Disclaimer: Own Yugioh, I do not.
Aw man, I want to see that movie SO BAD. Annyways, sorry for the long wait! I've got excuses, such as that I haven't been home, I have been going through a lot of emotional stress, I had math finals, FFN wasn't working… All kinds of crap. Plus, I started writing this chapter on the laptop, and my brother kept using the laptop, and I refused to type on the desktop, so… Yeah.
Every/Any body who reads this story will also most likely like "Duke's Big Love!" by ClosetDweller. She's a talented writer, though she doesn't think so, and since I gave her the idea for the story in the first place (I almost forgot all about it until I found a draft lying around the house four months later) I felt I should promote it. It's a hilarious story, but she's using the typical "ten reviews" request to be lazy. She hasn't even got to the plot yet though! T.T (It's categorized Tragedy/Humor. It's not tragic at all, by the way.)
I have it on my favs list if you wanna check!
And, Kyah! It's been a year since I started on FFn! Yay! I have a lot of things to post, but I don't have the time! And I've missed updating Forever and After again! Wah!
--Four days till Christmas--
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Nine lords-a-leaping, eight maids a milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings! Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree!
Or books. Yep. Books.
--On the ninth day of—wait, I did that already, didn't I?--
As the sun rose on my seventeenth birthday, I was miserable. Isis had warned me that I would get a cold, but did I listen? Noooooo… I just had to walk around outside wearing pajamas, didn't I? And having Ryou and his Yami around wasn't much enjoyable either. They'd been bugging me all night and day. Currently though, they were sleeping on the floor, thoroughly exhausted. I blew my nose in a tissue, and decided that maybe it was time to take my medicine. So I stood up, wrapped myself with a comforter, and started picking my way around the Bakurae and their mess.
Twenty minutes and a thorough bathroom search later, I stood outside of Isis' door, whining: "Isis… I can't find the mediciiiine!"
Isis groaned loudly, giving the impression that five in the morning was too early for her. "Malik, did you check the medicine cabinet?"
"Did you check the drawers?"
"Are you sure Ryou and the tomb robber throw the medicine at you last night?"
There was rummaging sound, and Isis appeared at the door shortly, sliding a bed robe over her nightgown. I don't think pink is a very good color for my sister.
She entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. There was a growl of annoyance, and she opened it a few seconds later, tossing a box of cold medicine at me. "I knew I left it on the counter, Malik."
I blinked. "Oh. Okay. Thanks." I turned around and, gripping my blankets tightly, walked to the stairs.
--Four freaking days left till Christmas--
I went to the kitchen, hoping to get a glass of water to drink my medicine with. However, the sight that greeted me in there was… well…
"Aiee!" I screamed, clawing at my eyes. "Aiee!"
Rishid and Isis were at my side lickety split. "Aiee!"
"What's wrong Malik?" they asked in unision.
"Ba-Balloons," I stammered. "My eyes!"
There was an assortment of balloons in my kitchen. They were all brightly colored, helium, although there were some on the ground. The kitten, which was named Touzoku, padded past me. Seconds later, a loud POP! was heard, and the kitten wailed, screeching past me in a blur of grey. Dumb cat. It deserved it.
"Where did they come from anyway?" I asked.
--Four days till Christmas--
Yuugi-tachi was through fervently apologizing for startling me before we could start the party. (Apparently, Ryou was the one that infiltrated so they could get the balloons into the house quietly.) And the party couldn't last long, because my cold could "turn into pneumonia" as my sister put it. And I "couldn't get too much excitement either" or I'd "fall into a coughing fit and…" and… and something. I wasn't really listening to Isis.
It's not really nice to be sick on your birthday; Isis wouldn't let me eat any cake or go outside and pelt Otogi with snowballs. I didn't even have my Rod to magick snowballs with either, so the morning was pretty much a flop. I got to blow out my candles though! (Even though I couldn't eat cake.) Even Sakura-san… er, Ichigo-sensei (homeroom, math, VP, remember?) was there. I was too tired to even be freaked out about how close she and my brother were standing together. At least I had a few presents!
So I picked up a box and unwrapped it.
"Ryou…" I began, arching an eyebrow. "Clothes?"
Ryou's complexion was a bit red. "Umm, yeah. I thought that, uh, you might like it, because it's your style and all, and…"
"And my name is only on it because I didn't want to go out and steal anything for you," Bakura's muffled voice cut in. Bakura's voice was muffled because his face was in a pillow. Apparently, he was too tired to move. And who's fault is that?
--Four days till the exciting holiday--
The second present I picked up, and the seven after it, was a series of Egyptian books about ancient Egyptian romances. Or something. I didn't bother reading the title anyways, and I realized they were for Isis. This was helped along by the fact that a giant card that read ISIS in the same curly font as before labeled each one.
The cursed admirer strikes again! "ARGH!" I yelled, jumping off of my comfy seat on the arm-chair. "Who sent this?" I asked.
No one answered. Oh, I should mention the guests, shouldn't I? Yeah, the Yuugi-tachi was all here: Yuugi, Yami Yuugi, Anzu, Jou, Honda, Jou's sister, Jou's girlfriend (Mai, right?), Kaiba Jr., Kaiba Sr., Otogi, Ryou, and Yami Bakura. All these people, plus my siblings and homeroom teacher, witnessed my outburst.
Anyways, no one answered.
Now that my head was cleared up a bit, I realized that there was only one present left on the table. My anger at the secret admirer evaporated, and instead, I was angry at everyone for not getting me something. I didn't say it out loud though, wanting to wait until I finished opening this dinky thing before I went berserk.
I reached over, picked it up, and, with trembling hands, opened it. It was a key, on a key chain. "Wha--?" I asked. Touzoku had attached himself (yes, himself) to my leg. "OW!" I howled.
Everyone, bloody cursed everyone, laughed at me. Damn cat.
Touzoku mewed cutely.
--Four days till Christ- wait, why do I even celebrate Christmas? I'm not Christian, or even Jewish! I'm a polytheistic, for gods' sakes!--
"Anyway, guys, what's this? A dinky little key? The only other present I got other than Ryou's tight leather pants and tiny tanktop?" Ryou reddened as I said his name and his presents. He was embarrassed. Ah, how cute. Kind of. Not really; I'm not gay, you know.
"No Malik-san," Rishid said, going over to the door, "Come." I did as he said, grumbling all the way.
"What is it?" I whined. I wrapped my downy comforter around me even tighter. "I'm sick, I can't have cake, I can't go outside and play, stupid admirer sent Isis' presents to MY party, and all I got was a dinky little key and leather pants!" I fumed.
"And then I'm going to have to stay in bed for the rest of the week, and it's almost Christmas. Christmas! And someone gave me a damn cat. I'm allergic to cats, you know that?"
"Malik-san, I know you. You are not allergic to cats," Rishid told me.
I glared at him and snapped, "I didn't say that!"
Rishid sighed. "Whatever you say, Malik-sama. Look out the door."
"What do you—" I began, then opened my eyes.
A beautiful black Harley Davidson sat on the drive. My eyes widened. "Wow…"
I was entranced by the shiny surface of it. I took a step out into the snow in totally bare feet…
But was yanked back into the house quickly by my older siblings. "Malik, you've got a cold!" Isis-nee-san said. "You can't go outside now. You can see your bike later."
I scowled. "What? You're so mean, nee-san."
I flopped back onto the couch with a sour facial expression. Yuugi, Ryou, and company all were worried about my facial expression. "Why are you frowning, Malik-kun?" Yuugi said.
I blinked. I hadn't noticed I was frowning. "Nothing."
"Did you not like the present we got you?" Yuugi asked worriedly, chewing a nail. "We've been saving up to make your first birthday with us memorable."
"No! I really really like the motorcycle!" I insisted quickly. I looked around at the people around me. "You all saved up to buy this for me?"
They nodded.
"You'd better like it, Malik, because I spent more money than anyone else did on your gift," Kaiba said, snorting. "Who would've guessed that Yuugi's Yami was an extortionist? Then again, he keeps saying he's an ancient pharaoh…" Kaiba shook his head. "Well, I've got to go. I'm very busy today, and I can't stay any longer. Come along, Mokuba," he said, nodding to me and Isis and Rishid before he walked to the door and exited, little brother tagging along behind, waving to everyone.
--Four… more… days…--
The party died down a bit after that. Isis was happy with her novels. Ryou and his yami were no where to be found. Touzoku was happy popping balloons and killing my ears. I didn't even want to know where Rishid and Ich- Sakura-san went off to. I sat on the couch watching old Digimon reruns. I glanced out the window every couple of minutes to check if my bike was alright. I also put the key on the rarely used key rack next to the door. And then I heard…
I bolted upright, slightly panicked. That was Isis! Wait, why would she be mad at me? The last thing I remembered was her offering to clean my room since I had a cold. And she knew she'd be facing a room after having the Bakurae over for a night, so what could she possibly be complai—
Oh. That's right. I have her glass shoe.
By the time I got it in my head to take the Harley and run for it, slim fingers were already pinching my ear.
"OW!" I exclaimed, both at Isis' grip and Touzoku's imitation of Isis on my bare foot.
"I demand an explanation," Isis said coolly, her other hand holding two large pieces of glass.
Wait, two? Didn't Otogi break it into three?
--The ninth day ends--
Misura: Is this soonish? ((Sweatdrop)) I loved the opening scene too. That's why I put it in there! As I go on, I find that it's harder to find scenes I like, because I've already used most of my favorite scenes… ((sigh)) Anyways, I agree about if I had a brother like Malik, I wouldn't tell him either. He's quite annoying and nosey, kinda like me! (Not by much, really…) : D
Satine89: I'm SURE you get the Yami/Hikari thing… Would it be better if I just called him Yami Bakura the entire time? Oo…
Angela and Minimix: : D Thanks for loving last chapter! I'll IM about the sequel… sometime… : D
Sami Ryou's Hikari: Sami… I'm sorry. Everyone knows it's probably either Ryou or Bakura… I liked the opening scene too. N.n!
Mana-the-Authoress: No, Yami Bakura's not really obsessed with Rainbows and stuff. Malik was just making that up. Ya know, cuz he's him like that:D