as if I'm trying to burn a hole in the idiot's forehead.

"Duke and Tristan sent me out here to deal with ya! I'm here to help ya, Kaiba! Or are you too boneheaded to realize that!" he yells at me, the nature of the bathroom making his voice echo. It's a horrifying thing…his echoing voice.

"I don't need your help! Now get out!" I roar back, turning my back to the moron so I can dry myself in peace. I hear a bit of rustling behind me, hoping he's retreating to the door. But it's like always, what I hope happens, never does. In fact, it's the complete opposite.

"There's no way I'm leavin' until I take you back to the theatre! Yugi will start pestering me again!" Oh, so Wheeler finds faults in Yugi also…interesting…it still doesn't change anything. He could be just saying that, to lure me into a false sense of security. I've seen it happen quite a lot, particularly when I invite my "friends" over for a friendly chat, only to turn on my sprinklers when they enter the yard. If I'm lucky enough, the surveillance camera will capture them running around in circles trying to escape the spraying water. Afterwards, I can use that footage for my own enjoyment, or I can use it for black mail. I'm sure Zigfried doesn't want to look like a complete and utter moron screaming while trying to escape my sprinkler wrath. I'm telling you, perfect blackmail material.

"I told you before, dog, I don't need help!" I retort after ending my wondrous reminiscing, hoping that maybe this time, Joey will in fact, get lost. I really don't want to soil my boots as well by physically kicking him out the door. That's the last thing I need.

"And I told you before Kaiba, that I ain't leaving!" he continues to argue, stepping towards me again. I hiss as he starts wiping up the brownish, liquid based mess from my expensive clothes. I can't stand the contact, and start wrestling the paper towels off him. Hopefully brute force will get his stupid brain to understand that nobody touches Seto Kaiba and lives to tell the tale. Well actually, Mokuba's an exception considering he's just a smaller version of myself. Heh, what a genius idea…Mokuba…is a smaller version…of myself. Yes, I'll give him a haircut and dye his hair brown as soon as I'm free of this current insanity. Speaking of which, it seems Wheeler is failing in this little wrestling battle we have going on. Excellent…

"Hey dare (there) Kaiba, can you level it down a lil bit," he complains as I twist his wrist around. He drops the paper towel, along with his own dignity as I shove him backwards. He collides with the wall, and I begin to laugh loudly, once again the nature of the bathroom making it echo. People passing by outside would probably think an escaped loony is in here thanks to the chronic cackling. Well, there is an escaped loony, but it's not me. I'm only laughing…

"That wasn't nice, Rich Boy!" Wheeler shouts, pushing himself off the wall with an elbow…the same elbow which only seconds later connects with the soap dispenser by accident. I stop laughing as a string of yellow liquid soap is squirted out, splattering onto my face and black shirt front, the horrible sickening splat-noise silencing the bathroom entirely.

"Wheeler," I growl quietly, glaring at him through murderous eyes while the yellow hand soap slides slowly down my face. It's quite an uncomfortable feeling really…the soap sliding that is. With a bit of luck, I'll never have to experience it again.

"Oh…uh, sorry Kaiba," Blonde boy starts up, looking sheepish and like a complete fool the way he's hovering near the wall, unsure of what to do. I'm about to kill him when the elbow hits the soap dispenser again.

"Wheel…errrrr…" I hiss, my famous eye twitch happening while more soap makes its way down my cheek. I can feel it soaking into my shirt somehow, adding onto the annoyance of the coke/popcorn mess still contaminating my pants. I will seriously murder this moron…I can feel it coming.

"Uh, no need to panic…all we gotta do is dry it, and you'll be fine," he says quickly, and I can tell he's panicking. He knows I have power to eliminate his worthless life. He's probably aware too that his future peaceful sleeps have been shattered. "'Ere, come use dis thing!" He drags me by the arm over to one of those hand drying things, also sitting on the wall. Before I have time to protest he's pushed the button and the dryer's started up. It's blowing hot air at me, and I growl in impatience at the uselessness of it.

"Is this the best you've got, Wheeler?" I snarl, feeling the soap in my shirt begin to heat up slightly. That's a good sign I believe. It means the soap will start to dry and evaporate back into the worthless atmosphere it originated from. Ridding my poor shirt of the toxic grime…that's what I need right now.

"Well uh, just stand dare (there) for a bit! I'll get some wet towels," he mutters and I hear him pulling out more paper towels from the dispenser. Next I hear the water running full-bore and before I realize I feel a cold, wet object plastered against my soap covered cheek. It sends a chill down my spine. "Heh, see, it's coming off. You just gotta…uh-oh."

I quirk my eyebrow at him when he suddenly stops cleaning away the soap, and see his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. I begin to wonder whether he's finally realised his days…no wait, hours are limited, until the warm soap on my front suddenly turns scorching hot. Oh great…what now.

Shooting a quick glance down at my chest, I see the problem. Most would laugh at it, but not me. Probably because I'm the one experiencing it. I know if it happened to Yugi, I'd be bawling my eyes out due to laughter, but because I'm the victim here…

"What are you standing there for Wheeler? Get some damn water!" I shout, feeling the soap begin to burn…literally. I partially watch the blonde klutz fumble around with the taps. However, most my attention is set upon the small fire erupting on my front. I need to put it out before it gets any bigger and does serious damage. One thing occurs to me while I fan the flames with my hands and wait for Joey to bring some water…yes, one simple thing…which idiot made inflammable soap!

"'Ere Kaiba!" Joey screams in panic, once again residing at my side. He's holding an old coke cup full of water. I begin to wonder where he got the cup when suddenly he hurls it at me. It hits my front and the water splashes over the small flames created by the dastardly soap. I sigh in relief when the water smolders the soap fire, hearing it hiss softly while steam begins to rise to the ceiling. Both Wheeler and I are relieved now…that is, until it burst into flames again. The only difference being this time, is that the flames are about twice the size.

"DARGH! Who made this water flammable! Is every damn thing in this damn forsaken bathroom inflammable!" I scream, tearing off my coat and letting it free fall to the floor, my main priority set to saving myself…and the hair. This hair must be the most expensive hair in the whole of domino…but moving on…

"Nyeah, Kaiba!" I hear Wheeler shout, trying to get close enough to help me somehow. How the moron thinks he'll be able to help me now, is beyond me. I choose to ignore him for the time being, more intent of ripping off my flaming shirt. Once it's been rapidly torn off over my head, I throw it to the ground, watching as the flames continue to lick at my once beautiful shirt. Alright, this fire's gonna pay…no one picks on my clothes and gets away with it!

"DIE!" I hiss in fury, smashing my foot down into the flames to smother it. I mean, I can't exactly leave it like that, can I? It'd eventually catch the whole cinema on fire…but maybe that's not such a bad thing? It'll mean Yugi and friends can never drag me here again. But still, I do the good citizen thing and begin to put the fire out. Within a few minutes of chronic, anger-based screaming, swearing and insult throwing, the fire is finally out. My poor innocent shirt though…

"It's ruined!" I wail, collapsing on my knees and bringing my shirt up close. I'm not sure what possessed me exactly, but I find myself hugging the charcoaled heap. Wheeler's trying to make his way out the door by the sounds of things. He knows this is his fault. And he's being smart for once and fleeing like a dog with its tail between its legs.

"Maybe we should be going back to the movie now, Kaiba?" he suggests quietly, before I hear the door slam shut. Good, he's gone…about time too. Sighing, I pick myself up off the floor and retrieve my coat, somewhat thankful that it didn't get burned to ashes, unlike my shirt. Slipping it over my now bare shoulders, and make my way slowly out the bathroom and back towards the Hilary Bluff film. By the time I arrive at the right theatre and walk down the aisle in the dark before sitting down between Duke and Tristan again, I look up at the screen to see Hilary and some random guy kiss. After that, the ending credits start rolling down the screen.

Ok then…so I missed most the film, had my pants drenched, my shirt burned and ruined for life, and my boots partially destroyed and for what? What exactly did I achieve?

"That was so beautiful," Tristan says, sniffling beside me. Duke agrees with him, still situated on my other side. It's quite pathetic really. Quite pathetic indeed. I continue to watch the credits roll down the screen, wondering when we'll be making a move to leave. All the other viewers have left, probably escaping while they still have the chance. But NOOOOO…we gotta wait until the whole damn thing's finished before we get to leave. Maybe Starfish head is too scared to wander up the dark aisle…that's what the small lights lining the aisle are for, genius!

"Ok, well…did everyone enjoy that?" Yugi asks, finally standing up once the screen had gone black and the dim lights came back on. Everyone minus myself are all cheering like usual in response to Yugi's question. It's quite a stupid question if you ask me. Of course they would have enjoyed it! They're all alike, so if Yugi liked it, so would the other dimwits!

"We should get going Yugi…Grandpa wanted the van this afternoon, remember," I hear Pharaoh boy state, and I smirk inwardly. Yes, finally I can go back to the comforts of my home! Standing up quickly, I head towards the exit again, my burnt shirt still clutched in my fist tightly. I wait for no one, not even 'Mini Me', which I remind myself to give a haircut once back at the mansion. Within minutes I'm out in the car park, standing beside the van impatiently.

The impatience isn't coming from the idiocy of this trip, or having to wait for them to get their asses moving out the cinema. No, it's a result of the persistent Cinema manager, nagging at me about "dress codes" and such. I ask myself what's the point of following someone and nagging them about suitable clothing if they're leaving the premises. I mean, why the heck did he insist to follow me out here?

It takes quite a while to persuade the manager that the black, charcoaled thing in my hand was once my shirt, and finally he must have understood and wandered off. Either that or he spotted Yugi and co arriving. Maybe he's suffered the same fate as me in the past? If so, I wonder what horrible experiences Midget Motou put him through…

"Eager to leave, are we Kaiba? Uh…what happened to your shirt?" Yugi suddenly asks me, pointing at my bare chest. I roll my eyes, and tap the large sliding door on the side of the van in silence. If he wants answers, he can ask his ape headed friend. It was that blonde's fault to begin with, so he can have the trouble of explaining it. Triangle brain notices my impatient and silent manner, so goes to unlock the door in haste. Within minutes we're all seated inside the van, and Yami starts up the engine. As soon as the engine fires up, so does the chipmunk sounding song on the radio. Yes, there's absolutely no way of escaping her. She's everywhere!

"Let's go back, back to the beginning. Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned. 'Cause perfect, didn't feel so perfect, trying to fit a square into a circle was a lie. I, defy." Oh great…just bloody great…not only is watching her "act" enough, but it seems fate wants to prolong my suffering. Now she's singing! If it even is singing! Sounds like a dying cat! But no, not ever Hilary Duff's song was enough torture for me. As we begin speeding down the street, Yami turns the volume up and everyone starts singing along to it! It's horrible!

"Let the rain fall down, and wake my dreams. Let is wash away, my sanity. 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder, I wanna scream. Let the rain fall down, I'm coming clean, I'm coming clean!" everyone sings, all out of tune and the timing's way off. I growl in defeat and squint my eyes closed, trying to block it all out. It's quite funny really, because this song has completely destroyed my sanity, and I sure as hell wanna scream…scream at these morons! Eventually the song dies down and it goes silent for a bit…but then another Hilary based idiotic "song" comes on, and I begin to discover a horrible truth…this isn't the radio anymore…no…it's a CD…YUGI'S CD!

So, my prolonged suffering keeps going until we reach my mansion. As the van slows down at the driveway I shout at Mokuba to open the door. Once open, I scream at him to get out before shifting his seat out my way. I leap out the van and land on the pavement, before storming towards the front door. I hear Yugi and co bid me a good day whilst also claiming they'll be here again tomorrow. Oh no they won't! I'll have to get my sprinkler system set up ready for them. Hehehehehe….Hahahaha…. "BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" I laugh insanely, once inside my own home. I make my way up to my private bathroom, still laughing like an escaped loon while my mind's set on having a nice, warm, relaxing bath…yes, Yugi will pay…he will pay with his life…savings…he can start by replacing my shirt.

Corad: There you have it...another idiotic episode completed. Don't you find it funny how trouble seems to follow Kaiba whenever he's with Yugi and friends? Maybe that's why he doesn't like them O.O If anyone's wondering what triggered the coke to be spilt in the first place, Duke was reaching over Kaiba to get some of Tristan's popcorn. But as you read, things went from bad to worse, to finally chaotic. Another thing, sorry to any Hilary Duff fans. I didn't mean to bash her so much, but this is Seto we're dealing with...once he dislikes something he shows it. Finally, there was a mentioning of Zigfried in here. If you're unsure who he is, he's basically another of Kaiba's rivals with long, pink hair. I'm pretty sure too that his name is based off Sigfried and Roy...well, to anyone who read this, I hope you enjoyed it. I am unsure when the next update will be. Probably when I get inspiration again lol. But hopefully I'll see you all there in the next chapter. Toodles :)