Disclaimer: Okay, so I forgot to mention in the first chapter that I do not own anything that has to do with Harry Potter. I never will…. no matter how many times I hope and pray that I do. A/N: Thank you to all those that reviewed. I'm really glad you liked it. Sorry, but I don't think this chapter is going to be as long, but I'll try.


Hermione stirred awake reaching for the clock on the bedside table next to her. The clock read 8 am. She hadn't gotten a decent sleep in the last week. So many things were going through her mind. Somehow, Draco had gotten a hold of her number and a phone and had been trying to call her. How he had learned how to use one was beyond her. Probably Harry, she muttered irritably to herself. She refused to take any of his calls. He ruined the whole week for her, but she wasn't going to let him ruin another day. Not today.

The ringing of the phone interrupted her thoughts. "Hello," she said groggily. She'd forgotten she hadn't spoken that morning. She cleared her throat and said again "Hello."

"I'm sorry babe, did I wake you?" Blaise asked at the other end of the line.

Hermione rubbed her eyes sleepily. "No, I just woke up. I guess my alarm didn't ring when I put it."

"Well, his train doesn't get here until 11. You have plenty of time to get ready," he said. "Are you nervous?"

Hermione smiled. "Of course I'm nervous. I haven't seen him in over a year. I bet you're just as nervous."

"Me? Nervous? Are you kidding me? Slytherin's don't get nervous," Blaise said trying to hide the quiver in his voice. "Nope, not me."

This was the first time he was going to meet Cameron. Hermione wasn't worried though. She knew they'd get along just fine.

"Yeah, okay. Well tough guy, make sure you be here in two hours and do not be late. You know how important this is. I can not stress that enough."

"Yes ma'am," he shouted firmly. She could imagine him standing there, saluting to her as if she was an officer in the armed forces.

"Cute, Blaise."

Blaise sighed. "I know I am, but you really don't have to tell me all the time."

"I'm hanging up now."

"But you forgot to tell me how adorable I am," she heard him say as she hung up the phone.

This was going to be an interesting day.


"Hermione if you don't hurry up we're going to be late," Blaise yelled from the bottom of the stairs to her flat. "You told me to be here at 10. I'm here and it's already 10:30."

The morning had not turned out like it was supposed to. Not only did she fall back to sleep after Blaise had called, but she forgot to pick her clothes up from the dry cleaners. Nothing in her closet seemed right. She finally gave ands yanked something out at random. "I'm ready. I'm ready," she said as she climbed down the stairs. "Don't yell at me you bloody cow!"

"I'm sorry, but if we don't leave now we're going to miss his arrival," Blaise said as she ran passed him out the door. He looked after her. He couldn't help, but love the way she was so full of life. They had to get there the muggle way seeing as they really couldn't apparate in a public muggle train station.

She suddenly ran back through the door. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go."

Blaise rolled his eyes, following her as mumbling something along the lines as 'I'm not the one who's running around like a chicken with their head cut off.'

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the train station. It was packed with tourists and what not coming home from a long summer holiday. "Hurry, check if his train has arrived. I don't even know what platform he's on," she explained. Hermione was just about ready to have a heart attack. Blaise grabbed her arms to have her face him.

"Hermione, take a deep breath a calm down," he instructed her soothingly. She followed his instructions and relaxed. He turned her head to face the screens above her. "His train just got her on platform 7. Now, we are going to walk very slowly to the platform. You're going to be just fine."

Hermione glared at him. She hated being treated like a child and that's what Blaise was doing to her at this very moment. Slowly they walked to the platform. Suddenly, her nerves caught up to her and she started shaking involuntarily. Blaise couldn't help, but feel the same way. He had waited for this day ever since Hermione had told him about Cameron. She was hesitant at first and he had to admit he was shocked to hear the news.

Many people were walking away from the platform, but there was no sign of him. Most of the travelers had already left leaving only a few in sight. A young male conductor holding the hand of a little boy finally appeared. Hermione was too busy looking around to notice. Suddenly she felt a little hand creep into her own.


Hermione looked down at the beautiful little bay that stood by her side. His silver-blue eyes looked up at her and she couldn't help the tears that started to well up. She kneeled down next to him with tears in her eyes.

"Mummy, it's me," he said with a huge smile on his face. His smile slowly faded and was replaced with a frown. "Why are you crying, mummy? Are you sad?"

Hermione smiled into her little boy's eyed and smiled. "No baby I'm not sad. I'm just very happy to see you," she said giving him a hug and holding him in a tight embrace.

Blaise stood off to side looking at the mother and son he was about to get to know. There was so much love in their relationship that he knew no one could come between them. Hermione looked up at Blaise who gave her a reassuring smile.

She stood up holding the little boy's hand. "Cameron, I'd like you to meet someone. This is my very good friend, Blaise."

Cameron put his hand out. "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Blaise," he said with a smile. Blaise looked at the boy closely. He had the same chocolate brown hair as his mother although his was straight, but his skin tone was much fairer that hers, an almost pale colored. Cameron looked at him with a sparkle in his eyes. Those eyes looked very familiar to him too, yet he couldn't place his finger on it.

Blaise placed his hand into the little one that was still sticking out. "Hello, there. I am very happy to finally meet you. Your mum has told me all about you." The same familiar eyes looked up at him and again he wondered. Where have I seen them before?

Hermione looked at Blaise curiously. He had a look in his eyes that he had never seen before. And this look made her worried. She had been reluctant to tell Blaise about Cameron since the day they decided to be in a relationship. There was no easy way to say it so she had just come out and said it. She said nothing about the father and he had never asked, but now, he a questionable look on his face. Like he could see something in Cameron. Hermione looked down at Cameron. There was no doubt that he did look like his father. Most of Cameron's features were from her, but the ones that stood out were from him.

"Well," Hermione started, wanting to break the enchanted look that had crossed Blaise's face. "I think it's time to get your things so we can go visit Uncle Ron. He showed mea a picture of his new house. Its really big and I think he has a swimming pool."

Cameron's got huge at the mention of a swimming pool. "Can I go swimming? Please, please, please."

Hermione laughed at Cameron's begging. "Maybe, but we have to hurry and get your things." Cameron joyfully jumped up and down as they got his luggage and headed for the car.


Harry hurried to the restaurant quickly. He was late yet again, and that was the second time in the last two weeks. Luna was never minded, but to Harry it made him look lazy and he was not supposed to looking lazy. He was Harry-fucking-Potter for Christ's sakes. Finally, he reached the restaurant. He straightened himself out and walked up to the hostess.

"Excuse me? I'm meeting Miss Luna Lovegood. Could you tell me where sh-," he began, but was interrupted by the hostess' shrieks.

"Oh, my God! You're Harry Potter. You're Harry Potter. I can't believe it. I can't-," she was screaming as Harry put both hands over his ears.

Her shrieks were stopped when a female hand was put on her shoulder. "Miss, I think it would be best if you didn't make a scene." The girl turned to look at the woman standing beside her and if it were possible her eyes got even wider.

"You're Ginny Weasley, of the Weasley family. Oh my heaven's I think I'm going to die," she yelled again, but certainly did not stop. Since the end of the war, the Weasley family finally got the recognition they deserved, except of course for Percy Weasley. Nobody could ever trust him again after the way he had treated his family in the past. "Are you two going out?" Harry made a disgusted look on his face. "If you're not, you two would make such a cute couple."

Ginny gently took Harry's arm and led him into the restaurant, leaving the frantic girl to deal with her boss. "Young people can be so loud."

Harry rolled his eyes. "What do you think you are, Ginny? Ancient? You're only 21," He pointed out. "Besides that. What are you doing here anyway?"

"Actually, I ran into Luna and I figured we could all have lunch together."

Harry stopped in mid-walk. "I'm sorry, but did you just say all?"

Ginny looked at her nervously. "Yeah. Me, you, Luna, -umgseagmus."

Harry looked at her with disgust. 'Did you just say Seamus? As in Seamus Finnigan?"

Ginny cleared her throat, " Um, yeah," she said a hold of his arm again and dragging him to the table.

"Of all the stupid things you have to bring him knowing very well, how much I loathe that man because of what he did and yet you still- hi how is everyone?" he said politely as they reached the table. He turned to glare at Ginny.

"Hey, there you are," Luna said standing to give Harry a quick peck on his cheek. "I was beginning to get a little worried, love."

Harry smiled at her then turned to look at Ginny who rolled her eyes. "I'm really sorry, but I got stuck at the studio. We're still working the kinks out of the script. You know how that is," he finally looked over at Seamus. "Seamus, it's good to see you. How've you been?"

A/N: I am so sorry to have to end it here; I am so running out of ideas. Not for D/H, but for the other couples in this story. Please, send along ideas with your reviews. I would greatly appreciate them. I'm hoping it doesn't take me long to write the next chapter seeing as I still have to update for my other story, ColdHearted Snake. If any of you haven't read that one, please read it and send your feedback on it too. Hope you guys liked this.