Telling Draco

Chapter 6

Grins sheepishly I apologize for making everyone wait for so long for this chapter. To say the last month has been eventful would be a gross understatement. My writing time has been cut short due to many things including foaling, personal problems and job hunting.

In addition to all of that I had some difficulty in writing this chapter just the way I wanted it and in the end I removed about eighteen pages that have been pushed into the next chapter. I hope that when you finish this chapter you felt it was worth the wait……………Enjoy!

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Draco sat in the parlor on Ginny's favorite chair, staring unseeingly at the Malfoy and Black Crests hanging above the mantle. He absently swirled the brandy in the snifter he held, before taking a drink. The liquor burned a trail down to his stomach and he released a contented sigh.

For the first time in weeks he felt truly relaxed. Today had been the first Sunday since the attack on Ginny that their family and friends had gathered for their weekly Quidditch match. A smirk lifted the corners of his mouth. He was in an excellent mood. He had beaten Potter to the snitch today. He figured that over the years they were about even, but today, today was his.

The late summer day had been beautiful. The sun had been shining, the temperature just right and there had been only a slight breeze. Overall, a perfect day for flying. It had been exhilarating to get on a broom and take to the sky, letting the wind rush past, his tension easing as he flew through the air.

Things weren't completely back to normal, yet, but slowly they were getting there. This next week would be difficult. The results of Percy's evaluation and the healer's recommendation would be given at his competency hearing on Tuesday. Once that was over, then perhaps they could begin to put this entire situation behind them.

Of course, he was still worried about Ginny. She would be facing Percy for the first time since the attack. He had hoped that her presence would not be required at the hearing at all. He had Marcello and Sebastian working overtime, trying to pull strings to accomplish just that. He absently rubbed the side of his head where Ginny had whacked him. She had found out and had really laid into him. He couldn't count the number of times he'd seen her mother do the same thing to one of her brothers. He snickered to himself, imagining her reaction if he pointed out that she had unconsciously imitated her mother.

She had told him, in a voice that brooked no argument, that she would be attending the hearing. She wanted Percy to face her. From what he had read from the preliminary reports given to him, Percy would not even know she was there. Truthfully, he felt it was her need to face her fear, to face the brother that had so seriously betrayed her trust in family.

Draco still didn't like that Ginny insisted on attending the hearing, but he was glad she had stood up to him. She was finally showing signs of her old sassy self, although he could tell something was still bothering her. There wasn't any one thing in particular, but there were several little things he had observed, over the last few weeks, which had caught his attention and told him things weren't quite back to normal just yet.

The morning after Percy's attack, Ginny had awoken before Draco. Ginny rarely, if ever, woke up before him, so he was surprised to find her stirring beside him. He felt the first quivering of desire he had so ruthlessly suppressed the night before, as he lay awake holding her close while she slept.

Smiling to himself, he was quickly warming to the idea of having a little lie in with his wife, when he felt her start to pull away. Not willing to let her go just yet, Draco tried to pull her back to him, asking her where she thought she was going?

When she shoved his arm away from her, Draco raised up on his elbow in surprise. Ginny grabbed her wand, mumbling something about the 'loo', through the hand she had clamped over her mouth. He watched her walk jerkily to the bathroom and slam the door behind her.

Dropping back down on the bed, Draco laced his fingers together and rested his head on his hands. Looking up at the ceiling he sighed, wondering what the hell that was all about.

He realized he had drifted off again when he felt Ginny get back in bed and lay her head on his chest. Draco wrapped his arms around her and asked her if she was all right. He tightened his arms when he felt her warm breath against his chest, she sighed 'mmhumm' and mumbled that she just wanted to get a little more sleep.

Draco had made arrangements to work from home the first week. He did not feel comfortable with leaving Ginny home alone just yet. They slept in late and after breakfast she would walk him to his study.

Every morning that first week Ginny immediately sprinted for the bathroom moments after she woke up. At first Draco thought that she was having nightmares, but Ginny denied having any bad dreams. By Friday Draco was worried and, when she crawled back into bed that morning, he tried to talk her into making an appointment to see Susan. She had argued with him, insisting she was fine and instead of falling back to sleep she distracted him by straddling his hips and planting little nips and kisses on his neck.

Each day at lunchtime she would appear in his study and take him to a different spot on the grounds for a picnic. Ginny always picked private, out-of-the-way spots and he soon discovered he had a new fascination with making love to his wife outside. He had to agree with Ginny when she said it was deliciously wicked.

Each afternoon when they returned to the manor she would walk with him to his study and settle on the couch with a book and read. He noticed that she fell asleep each afternoon, after reading for an hour or so, not waking until he quit for the day.

The only change in their routine came on Friday; it had been storming all morning. So instead of a picnic outside, Ginny had spread blankets in front of the fireplace in his office and dimmed the lights. They watched the storm as they ate.

After banishing the remains of their lunch to the kitchen Ginny had sat on top of his desk and held her hand out to him. He stood and grabbed her hand. She pulled him close to her, spreading her legs so he stood between them.

Ginny started unbuttoning his shirt kissing his skin as it was exposed, whispering to him that she had been fantasizing about making love on his desk all week. He had let out an agonized groan when she moved her hands from his now bare chest and undid his trousers pushing his pants and boxers past his hips in one movement.

He shivered as she ran one small hand up and down his hard shaft, while her other hand caressed his balls. When her mouth found his nipple her tongue teasing, her teeth nipping, he couldn't take anymore.

Grabbing his wand off of his desk, he used it to remove her clothes. His large hands wrapped around her thighs and he pulled her to the edge of the desk. Her legs came around his hips and Draco thrust into her, while capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

As they made love rain beat down on the windows, the thunder rolled and lightening lit up the cloud-darkened sky. Draco couldn't take his eyes off of her as she threw her head back and called out his name. When her muscles tightened around him, he was pulled deeper into her and he followed her over the edge, pushing into her with each pulse of his release.

That afternoon instead of going back to work, Draco widened the couch and they lay together, Ginny's head resting on his chest. As she slept he watched the storm while running his fingers through her hair. He realized that he didn't want to go back to work next week. He had completely enjoyed his time at home with Ginny.

When Sunday night came Draco still didn't want to return to the office. Perhaps another week home with Ginny would do them both good. He felt closer to her than ever before and after what he'd nearly lost he found that he craved more time with her.

He brought the subject up after dinner that night, telling her that he would be willing to stay home for another week, if she wanted him to. He didn't know why he didn't tell her it was what he wanted when she insisted that she would be fine and he should go to the office the next morning.

He gave Ginny a lingering kiss the next morning before reluctantly Apparating to his office. Still worried about her, he Flooed home several times during the day to check on her.

The final time she had just woken up from a nap. She had snapped at him, stating that she didn't appreciate being treated like a child unable to care for herself. Stung, Draco snapped back telling her that she should stop acting like a spoiled child and learn to control her temper, since it seemed to land her into trouble when she did lose it.

Without giving her a chance to respond he pulled his head out of the fire, but not before seeing the tears welling up in her eyes or the shocked look on her face. He was instantly sorry for snapping at her, but he knew better than to Floo back. He wouldn't be surprised if he found her wand up his nose if he did. No, he would give her a chance to cool down and apologize when he got home.

When he Apparated home that night it was with flowers in hand and an apology on his lips. She was standing in the foyer waiting for him. He tensed up, waiting to see if she was planning on hexing him. Before he could utter a word, she was in his arms plying him with kisses and apologizing for snapping at him.

To say he was surprised would have been an understatement. He had fully expected to have to grovel for forgiveness. The thought hadn't sat well with him, but he knew his comment was out of line. He had accepted that if he ever wanted to sleep in his bed again, it might just come to that.

When he realized that she wasn't going to stop he picked her up and carried her into the parlor, returning her kisses as he walked. He set her down in her chair and squatted in front of her. Taking her hand in his, he stopped her continued apology with a finger on her lips.

When she stopped talking he explained that he had been worried about her being home by herself. The reason he kept Flooing was, despite knowing she was fine, he had missed being home with her and she had no reason to apologize, it was him who needed to apologize for what he had said to her. He handed her the flowers he had dropped on the floor and told her that he loved her.

Expecting to see her smile, Draco was shocked when he saw tears forming in her eyes and running down her cheeks. Gathering her in his arms he sat down with Ginny on his lap and her face buried in his chest. He held her as she sobbed.

He wasn't sure how long they sat there. He whispered that it was all right in an effort to stop her crying. His hands constantly running through her hair and over her back. When her tears finally subsided, he lifted her chin with a finger and kissed her tear stained cheeks.

As her eyes finally met his, he was surprised, once again, by the look in her eyes. Ginny brushed his hand away from her face, and readjusting herself on his lap, she straddled him. Leaning in she kissed him passionately. When she pulled away, she told him how she had missed him too. That she hadn't meant to yell at him, but she was angry with herself for feeling so alone and helpless. Then she suggested a compromise, instead of going to the office all day he could go in the mornings and then work from home in the afternoon.

He asked her if she was sure that was what she wanted, she bit her lip and nodded. Leaning into him once again, she whispered 'yes' against his lips. He wasn't sure how they made it to their room, but they spent the rest of the night in bed.

Had Draco paid more attention to his brother's-in-law, he might have come to a different conclusion about Ginny's strange behavior. Instead he chalked it up to Percy's attack. At first he'd been upset that she hadn't talked to him about what was bothering her, but after a sitting down last week over some fire whiskey with her father, he decided to follow Arthur's advice and let her come to him when she was ready.

The problem was that patience was not one of his strong points and he really wanted to know what was bothering her. Though it irked him, he decided he'd let her get through this week and if she hadn't talked to him by then, he would just have to sit her down and ask.

After today, he knew for certain that something was up. He could tell something was going on with his wife and her two best friends were in on it. He just couldn't figure out what it was, but he'd noticed too many little things today to let it go for much longer.

The most noticeable thing had been Ginny's absence for most of the Quidditch match. Ginny was almost as fanatical about Quidditch as he was and she never missed a Sunday afternoon match, but she had been noticeably absent nearly all afternoon.

The second thing he'd noticed was at dinner after the Quidditch game. Blaise, Jade, Anton and Pansy had stayed for dinner like normal. Usually Marcello, Sebastian and their wives would stay also, along with Potter and Emily. But Emily had not been feeling well due to her pregnancy, so as soon as the game was over Harry left for home. Marcello and Sebastian had also begged off, saying they still had some things to prepare before the hearing on Tuesday.

Perhaps he noticed since it was a smaller group than usual, yet more than just Ginny and himself, but Ginny along with Jade and Pansy had not had wine with their dinner. The women normally enjoyed raiding his wine stores during their Sunday dinners. They had also seemed to be trading secretive looks and all three had not been able to keep the grins off their faces. There were two more things tonight that just screamed at him that something was up. The first was at several different times during dinner he had noticed Ginny observing Blaise, as if he were a puzzle she was trying to solve. When Blaise would make a loving gesture towards Jade, she would smile and look away, but several times her gaze had returned to him. The second was when he had come upon Ginny and Anton talking, it seemed that Anton was upset with her, but whatever she told him seemed to make him happy and he had smiled and had given her a hug. Had it been anyone else, he might have gotten jealous, but Pansy had walked up to them and gave Ginny a hug too. Something Pansy said had made all three of them laugh.

Despite all the drama that had taken place lately, there were times when he looked at her and he could feel a sense of peace and contentment that had not been there before. When she would look at him she would get this little smile on her face and he could see the love she felt for him shining in her eyes. It took his breath away every time.

Finishing off his brandy he decided to head up to their bedroom and see what Ginny was up to. After their friends had left she had given him a kiss and told him to join her after he finished his drink. After giving him a saucy little smile, she had walked out of the room. Banishing his glass to the kitchen he rose to head upstairs. Perhaps a carefully worded conversation would reveal a clue about what was going on with his wife.

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Ginny had just stepped out of the shower. She wrapped one towel around her body and then wrapped her hair up in another. Brushing her teeth she thought about earlier this evening and what she had yet to do.

Pansy and Anton had been the first to leave tonight. Pansy had sent a raunchy wink towards her and Jade, just before they had disappeared from sight. She and Jade had just looked at each other and smiled, poor Anton had no clue what he was in for tonight.

She smiled to herself. Anton had been a combination of comforting friend and colossal pain in the arse the last few weeks. He had been supportive of both herself and Jade, knowing that they were both pregnant and most importantly, he hadn't let it slip to their husbands. However, he had also been nattering them to death about the need to tell them soon. He had confronted Ginny again tonight, right after dinner. She had assured him that she had every intention of telling Draco tonight and, if she had her way, he wouldn't be in to work in the morning. Anton had just given her a big hug and told her that he knew Draco would be thrilled. Pansy had come up to them after overhearing what Ginny had said and given her a hug as well. Then turning to Anton, she told him that if Draco could skive off work for a day of shagging, then perhaps he should plan on not going in tomorrow either. Though all three had laughed together, Ginny and Pansy had shared a look that said it may not be far from the truth, but not for the reasons Anton might think.

It wasn't long after that Jade and Blaise had left. As Ginny had hugged Jade good-bye she whispered in her ear, "Courage my friend and if he does anything stupid you come to me and Pansy. If you Apparate yourself to France, I will come for you and drag you back by your hair if necessary. We're in this together."

Jade had just given her an extra hard squeeze and then Disapparated with Blaise. Heaving a sigh she had followed Draco back into the parlor, when he asked if she'd like a drink she declined.

Instead she had given him a lingering kiss and told him she was going upstairs. "Why don't you join me when you've finished your drink?" Giving him a sexy smile, she had left the room.

She wanted everything to be perfect this time. Trying her best to push her worry about her friend to the back of her mind, she had set about preparing to tell Draco her news. The shower had helped to relax her, which is what she needed and she had felt the tension ease out of her muscles.

Drying herself quickly she slipped on the green silk nightgown she had bought yesterday, and then unwinding the towel from her head she dried her hair. Leaving the bathroom she went to her vanity, where she worked the tangles out of her curls. She then applied some light makeup and added the perfume that Draco had bought for her.

She stood to pull on the matching dressing gown and then went to her closet to retrieve the package she had gotten for Draco, while shopping yesterday. Walking into the adjoining sitting room she placed the package on the coffee table and pointed her wand at the fireplace starting a heatless fire. The fire was not needed for heat this time of the year, but it made for a romantic setting.

Too nervous to sit, she walked over to the windows and stared out over the gardens of Malfoy Manor. It was a beautiful summers night and she watched as the fairy lights come on along the garden paths as day turned into night. Once again going over in her mind just what she wanted to say to Draco.

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Draco quietly opened the door to the sitting room. He took a quick look around and saw Ginny looking out the windows that made up most of the wall opposite the door. The marble and wood fireplace sat directly in the center, with French patio doors on each side that led directly to their private balcony, ceiling to floor windows made up the rest of the wall. Despite the fire burning in the hearth the room temperature was quite comfortable.

Closing the door behind him, he noticed that Ginny had not heard his entrance. She continued to stare out into the darkness. He sucked in a breath as he watched her from across the room. Even in the dimming light she was beautiful. Her gorgeous red hair, that he'd taken such delight in teasing her about when they were in school, hung half way down her back, the weight of it causing her normal curls to hang in waves. The silk of her dressing gown clung to her curves and he instantly felt the need to hold her, to reassure himself that he hadn't lost her that day three weeks ago.

As he walked towards her he passed between the couch and coffee table in front of the fireplace. On the other side of the coffee table sat two wing back chairs separated by a small table. On top of the coffee table he saw a gift wrapped box. Normally he would be delighted and want to open what was obviously a gift for him right away, but tonight he felt a strange tension in the air and he just wanted his wife in his arms.

Silently he walked up behind her. She didn't flinch when he slid his arms around her waist and when he pulled her back into his body she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss against her temple and when she turned her head towards his, she had her eyes closed and a soft smile on her lips. He couldn't resist capturing them in a soft kiss.

Ginny smiled when she felt Draco slip his arms around her. As she relaxed into his body she felt a sense of peace wash over her and when he kissed her temple she knew that tonight would be the perfect night to tell him about the baby. Turning her head towards him she felt his lips on hers, his kiss was soft and gentle, but arousing when combined with the feel of his hands spread over her abdomen. If he only knew what lie beneath his hands.

She enjoyed his caresses for a few more seconds before pulling away and smiling up at him. The love and hunger in his eyes sometimes still surprised her. It was moments like these, private moments, that let her know she had made the right decision in trusting him with her heart the summer after her fifth year. She was thankful that she hadn't listened to all the people who told her a Malfoy didn't have the ability to love.

Those people never saw Draco the way she did, they didn't know how all his mannerisms showed her how he felt when they weren't alone. An opened door to let her pass before him, holding her hand while they shopped or walked down the street, a hand on her shoulder that tucked her into his side while at a party, or a guiding hand on her back as they moved through a crowd. They were all gestures that let her know that he was there with her, always at her side, and she loved him for it.

Grabbing his hand she led him to the chair closest to the fire. "Sit down, I have something for you."

Pulling her down into his lap he grinned as he fingered the material of her dressing gown. "Here I was thinking that you were wearing my present." He dropped a kiss on her shoulder and then looked up at her, smirking. "I like it, can I unwrap it now?"

She couldn't stop herself from laughing when he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Stop it!" She slapped his arm lightly and then stood up to retrieve the gift on the coffee table. "This is your gift."

Accepting the package, he placed it on his lap and ran his fingers over the bright wrapping. "What have I done to merit a gift for no apparent reason?"

"Open it Draco," she ran her hand over his cheek. "I think perhaps you'll find there is a very good reason." At his confused look she explained, "Hopefully, this will help you understand what I wanted to tell you the night you got back from Egypt."

As he looked at the card before he started on the bow, she stood back to watch his reaction. They had never discussed what had caused her to leave the manor that night. It had been all they could do, to deal with the fall out from the events of the next morning. Neither had brought up the subject of the night before.

After taking the time to think about it, she decided that her original idea wasn't all that stupid. So while shopping with Jade and Pansy yesterday, she had once again purchased matching quidditch jumpers for her husband and their child. The same clerk had waited on her at the store and had looked at her funny. Asking why she was purchasing another set of jumpers. Ginny had mumbled something about a small fire and shoved the money at the clerk.

Of course after hearing the exchange, her friends had demanded an explanation. So she told them how, in the middle of her temper tantrum, she had incinerated the first set of jumpers, leaving the smoldering ashes on Draco's plate.

It had been nice to be able to laugh over the incident and her friends had especially enjoyed themselves. It was very rare for Ginny to act so impetuous. They also knew how it must have galled her to spend the money on jumpers she had already purchased before.

Draco was not a ripper, so he carefully worked his finger under the tape holding the paper together. Ginny began to fidget as she watched, her nervousness returning to gnaw at her stomach. He was taking his own sweet time and she had to fight the urge to grab the package and rip it open for him.

'Finally', she thought rolling her eyes. When the paper finally hit the floor and Draco pulled the lid off the box. Pulling back the tissue paper he saw the jumper folded up inside, he looked up at her questioningly before slowly pulling the jumper out of the box.

As he lifted the jumper it unfolded and the tissue paper fell back into place once again. He held it up to take a good look at it and he smiled.

"I love it, Gin, but I don't understand…"

Getting impatient she cut him off, "There's more."

He raised his eyebrow as he watched her. She was practically jumping out of her skin. He gently folded the jumper and placed it on the table between the two chairs before looking back in the box. Once again folding back the tissue paper he gazed inside the box.

He slowly reached in and just ran his hand over what was in the box trying to comprehend the significance of what was sitting before his eyes. It was probably only a few seconds at the most, but Ginny had been holding her breath ever since he reached into the box. The longer he sat there staring, the more anxious she became.

"D-Draco, say something," she pleaded.

He looked up at her quickly before looking back at the box, she could see that his hands were shaking as he reached in and pulled out the tiny version of his jumper. He held it up in front of him so he could look at it and after staring at it for a moment he turned to look at her.

She could see the disbelief in his beautiful silver-blue eyes, his mouth hung slightly open, all his masks were gone as his eyes searched her face. It was as if he were afraid to believe what he thought this meant. Slowly he stood and set the box on the coffee table carefully, laying the jumper back inside before turning to stand directly in front of her.

He took one of her hands in his, while he brought the other up to her face, lifting her chin with his finger. She placed her other hand on his forearm and looked into his eyes when he whispered, "Really?"

She had been barely breathing as she watched his reaction, chewing on her lip unmercifully the entire time. When he lifted her chin and whispered his question, she could stop neither the tears that slipped down her cheeks nor the smile that spread across her face. She could only nod in response as her throat tightened with the joy swelling up inside of her.

Clearing her throat she whispered, "Yes, Draco really."

The disbelief on his face turned to awe and then pure elation just before he pulled her to him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and tucked her face into the crook of his neck, his arms around her shoulders holding her tightly to him.

"A baby," he shouted, so out-of-character that she giggled. "We're having a baby!"

She felt him lay his cheek against hers and he whispered in her ear, "We're really having a baby." She could hear the wonder in his voice.

Wrapping her arms tighter around his waist she didn't try to stop her tears. Nodding into his neck, she whispered back, "Yes Draco, we're really having a baby." Pulling back to look up at him, she stared into his beautiful eyes and smiled, "Your going to be a daddy."

He just looked shocked for a moment before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the smile fading from his face. She could see moisture on his closed eyelashes and began to panic when he kept them closed, not saying a word.

Thinking that she had been wrong and that he was not happy about the baby. She began to struggle trying to free her self from his embrace. All of the joy she felt was draining from of her body, leaving her weak and shaking.

He held her tightly and she gave a little cry when she couldn't break away. When he heard her cry, his eyes flew open and he realized that she was struggling to get away from him. The look of panic and pain on her face brought him back to his senses. He grabbed her and pressed her tightly to his chest.

"No, sweetheart you don't understand," he cried out, holding her until she stopped struggling. "Ginny, listen to me. Please."

When she stopped fighting him, he put his hands on her shoulders and stepped back so that he could look at her. She was standing with her arms hanging by her side and her face turned away from him, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Grabbing her face with both hands, he wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "Gin, love listen to me. I am thrilled about the baby. In fact, I've never been happier." He gave her a small smile when she finally looked up at him. "I was just thinking that the happiest days of my life all involve you in some way."

He could still see the wary look in her eyes, and pain behind the tears that still threatened to fall. He had to make her understand what he had been thinking. Leading her to the chair, he had just recently abandoned, he helped her sit down before trying to explain.

Squatting down in front of her, he took her hand and placed a kiss on her fingers right next to her wedding band. Reaching up with his other hand he pushed her hair behind her ear. "I once thought the day you agreed to marry me was the happiest day of my life, but that was nothing, and I mean nothing, compared to the day we got married." Running his thumb across her wedding rings as he watched her face, he prayed she understood. "That day I felt like everything I ever wanted had finally been given to me. That if you loved me, enough to marry me, perhaps my life was worth something."

"Draco," she started, but he placed his finger on her lips to silence her.

"Let me finish, okay?" When she agreed, he continued, "Even the very worst day of my life was made better because of you. I killed my own father, Ginny. I hated him for what he had done to me, to my mother, to you and I hated that he put me in that position. I felt worthless, my own father couldn't love me, but when I came through those doors in the great hall, you were there waiting for me. Still loving me." Choking up he bowed his head and cleared his throat. "When I was little, I worshipped the ground my father walked on and even after I knew what a bastard he was, I still felt guilty that he died by my hand, but I wasn't sorry, because I knew that you were safe. Despite his threats, he could no longer hurt you and you didn't think me a monster."

He raised his head when he heard her strangled whimper. Raising her hand to cup his cheek, she whispered, "Draco, I could never…."

"Ssh, I know." He turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand. "But when you married me, even after I killed my own father, I'd never felt more blessed."

"Until today." He released her hand and dropped to his knees then stared at the hand he gently placed on her still flat abdomen. "When I saw that jumper I was so shocked. I was scared to believe it was true." Looking up at her, his eyes were turning a darker grayish-blue color. "For just a moment I was scared. Scared our baby would grow up to hate me, like I hated my father." Looking at Ginny he repeated the silent vow he made to their baby, "Ginny, I swear this baby will always know how much I love him. How proud I am to be his father."

Ginny just smiled and raised her eyebrow. "His?"

The corners of Draco's lips turned up. "Definitely his."

"We'll just have to wait and see then. Won't we, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco knew he didn't care. Boy or girl it didn't matter. This was their child, their family. He found he couldn't wait to meet its newest member. He was at a loss to explain how much this meant to him, how happy he was. Words seemed inadequate.

"Next to our wedding day this is the happiest day of my life. I love you so much. Thank you." He wrapped his arms around her hips and buried his face in her lap.

She could feel him placing kisses on her stomach. "I love you too, Draco Malfoy, so very, very much." She bent down, over him, and placed a kiss on his head.

Sitting back up she ran her fingers through his hair, as she listened to him talk nonsense to her tummy. After a few minutes he rested his chin on her legs and looked up at her, smiling. Rising from her lap, he leaned forward and gave her a soft lingering kiss.

After slowly pulling away, he stood up and held out his hand to her. When she put her hand in his, he helped her stand. Pulling her into his arms once again. "I love you!"

"I love you too."

With a lecherous grin on his face he asked, "So does this mean I get to unwrap my other gift now?"

Giving him a wide-eyed innocent look she replied, "And what gift would you be referring to, Mr. Malfoy?"

With his lips hovering just above hers he growled, "You, Mrs. Malfoy." Instead of kissing her though, he bent down and swept her up in his arms, carrying her into their bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot on his way to the bed.

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Draco stood Ginny up beside the bed. Cupping her face in both hands he angled her head and captured her lips in a gentle, but arousing kiss. He felt her sigh as he nibbled on her bottom lip, begging entrance to her warm mouth and when her mouth slipped open, he immediately deepened the kiss. Their tongues tasting and teasing one another.

Sliding his hands down her neck to her shoulders, he slipped her dressing gown down, running his hands down her arms. When the silky fabric fell away he brought one hand back up to her neck, threading his fingers in her hair and caressing her cheek with his thumb. Resting his other hand on her hip for a moment before sliding it to the top of her bum, Draco held her still while gently grinding his growing erection against her. He groaned into her mouth when she rubbed herself more firmly against him.

Draco felt her tugging at his shirt, pulling it out of his pants. He felt her cool hand against his neck, her fingers playing with his hair and when he felt her other hand touch the skin beneath his shirt, he groaned again.

He wanted to take this slow tonight, to worship her, to let her know just how much he loved her, how grateful he was that she was his and that she was having his baby. But her tongue stroking his, her body pressed into his and her hands touching him was igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume all.

He slowly he pulled away from her mouth and slid his lips down her neck, nipping and soothing until he reached that sweet spot, where her neck and shoulder met. He couldn't get enough of her sweet taste, her scent like vanilla, her touch sending shivers through his body.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he realized she had said something. Not willing to release her he murmured, "Hmmm…"

"Draco, are you listening?" She gasped as his lips moved to the other side of her neck.

"Sorry, love," he breathed against her neck, "What did you say?"

"Ahh," she groaned when he made his way up to nibble on her ear. "A-Are you truly ha-happy?" He released her ear when he heard her question. "About the baby, I mean."

Taking a deep breath to try and calm his racing blood, he lifted her chin. "Gods yes." His large hand, once again, cupping the side of her face. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Just when I think I'm the luckiest man alive." His lips slid from her forehead to place a kiss on her eyelid. "Because you love me..." He moved to kiss her other eye. "You go and give me the greatest gift..." He slid his lips down her nose and placed a kiss on the tip. "A woman can give a man," he muttered, kissing the corner of her mouth. "Thank you." His lips brushed across hers to kiss the other side of her mouth. "I love you." He placed a soft kiss on her mouth. "I need you." He touched her slightly parted lips with his tongue.

"Oh Draco," she sighed. He covered her open mouth with his and began exploring her mouth.

Ginny melted into his arms when his mouth finally captured hers again, his tongue pressing deep in her mouth, stroking hers. Need erupted in her. She needed him to never stop kissing her. She needed to feel his skin, but most of all she needed him inside her, filling her, loving her.

Her fingers flew over his chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt before pushing it off of his shoulders to the floor. She felt his hands everywhere, running over her silk covered body in light teasing touches.

Breaking the kiss, she panted for air, his lips continued down the side of her neck and back up. "Draco, I think it's time you unwrapped your other present."

And that's just what he did, as before he took his time, slowly working her nightgown up and off her body. Using his hands and his mouth to slowly drive her toward the edge of sanity.

By the time he slipped the nightgown over her head she had already undone his trousers and pushed them down his legs, along with his boxers. Quickly ridding himself of his shoes and socks he kicked away his pants and shorts before maneuvering her onto their bed.

He settled himself between her legs and slid his arms under her body grabbing her shoulders. Resting his weight on his elbows, he kissed her slowly pulling away slightly, each time she tried to deepen their union.

He could feel her heat and how ready she was, but he wanted to explore and worship her body. To bring her to the edge, before he buried himself in her. He gave her one last teasing kiss before plunging his tongue into her waiting mouth.

Pulling away he groaned and buried his face in her neck. He could feel her wriggling beneath him, her juices coating his aching cock. 'Not yet,' he chanted in his head as he began nipping and soothing her neck, slowly sliding down as he moved to her collar bones.

She swore under her breath as he pulled away from her and moved his lips further down her body. His hands moved from her shoulders and his fingers stroked her sides. Her back arched when he ran his tongue over her sensitized nipple. A shudder ran through her body when he latched on and worried the tender flesh with his teeth and tongue.

She couldn't stop her groan when he brought his hand up to tease her other breast. They had been sensitive, to the point of pain, whenever she had bumped them the last couple of weeks, but at his touch waves of pleasure sailed through her body.

Her breath hitched in her throat his mouth trailed across to her other breast. Draco shifted his weight to enable him to caress the one his mouth just left with his hand. Desire pooling in her belly, she ached to have him inside her. Tightening her legs around his waist she tried to bring him back up to her.

"Draco, please!"

At her whispered plea he raised his head and looked up at her. He could feel her shallow breathes against his chest and her wetness against his stomach, but it was the desire in her eyes that was his undoing.

Her cool hands came up to frame his face as he stared at her. "Please, Draco. Love me."

Rising up on his knees, he grabbed her hands, entwining his fingers with hers, he pinned them to the pillow on each side of her head.

Leaning down as if to kiss her, his lips almost touching hers he whispered, "Always." Then he brushed his lips across hers. Deepening the kiss when her mouth opened under his. Their tongues met and danced, stirring their blood.

He groaned when her hands slipped from his and her nails ran gently down his chest all the way to his belly button. One hand stayed, her fingers weaving through the hair that started there and trailed downwards. While her other hand lightly brushed over his head and shaft, before cupping his testicles and tickling him briefly then closing around his shaft. Her fingers exerted no pressure as her thumb ran up the thick vein and across the slit of his sensitive head.

His nostrils flared as he broke the kiss and he sucked in much needed oxygen. Unable to hold back any longer he raised himself above her. Still on his knees, he pulled her hips onto his thighs and slowly pressed himself into her, until he was completely buried within her.

Throwing his head back he let out a sigh of pleasure and pain. Her warmth surrounded him, while her tight muscles gripped him and pulled him in. Adjusting his hips he slowly pulled out of her before pressing in again. Determined to see to her pleasure before succumbing to his own, driving, need.

Looking at her face he saw her eyes staring. His eyes followed to where she was looking and he nearly came right then. She was watching where they were joined as he pulled out and then slid back into her.

It was the most erotic thing he'd ever seen. The emotions playing across her face as she watched him disappear inside her body were unbelievable. He could feel her muscles begin to spasm around him and her juices eased his way through her tightening muscles. She moaned his name. Her back arched and her head tossed from side to side as her orgasm flowed over her. Her nails dug into his thighs where her hands gripped him.

Watching her and hearing his name on her lips shredded the last of his control. He pushed her hips down to the mattress as he picked up his rhythm. Resting his weight on his elbows once again, he tortured first one nipple then the other, moving back and forth, with wet kisses in between.

She continued to whisper his name between broken moans and sighs, her hips rising up to meet his ever increasing pace. He could feel her hands on his hips trying to keep him close. Her name came in a groan, when he felt her nails sink into his skin.

Feeling the familiar tingle at the base of his spine he knew he was about to loose control. He buried his face in her neck and bit down on her throbbing pulse, sucking her skin into his mouth and running his tongue over it before releasing it once again.

Desperate to feel her implode around him again he nuzzled her ear and whispered, "Come for me again, love."

Within seconds he felt her muscles begin to milk his weeping shaft and he let go the last of his control as he released himself into her. Pushing further as each pulse of his seed burst from him while her muscles clamped around him.

With each other's names on their lips, they both called out their completion and collapsed in exhaustion. Draco buried his face in her neck once again, while trying to keep from resting his entire weight on her. He was not willing to leave her warmth just yet.

Ginny ran her fingers through his hair and her nails trailed lightly over his back as she tried to regain her breath, not minding his weight in the least. Knowing that he wouldn't hurt her or the baby, she held him close, lost in his warmth and surrounded by his smell.

Draco raised his head and looked into his wife's eyes. A wicked grin spread across his face when he saw the sated look on hers. Pressing his lips to hers in a gentle kiss, he couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped his lips when he heard her satisfied sigh.

He kissed her once again as he pulled out of her, knowing that she always hated when he left her body. He broke the kiss as he rolled onto his back and tucked her into his side holding her close to him.

He couldn't help the feeling of arrogance that filled him, knowing he was the only man to ever put that look on his wife's face. She did often accuse him of being an arrogant bastard and he supposed it was true. But there were some things that a man couldn't help feeling pride in, his choice of wife was one of them and now a child, their child, proof of their love. A new start for both the Black and Malfoy names.

Snuggling in closer to him, she placed a kiss on his chest and couldn't stop the smile that crept across her lips. She could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. She ran her fingers through the hairs just below his belly button and smirked when she heard his breath hitch.

"Your being smug again, Malfoy," she drawled before lifting her head to look at him. "But I love you anyway."

Laughter danced in his eyes as he turned on his side and pulled her closer to him. He kissed her. "You're right, I am and I love you too."

Tucking her head under his chin he mockingly growled, "Now go to sleep woman, you wore me out."

Smiling she didn't answer, but pressed a kiss to his chest and with a silent prayer she hoped Jade had fared as well with Blaise, as she did with Draco. Those were her last thoughts as the feel of Draco's warm hands running over her skin sent her off to sleep.

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A/N: Once again I have to thank dracademented for letting me use her OC's from her story 'Unexpected' and for being a great support. She goes through rough drafts and puts up with my abysmal spelling, grammar etc. Also, for helping with plot lines………good to have you back my dear.

I also have to thank dragonsangel68 for additional beta work. Maybe one day she will break me of my habit of run on sentences…….there's always hope.

Last, thank you to everyone who has read my story and enjoyed it. For those of you have reviewed I thank you for taking the time to let me know what you think. Your kind words always make my day…….thank you!

Chapter seven is in progress but due to draca's and my schedules clashing completely it will take some time but I am hoping that the wait for the next chapter will be much shorter crossing fingers.

