Chapter 11

This night, when the 'executive' group returned to The Winged Lion, Jack wasn't visibly with them. Tonight he was waiting in a surveillance van outside. Bobby, Myles, and Tara were seated by Christopher again, but this time they were joined by not only Alexander, but also Gary. He started the conversation.

"So, I hear that you're going to be buying from me and my friend Alex here." He stated, evidently making sure that Christopher's information was completely correct.

"Yes," Myles answered him. "We were hoping to make you our permanent suppliers."

"I think we can do that." Gary said, smiling slightly. "Did you fix your 'friend' Jack?"

"We came, we saw, and we fixed him good." Bobby told them quietly.

"Хорошо." Shiva chuckled, using his native tongue. (Good)

"У вас есть изделия?" Myles asked, also using Shiva's native tongue. (Do you have the merchandise?)

"Да. В офисе." Shiva told him. (Yes. In the office.)

"Сколько стоит?" Myles asked. (How much does it cost?)

"Сколько вы хотете?" Shiva asked, a satisfied smile on his face. (How much do you want?)

"Сколько можно достать?" Myles asked, going for the gold. (How much can we get?)

"Мы вам покжем." Shiva told him, getting up from the table with Leynnier and Storn following suit. (We'll show you.) Myles motioned for Tara and Bobby to follow Shiva and Leynnier. They headed back to Leynnier's office. Storn stood just inside the door as Alexander and Gary went to the back wall of the office. Gary reached up to an old light on the wall that was shaped like a lion. Pulling the paw down, they heard a clunk as the wall started to open. It folded itself into wall pockets that were hidden by tall, slender shelves. The whole place had a slightly ancient feel to it, or at least something from a movie.

"I designed it myself." Gary told them proudly. "Mr. Shiva here got me the parts, though." Shiva smiled and nodded as he entered the small space that was revealed. Inside were crates, one of which Shiva approached and proceeded to pry the lid off of. The whole crate was filled with cocaine.

"Ou l'arrete maintenant?" Tara whispered in Myles' ear. (Should we arrest him now?)

"Dans une minute." Myles whispered back. (In a minute.) Myles then turned back to Leynnier and Shiva, continuing in a normal voice. "Can we get regular deliveries?"

"Конечно!" Shiva said, smiling amiably, thinking it had been Tara's idea to ask. (Of course.)

"We can do just about anything." Gary told them. "You want regular deliveries, I will give them to you personally if you so wish."

"Excellent." Myles said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Maintenant?" Tara asked in a normal voice. (Now?)

"Oui." Jack's voice came from the doorway startling everyone in the room. Turning around they saw Jack emerge from the shadows, gun drawn. Taking their cue from him, Tara, Myles, and Bobby also drew their guns. Before Gary, Alexander, or Chris could draw their guns, six more agents entered the room, guns drawn. "Hands in the air." Jack's command rang sharply through the room and was instantly followed. A quick search relieved the culprits of their weapons. They allowed themselves to be cuffed and their rights read without a word. It was figured that they probably wouldn't say anything for a long time. They would, of course, deny everything, but the evidence of them selling to agents was stacked up against them.

After they were removed from the premise, Jack walked out into the restaurant where everything was normal. No one knew that the owner, Mr. Gary Leynnier had just been arrested for possession of a controlled substance. It was getting close to eight o'clock, and there weren't many people left in the restaurant. Bobby also came back out into the restaurant.

"Don't think I'll be returning here any time soon." he commented. Jack laughed and approached the piano. The pianist was still playing, the spotlight shining on her blonde hair, making it shine like gold. She was wearing her hair down in a way that made his heart do flips. Her dress was off the shoulders, white, and heavily beaded, making her shine like an angel. He walked over and leaned on the piano. He didn't recognize what she was playing, but it was very graceful and heavenly. She finished the song and looked up at him, her brown eyes sparkling as they met his.

"Do you have a request, sir" She asked sweetly, her voice soft and alluring.

"Can you play Blue Hawaii?" He asked.

"Only if I have someone to sing it while I play." She answered mischievously.

"Hey, Bobby!" Jack called, "Sue will play Blue Hawaii if you'll sing."