Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, but how oh HOW I wish I owned Malik...

Notes: In celebration of it being twelve days till christmas, I started this story. I'm trying to go for a weird pairing fiction, but I don't know who the person is yet... I had originally intended it to be Kaiba, but Straws caught on too quick. And yes, I'm aware that I'm degrading Otogi and Bakura.

Inspired by "Twelve days of Christmas" by Kun II Kya. Straws read most of this as I wrote it, and gave me the idea of the school burning part. We had a good laugh at the lunchroom scene.

--Twelve Days Till Christmas--

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me: A partridge in a pair tree.

Or, in this case, a silver bell.

"Hey Isis!" I yelled, banging the door shut behind me. "You've got a present!"

"Oh really, brother? Who's it from?" Isis' head poked out from the kitchen, from which the smell of fresh brownies wafted.


--Twelve days Till Christmas--

It was Tuesday the 14th of December when I walked into my classroom. On my desk was a nicely wrapped present. Looking quizzickly at my friends, I looked at the present. The card red: To Isis Ishtar.

"This is for Isis!" I exclaimed, holding the parcel out as if it would grow fangs and bite me.

"Really?" Yuugi asked, standing on his tip toese to peek over the crook of my elbow at the gift. "Who would give you a present to give to your sister?"

"I don't know..." Suddenly, I had a brilliant idea as to how to fish out the culprit. I stood up on my chair. "Hey everyone!" I yelled. "I'm going to smash this really expensive looking present!" Everyone stared. Even Kaiba glanced up from his novel. Barely though. He's training himself to tune out of these distractions. Okay, so not everyone. Yami and Anzu were too busy making googly eyes at each other to notice the silence that had befallen the classroom. I was confused. Normally people would be either chanting to "Do it, Do it," or confessing and telling me to stop. "Does anyone care?!"

Unfortunately, the reason they didn't all start cheering was that the teacher was right behind me. "Mister Ishtar," the female voice stated vehemously. "I would advise you not to cause a racket or a mess in my classroom again. Now, please step off your chair and hand me the present."

I took a moment to compose myself, grinning cheekily as I hopped down from the chair and handed Ichigo-sensei the package. "Gomen, Ichigo-sensei. The package isn't mine. It's for my sister."

The teacher regarded me disdainfully over her brown rimmed glasses. "If it was your sister's, why would you smash it? Women are very sensitive about these things, and I doubt Ms. Ishtar wouldn't be much worse."

I shrugged. "I wasn't really going to follow through with it." I glanced around the room. Everyone, and this time Kaiba, Yami, and Anzu included, was watching.

Ichigo-sensei walked with the package to her desk. "Come get it after class. Be seated for roll-call, please."

--Twelve Days Till Christmas--

"What's in it?"

"How should I know, Baka Bakura!" I sighed, slapping Ryou's hand away from the gift. "I want to see what's inside it first, before anyone else touches it."

"Then open it!" Otogi encouraged.

I stared at the supposed Dice Master. "You're even stupider than Bakura. How would I close it again?"

"Poi-" Otogi started, when he was interrupted by a certain Tomb Robber interjecting...

"With Shadow Magic!" He brandished the Mellenium Rod. I stared. I seemed to be doing that alot lately.

"Where did you get my Rod?" I was too shocked to hiss at him.

"This is the fake you gave Rishid." The albino brandished the forgery again.

"I thought it broke, though," I voiced, frowning.

"I had it repaired," Baka Bakura explained, brandishing the fake yet again. "With Shadow Magic!"

Ignoring the idiot, I turned to Ryou and Otogi. "So... What do you think is in it?"

"Why don't you use the real Rod, then?" Ryou asked.

I mentally slapped my forehead. I forgot... "I left it at home," I muttered.

"You what?!" The fake Rod fell from the speaker's grasp, shattering before it hit the ground. "How could you leave it at home? What if the school was attacked?!"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "That's not going to happen."

"But what if it does?! I'm only three-thousand, too young to die!" The spirit of the Ring looked wide eyed in terror at me.

"Then YOU save everyone. You're immortal, Baka. I'll be too busy trying to save Anzu and the Pharoah in alphabetical order, as they'll be too busy googly eying each other to save their own asses."

"Anzu and Atemu," Otogi mused. "Which one is first? Anzu has a Z..."

"Well, you can use this," Ryou offered, taking off his Ring.

"What?! Yadounshi, don't! He'll keep it!" Bakura flung himself across the table, aimed at where Ryou's hand was to pass the Item to mine. It was a futile attempt, as the Ring was already in my hands.

"Don't worry," I assured him, already focusing the power of the Ring at the present. Slowly, the green and gold paper unwrapped itself, smoothing onto the table. The box sprung open, and the four of us looked inside...

--Twelve Days of Christmas--

"Oh, it's lovely!" Isis exclaimed, holding up the silver bell. It was carved intricately, the handle forming a swan's head. She was behind me as she opened the present, and I tried to act surprised when she showed me the present.

"You already opened it, didn't you?" Isis asked accusingly at my expression.

I stuffed my face with brownies, wincing as they burnt my tongue, and shook my head no.

"Oh come on, you have your Mellenium Rod. You could use Shadow Magic to open it up and seal it again without a trace." She tapped her fingers against the kitchen table testily.

I shook my head no again. I pointed at where the Rod was hung, on a thing originally made for hanging baseball bats, on the wall across from me. Eww... the brownies... sticking to my teeth.

"Well, you could already know who sent it."

I shook my head again.

"Okay, I believe you... this time," Isis told me standing up. "Swallow. It's unseemingly to have a mouth full of food."

--Twelve Days Till Christmas--
