Hey, this is my first fanfic! Please PLEASE read and review, I need lots of tips! Thanks so much for reading! Kato xx

When Hermione begins receiving owls from a certain red haired twin during her summer before 6th year, she doesn't think much about it. But when the twin comes into her life in a more drastic and obvious way, she can't help but notice the attentions he gives her. How can Hermione handle two Weasleys falling in love with her? Especially if one is her best friend and the other his older brother. Naturally Hermione is torn, Ron is insanely jealous, and Harry... well Harry is just what he always is! Lovely! HGFW/HGRW

The first letter arrived in the middle of the night.

Luckily, Hermione was lying awake, staring intently at her bedroom ceiling which she had, just a few days earlier, charmed to look exactly like the night sky outside. The climotous charm, as it was called, was highly advanced NEWT magic, and Hermione's NEWT textbook was still lying open beside her bed. The sky above her swirled with clouds and stars. But Hermione's mind was far away.

It was the 14th August – the day that she had been dreading but wanting all summer. This was the day that Professor Dumbledore would send out the owls that contained the pupils OWL (Ordinary Wizarding Level) results, and Hermione couldn't sleep for the fear that she had done badly. Her nightmares had gone on for a few days now, and now she did not dare to sleep as she knew Professor McGonagall would be in her dreams, towering over her, always saying the same thing:

"Miss Granger, I am appalled and shocked! All Ds! No 'outstandings', no 'goods', nothing! You are expelled!"

Hermione sighed. She turned and looked over at her clock – 2.30am. Would Dumbledore send an owl through the night? Could it get here any second? Hesitantly, Hermione crawled out of bed and tip toed over to her large bay windows. Looking out into the dark night, she willed a white shape to come flying in over the treetops, bearing the Hogwart's crest. Instead, the night was silent, like a blanket of darkness over her quiet rural village. She sighed, and climbed back into bed, yawning as she went. Maybe it would be best just to go to sleep and wait until morning to fret over her OWL results… she turned over, her head facing her bedside table.

Hermione had always prided herself on being tidy and organised, but her bedside table didn't show it. The day before, she had received three owls (her heart had flipped over three separate times, in the hope that perhaps one of them had been carrying her results), but instead, she had received three letters from her friends at school. The first owl had been a snowy female, Harry's owl Hedwig, who looked disgruntled at having to carry such a tiny letter such a long way. Hermione had smiled at the scowl Hedwig had given her (only women can scowl like that, thought Hermione, smiling) and had taken her letter before watching her fly off. Harry's letter was short, but sweet, the same as usual:

Hey 'Mione!

How are you? Just owling you to say thank you so much for your birthday card and Charms book. The book will be really… helpful next year. Thanks for being original! I hope you're well, and having a good summer? I know you'll be stressing so much over the OWL results, but just forget them OK? I've managed to not think about them much yet, but the Dursleys always take everything magic off my mind!

Anyway, take care.


Hermione had smiled at Harry's letter, he was always so sweet! Although he only wrote about once a summer, even though it was two months long. Hermione sometimes wished he'd write more, he didn't write half as much as Ron, who wrote to Hermione once or twice a week. Boys! They were so different!

Almost as soon as Hermione had written a long reply to Harry's letter, and had sent off her owl, Kiara, with it, she had received a letter from Neville, who she had got quite close to in the last few weeks of the previous year. Hermione always had a sneaking suspicion that Neville thought of Hermione as more than a friend, but she always brushed the thought aside when she spoke or wrote to him, and acted as if she hadn't noticed anything.

Once again, as soon Hermione had written a reply to Neville, a third owl came swooping in through the window, but instead of landing sedately on her shoulders it flew manically round the room, hooting loudly. Hermione sighed as she tried to catch Ron's owl, Pig, to no avail. She didn't mind receiving letters from Ron of course – although he did seem to write a whole lot more than she felt comfortable with, but she always wished he'd use a different owl. Pig was a minute owl, and had a personality that matched the Weasley twins – loud, hyperactive and raucous. Finally, Hermione managed to grab Pig, who felt very fluffy and warm, and untied his rather large burden, before throwing him back out the window. She gasped at the sheer weight of Ron's parchment, and marvelled at the strength of the tiny owl to bring it so far.

Sighing slightly, she unfolded Ron's letter. This was the second that she had received this week, and the last one was two pieces of parchment long. This one could be longer. She scanned the letter – the usual things…

"Mione! You didn't reply to my last letter! Is everything OK? You're not angry are you?"

"Harry is coming to stay with me next week for the rest of the summer, can you come too? Please? You're my best friend as well as Harry!"

"Please write back soon, Send Pig if Kiara is busy, he doesn't mind long journeys! Please?"

Hermione glanced guiltily at the open window which she had thrown Pig out of a few moments before. She wondered what Ron's reaction would be when Pig arrived Home empty handed yet again. Well, she wouldn't worry for now. Kiara was off sending her letter to Harry, it wasn't her fault she couldn't reply!

Hermione turned and looked at her clock again. 3.15am. She yawned. Perhaps she could get on with some work seeing as she couldn't sleep. Her school books were on her desk opposite, and she had that History of Magic essay to finish… and the arithmancy equations…. She prepared her body to climb out of the warm bed…


Hermione jumped. The noise had come from her closed window, where, on closer inspection, showed a strange creature sitting on the window sill. She grabbed her wand and muttered "lumos!" to shine light on whatever creature it was that was trying to invade her bedroom. Her light feel across the strangest looking creature she had ever seen. It was shaped like an owl (it must be an owl Hermione thought), but it had a comical pattern around its eyes, and… Hermione had to squint to make this out… it was blue and orange. She gasped. She had never seen such a colourful owl before! Her mind was racing. Was it some sort of charm? If so, she was sure it was against everything the 'Department of Magical Creatures' in the Ministry of Magic stood for. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't open the window and finally another TAP from the owl brought her back to her senses. She opened the window and he…she? Flew in and landed on Hermione's head.

"Hey! Get off!"

The owl merely hooted comically in response, whilst happily settling itself down in Hermione's thick hair. Finally, she managed to haul it off, and he gave her a comical look where he eyes rolled and he fluffed up. It reminded her of someone… she wasn't quite sure who. Tied to the owls leg was a letter, which Hermione untied and let the owl fly off out the window, its colourful shape standing out sharp against the night sky. She yawned. This was her fourth letter in 24 hours, she felt rather popular! Settling down on the bed she unfolded the parchment and began to read, her eyes widening in amazement at the name that was scrolled at the bottom…

Review review review! This is just an introductory chapter, it gets better I promise  Sorry for ending it so suddenly, I wasn't sure if the chapter was too long! The chapter is interesting… ;) please review!