WHEEE another story! Im going to write this one and review and tell me whether scriptform romance is better than standard form romance or not. This is mainly Kisshu x Ichigo but it has large quantities of Purin x Taruto fluff and a bit of Pai x Rettasu. And maybe Zakuro x Ryou. Ya never know.

Betrayal and Hope- Chapter 1

Summary: Kisshu finds out that Masaya has been cheating on Ichigo with multiple girls, including Ichigo's two best friends! How will he tell her, will she believe him, and how will she react? ROMANCE!! AND LOTS OF IT!

Disclaimer: Look at me people. Does it LOOK like I own ANYTHING except a pair of blue socks? I DON'T EVEN HAVE BLUE SOCKS!! -sobs-

Kisshu was just floating around randomly, just bored. He noticed Masaya and blinked. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Probably Ichigo he thought with a snarl. But then a girl he had often seen Ichigo with ran over to Masaya. It was the blonde girl, Miwa or Moe? He could never tell the difference. (A/N: Neither can I--tell me if you know which ones which n.n;; ) For a moment he thought she had just bumped into him, but when they kissed and it soon got so passionate I couldn't describe it, for the rating would go up. (A/N: XD) Kisshu winced, then, disgusted, teleported back to the ship. Just as he left, he heard Masaya say, "Ichigo would never suspect me to do something like this. To the motel?"

"HI! Welcome to Cafe Mew Mew--Kisshu?!?" Ichigo exclaimed, outright shocked. The other Mew Mews turned to look, and Rettasu dropped a plate. Kisshu sighed.

"I'm not here to fight. I just wanted to tell you something you might want to know. Whether you believe me or not is up to you." He looked at Ichigo. "Will you believe me?"

"I-I don't know. It all depends on what you have to say." She blinked, wondering what was so important.

"I saw Masaya cheating on you with that blonde haired friend of yours. Well, bye now." He waved, and teleported away. Ichigo blinked and shook her head.

"NYAAA It isn't true impossible! He would never cheat on me! But...Kisshu's face was so serious and sad when he said it...maybe its true...." She sighed and got back to work, destracted.

Kisshu was floating around again, bored. He saw Masaya again, waiting at another spot. He saw Ichigo's other friend running over to Masaya. He greeted her with light kisses on the cheeks. CHEATING WITH TWO OF ICHIGO'S BEST FRIENDS??? It was all Kisshu could do not to destroy Masaya right then. He held his tongue, however, and went to Ichigo again, saying to her that he had caught him with her other friend too. She was on the verge of tears.

"NO, Kisshu, its NOT true! NONE of it!" Ichigo yelled in a frenzy

"I'm sorry but its true. Look, if you really want to know, I heard him tell your black haired friend to meet him there at 6:30 tonight. Go and see for yourself, Ichigo." Ichigo's breathing stopped. Why hadn't he called her koneko? Something was definitely wrong. After Kisshu left, she got ready. She arrived at 6:20. She hid for 5 minutes and Masaya came to wait for someone. But was Kisshu right?

"Masayaaaa!" came Ichigo's best friend's voice 4 minutes later. She watched in disgust as he fingered her hair and kissed her neck. She couldn't take it anymore.

"HOW COULD YOU?!?" she yelled, springing from her hiding place. Masaya's shock was amazing. She burst into tears and ran off into the night. She didn't know where she was going and when she tripped once she didn't feel the blood flowing from her knee. She just kept running until she reached the park. She sat under a tree and cried. She cried until she fell asleep.

Kisshu was floating around again, wondering what Koneko-chan was up to. He passed by the park and noticed something underneath a tree. He went over to the tree, standing next to the thing under the tree. He looked closer.

"Ichigo!" He picked her up and held her to his body. Why would she..? Ichigo stirred a bit and opened her eyes. She saw Kisshu's concerned look and she blushed, even though it was unnoticeable in the dark. "Ichigo...I guess you believe me now...Oh! That cut is bad! Lets get you to the ship so we can clean those wounds, OK Ichigo?"

"...Yes but...why are you calling me Ichigo instead of Koneko all of a sudden?" Kisshu blinked. He didn't think she was awake...but she had agreed...and wondered why he wasn't calling her his little nickname for her? He smiled a bit, but stopped himself when he saw how bad the cut on her leg was. Apparently, she had landed on a glass shard and it had cut down her leg and was sticking through the skin. He teleported her to the ship and tried to treat the wound as best as he could. Ichigo just lay there in thought, wondering where she had gone wrong.

When the large cut was all bandaged up, she tried to get up but couldn't. It hurt alot. She sighed and fell back onto the bed. Kisshu had gotten her an empty room on the ship so she could have some privacy. It wasn't like him to do that.

Maybe he cares a bit more than he's letting on...Maybe he cares more than.... Then she remembered what Masaya had done. She culed up into a ball and sobbed quietly. Kisshu started to move a hand to comfort her but stopped.

She doesn't love me. Why would she?When her wound is healed enough, she can go and talk to him about it. It will turn out to be a mistake and she will live in love. While I just watch from afar, the only one who sees just how brightly she shines. Kisshu shifted his gaze and left the room. Ichigo's eyes were full of tears.

Kisshu stopped outside of Ichigo's door and sighed. Pai was next to the door. "You're going to keep her here?"

"Hai, but only until she gets better. She can't walk on that leg."

"What about her parents?"

"She can make something up."

Pai just sighed and turned away. "Abandoning our people for a human girl...despicable." He walked off. Kisshu simply stared at the ground before heading off to his room.

Ichigo tried to sleep but she kept having nightmares. Luckily, she didn't scream. She simply woke up with a start, sweating. This happened at least 5 times before she went into a dreamless sleep.

When she awoke, she found breakfast on the end table next to her. For a moment she wondered where she was. Then she remembered what happened. She sat up and ate the breakfast. It was really good.

"Ohayo!" said a young alien maybe 12 years old. She had curly ocean green-blue hair and her eyes were big and purple. She wore a little dress simlar to Mew Minto's, except it was plain and dusty blue. She had around her waist a bright blue scarf that she obviously held dear. She popped into the room and jumped onto Ichigo's bed.

"Umm hello?" Ichigo stared dumbfounded at the little blue pouf of energy. The little girl reminded her strongly of Purin. The girl hugged Ichigo. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sugar! I was told that I got to help you out when you needed help!" Sugar took Ichigo's dishes and hopped out of the room, scarf trailing behind her. Ichigo blinked and smiled. Such a kawaii girl! Her leg felt a little better and she tried to get up. It hurt and she got back onto the bed. Se sighed. Wait, did her parents know she was here? Did it really matter?

"Koneko-chan! You're up! Did Sugar bother you too much?" Ichigo's head turned quickly to the doorway, where Kisshu was grinning at her. She almost smiled. Even if he was her enemy, at least he was familiar, and she knew he wouldn't hurt her. She wrapped her knees with her arms. Kisshu came over and looked at her, as concerned as the night before. She started to blush under his gaze, but hid her face so it wouldn't be noticed. What am I doing? He's the enemy...right? she thought, wondering if she had been fighting the wrong person all this time.

Did she just...blush?? Kisshu's thoughts were so unorganized that was the only one he could manage to sound out into words. He tried to look normal, but his heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings. He tried to talk to her but all he could utter was "Ichigo..."

Ichigo looked up at him, trying to hide her blush. Had he seen her blushing? She hoped not. It was bad enough she was alone with him, but she kind of liked being alone with him...She felt a lot safer with him than with anyone else, even her own mother. Kisshu tried to say something else, but couldn't. He raised a hand to comfort her, but let it down. He walked out of the room. Do I have the right to love him? Was the only thought running through her mind. After all she did to him, after all he did for her that she ignored...And he still loved her? She felt so cold on the inside. She slid under the covers but she didn't feel any warmer or safer. Just sadder, because she couldn't see him. Smell him. Feel his gaze on her.

OH MY GOD! She thought. I've fallen in love with him!