It was March and the spring breeze quickly blew in.Hermione and Draco are now head boy and head girl. Everything was going fine until one night Draco will never forget. She wondered if Draco loves her, But finds out he does. And she finds out a shocking surprise….. She is pregnant. But Draco (Knowing he's the father) Denies ever sleeping with her. What will she do now, that Draco is denying their baby and What will Draco do if anyone ever found out?
A Night his fantasies were fulfilled
"Ahh!" Hermione woke up, in a cold sweat, from what she though was a bad dream; only to find out it was a nightmare come true. As she turned over, she felt a sudden unbearable pain between her legs. She had sex. But with who? 'Ok know, what happened last night. Try to remember…..just try….' she told herself. She then scrambled around her bed and willingly turned over, but was greeted by a pair of silvery-Gray eyes looking back at her.
"So… What do you think?" Draco asked, followed by his legendary smirk.
"What are you talking about? But before you answer that what are you doing here?" Hermione asked curiously . Draco's smirk vanished suddenly only to be replaced with these words "What do you mean?"
" I mean, why are you in my room? We only share a bathroom, not a bedroom"
Draco showed a puzzled face which followed a long pause. Hermione, suddenly became heavily frustrated, because Draco wouldn't answer; so she pushed him off her bed and shouted "Fuck man, Answer me!" Why are you here?"
Draco's eyes open wildly. 'I like them fiesty.' he thought.He latercrept back on the bed. Secondspassed and suddenlythe smirk returned."You must be joking?" he said laughing. "Anyway, was I as good as Potty?"A/N That last remark left Hermione in awe. Did that mean that she slept with Draco. 'How couldI have slept with him; Draco Malfoy, out of all people. But he doeslook hot with his hear across his sticky face.' she thought.Butshe didn't remember what she told him last night.
After a few minutes she began talking "So.. You mean…. we slept together, last night?"
A grin appeared on Draco's face as he said those words she did not want to hear "Of course, and your not that bad,….for what you are." Hermione blushed. (she and Draco had made a truce, to stop the insults,a few months ago after they learnt of their headship.) But reality came out of nowhere and hit here 'Oh no! what have I gotten myself into?' she thought. As Draco oogled her, she tried to convince herself to try not to slap him, so she sat on the edge of her bed with the covers over herand told herself to try and remember last night. To her surprise, it came back to her in a long flash
The surroundings had looked awfully familiar. It was Hogsmeade. The room was crowded with Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff student. But there was a student missing; Hermione. They were all drinking and having a good time at their separate house tables in the bar until someone blurted out something
"Harry" Ron said in a drunk manner, "Have you seen how hot Hermione has gotten over the Christmas holiday?" There was a long pause "don't talk so loud mate, someone might hear you." Harry told Ron. But Ron, not listening to Harry said "It's true, she's gorgeous."
Everyone at this time was well aware of what they were talking about. Seconds later, low murmurings took place at the Slytherin table.
"He's right, you know?" Blaise Zabini said " She has really gotten hot….."
You mean that mudblood bitch?" Dracointerruptly asked. Blaise looking a bit disgusted at his thought and said "Yes, but I thought you two made a truce a few months ago, to stop with the insults,"
"Yeah well, I did make a truce with her, but I never said that I would stop talking about her or insulting her behind her back, no did I?" Draco said smirkly. Blaise, now seeing his friends happiness, said nothing.
Draco sat in silence at the table and thought to himself. 'why am I always insulting or being mean to her?' he thought. 'I like her, but no one can know or my reputation as Slytherin Sex-god and Mudblood hater will be destroyed and I worked so hard to get here. What will I do now? I know I can….." right when he was gonna answer himself be was interrupted by Pansy's annoying voice.
"Well, you know and I both know Draco doesn't like her. Right Drakie Pooh ?"
Draco suddenly became angry, because he didn't like her, she was only there because she was a good fuck. But Draco opened his mouth and said "First and foremost Pansy, stop calling me that because I am not your fucking Drakie Pooh, and secondly, why would I like Granger? She's a filthy mudblood for Merlin's sake." After saying that he got up and stormed out.
Harry looked up and watched Draco leave. "I wonder where that ferret face prat is going?" "wherever he is going, I hope he dies and fall into the fuckingpits of hell where he belongs." Ron said. Harry not looking surprise said "I agree". with a long pause Harry said "Let's follow him."
As he walked through the empty streets of Hogsmeade, he stumbles into a another bar. This bar was almost empty. It had3 people. His anger evaporated at the mere sight of the one person that was on his mind; Hermione. She was crying silently, unaware of the eyes that were staring at her. He picked up his legs, that felt like 5 pounds weights, and walked over to her. He put his hands on her shoulder and said. "What's the matter Hermione?"
Hermione looking a little happy, turned to Draco who was now sitting beside her and cried in his shoulder. "Hermione, can you at least tell me what happened?" Draco seemed more anxious to know than ever now. "Well…." Hermione sniffled "…Harry, Ron and I had a fight?"
"A fight?…what about? He asked hungrily
"You" she said, looking at him. He glared into her brown hypnotic eyes and was about to melt, but turned his head just in time. Anger balled his mind and he blurted out, not worrying about the volume of his voice, "Me? Out of all the people, why me?" she paused and then turned. "because…" she said shakily "Harry and Ron thought that you were only being nice to me for one thing, and that you were evil, and I…I defended you. I told them they were wrong and that you changed. But when I told them that they had a fit." she said as the tears streamed down her face. "Oh,… well, you know better than that." Draco said in a comforting voice.
After saying that he put his arms around her and began to comfort her. Out of nowhere came Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron was angry. But Ron spoke first. "Get away from her, you, you, you ferret face prat." Draco didn't budge. Harry, now looking more angry at Draco than Ron said nothing. Now Ron, bubbling with anger took out his wand and aimed it at Draco.
Hermione, now in a gaze at Ron, opened her mouth, as if trying to speak, but she was overthrowed by Ron's voice, which shouted "Petrificus Totalus". But instead of hitting Draco like he had planned, he hit Hermione.
Harry, who now stepped in close range of Ron said "what have you done?"
Ron, now looking sorry full said "it….it was suppose to his Malfoy, not Hermione."
Draco stood there looking at Ron with angry eyes and shouted "you were suppose to be her fucking friend, how could you?" after saying that he picked up Hermione's petrified body and moved away from the table. Ron was about to say something but Draco apparated and with a loud 'crack' he was gone. Ron, now looking bewildered, turned to Harry, who was down right furious, and said "did he just say that? Did he….." but he was interrupted by Harry's comment "Don't try and change the damn subject; you petrified her; and last week you claimed you love her, I guess that was just a bunch of shit for spur of the moment, right?"
After speaking his mind, Harry left Ron there in the deserted Bar to wonder the seriousness of what he had down. Ron, now hurt by what Harry told him, took a seat and was about to cry but instead he got up and walked back to Hogwarts alone.
Draco had apparated back to Hogwarts, right in front of he head-quarters. He said the password "Lemon Drops" and walked into the common room and rest Hermione gently on the couch and took out his wand and unpetrified her, and within seconds Hermione was back to normal. She looked puzzled and said "How did we get here? The last I remembered we were in the bar in Hogsmeade."
Draco turned his head and said " the reason you don't remember is because Ron petrified you." she stared at him in disbelief but instead if her talking, Draco butted in and said "It's true, he petrified you…..I was just as amazed as you are now. Well I picked you up and apparated to our rooms. When I got inside I gently rest you on the couch and unpetrified you."
There was a long pause but Hermione finally spoke and said " Ron petrified me?"
A long pause escaped Draco's mouth as he said "Yes, he did, he petr….." but he was interrupted by Hermione's lips on his. After she let go of him, Draco smiled. Hermione blushed.
A few hours passed and Draco was drinking and having a nice time with Hermione until she fell asleep. He carried her up to her room and rest her in her bed. When he was going to leave she called out "Draco wait. I have to tell you something before you go." she thought that it was best to tell him this while he was drunk so he wouldn't remember in the morning. Draco walked over to her bed and sat on the edge.
"what do you wanna tell me Hermione?" Draco asked
"Well I love you Draco, I'm not sure if you feel the same about me, actually I doubt it, but that is why I defended you in the argument with Harry and Ron ."Hermione said. Draco was amazed. He felt the same way. He was happy now
"Hermione, I have some good news for you?" Draco said
"what is it Draco?" Hermione asked
"I love you too, Hermione. I always have but I thought you didn't feel the same so that is why I became your friend. So you can see the real me, and if I play my cards right, you might end up feeling the same way about me, in time."
At this time Hermione was wide awake at the outburst or Draco. He felt the same way about her. She now doubted telling him, because he felt the same way as him.
Hermione, felt the rush of adrenaline crawl up her spine and she moved closer to him. They were an inch apart now to be exact. He felt the same sensation, so he reached over and kissed her. To his surprise, she didn't stop him, she let him touch her wherever he wanted. A soft moan escaped her mouth. He looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. They took it rather slow as they loved each other's company in her bed. They kissed one final time. But this time more passionate. This was the kiss that led to the two of them making love, all night long.
End of flashback:
Hermione now knew how and why they had sex and she turned to looked at him and smile. She know knew that he felt the same about her and they would finally be together.
Draco spoke up and said "so what are we know?"
Hermione know looking very surprised and said "which do you prefer? Girlfriend and Boyfriend or Secret Lovers?"
Draco looked at her and smiled and then said "I like the first one better." Hermione smiled but then said
"How are we gonna tell everyone about us?"
"how about we leave it secret for awhile?"
"Sure, anything you say Draco"
A/N: Hermione and Harry didn't sleep together. THat was just a rumor that someone made up, but she accepted it because it stopped all the harassments from the numerous boys that liked her.
This is where all the trouble in Hermione life begins. From one wrong mistake to another she will wish she could turn back the hands of time. :)
Please read and review this story. This is my first story so please be delicate with your choice of words. If this story get's good reviews I'll continue, but if I don't get gopod reviews i'll still continue. So just do your best to follow the story.