A/N: I decided to try writing a Gundam Wing fanfic. This fic is a strawberry, that means 1x5. There is also some 3x4 as a side pairing.

Warnings: Yaoi and angst, and a little fluff (, though I don't usually like fluff...). This might be a bit weird to read, as I've mixed it with the form of a children's story book.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my mind.

Guns and Swords

Chapter 1

Can you tell us a story? Please tell us a story. Yeah, plz, plz, plz!!!

You want to hear a story? Okay. Which one?

Dungeons and Dragons! Titanic! Tales from the Darkside! Too scary…! Guns and Swords! Yay!!! Please read Guns and Swords to us! Plz, plz, plz…

Alright… Mary, can you bring me the book?

It's too high! I can't reach it!

That's alright. Kentaro can help you.


Now, gather around me. Let's open the book. Look at the picture… looks warm and cozy, doesn't it?

A young man, teen actually, sat in the sofa reading a book. His pure black hair, which was pulled to a tight ponytail, seemed to glow softly in the light from the floor lamp he sat under. That was the only light in the room, with the exception of the soft light coming from a laptop that lay open in another teen's lap. The other teen had short, messed up, brunt umber hair. His cobalt blue eyes seemed cold and harsh as he worked, while the other teen's ivory black eyes had a mixture of indifference and softness in them.

This is Heero and Wufei. Heero and Wufei are the pilots of the gundams Wing and Shenlong. Heero and Wufei are dating. But Heero and Wufei aren't happy. They wish they could be happy.

Two other teens entered the dimly lit room. One was shorter, with naples yellow hair and jade green/blue eyes. The other was tall, his hair was the color of brown ochre, and his eyes held the color of sap green. The yellow haired teen smiled and sat down next to the black haired one, the tall brown haired teen sitting at the other end of the sofa, next to the yellow haired. He didn't mind the arms that wrapped themselves around him; neither did he mind the head that rested against his shoulder with a content sigh.

This is Quatre and Trowa. Quatre and Trowa are also dating. They are happy together. Heero and Wufei wish they could be happy too.


Yes I know it's short. Consider it a teaser. Now, tell me what you think.