Disclaimer: Power Rangers do not belong to me. The character Anna is mine.

"But why mom, why do we have to move to California? I like it here in Florida. My friends, my life, everything I have is here.
I don't understand why I have to give it all up because you got an impulse for change." The young girl argued for the tenth time that morning.

"Anna, I understand What you're going through because I went through it when I was young. Giving up the life I knew for something new.
I'm not going to lie to you, it will be tough but in the end it will be worth it. You know that with me taking this job in Reefside that we will be better off financially than what we have here." Kimberly said trying to calm her seventeen year old daughter down.

"what if I don't like it there?" Anna asked.

"Then in a year when you turn eighteen, you can move back here if you desire."

"Fine. I give up."

"Good, now let's get going we have a plane to catch." Kim said with a winning smile on her face.

Miami International Airport.

"Flight 1993 to Angel Grove now boarding." The voice over the intercom announced.

"That's us. Let's go Anna."

"Why can't we just fly into Reefside? Why Angel Grove?" Anna complained.

"Because Reefside doesn't have an airport and Angel Grove is the closest city. Not to mention the place I grew up."

Halfway through the four hour flight Anna fell asleep and Kimberly noticed herself looking out the window and thinking of times when she was Anna's age. She hated remembering those days. Kimberly would be the first to tell you that she loved those days since they were full of happiness but they were also filled with some very bad memories.
'I wonder what everyone is up to nowadays' she thought to herself. 'Ever since Muranthius, I've neglected everyone.'

Two hours later

"Anna wake up." Kim said nudging her daughter in the midsection.

"Leave me alone." Anna grumbled, still half asleep.

"We're here. We got to go." With that said, Anna woke up.

"Where to?" Anna asked.

"Hold on." She pulled out her cell phone and dialed the all too familiar number. After three rings, a man picked up on the other end.


"Where are you, we just got off the plane. You were supposed to meet us to take us into Reefside."

"Sorry, it's a big airport, but if you want to know where I am just look to your left." He replied.

Kimberly looked to her left and saw a man her age in a red shirt and jean pants leaning against the wall with a smile on his face. Kimberly ran to him and enveloped him into a hug.

"Jason, it is so good to see you again. You remember Anna don't you?" She asked

"Whoa. You are all grown up kid, the last time I saw you, you were probably five years old." Jason said looking at Kim's daughter.

"Well, I don't remember you but mom talks about you all the time and with all the pictures of you that she has, I know who you are."

"Let's get out of here. We can talk more in the car." Jason said as the three of them walked towards Jason's car.

On the road, Jason and Kim were talking about the everyday conversation when Anna decided to ask a question neither of them expected.

"Jason, have you heard from Tommy lately?" Anna asked. Kimberly looked back at her daughter with a look of 'Please not now' which Anna read perfectly.

"You weren't going to ask anytime soon so I did it for you."

"How do you know about Tommy?" He asked

"Mom talks about a group of friends that she had as a kid but she always talks about either you or Tommy or both of you."

"Just wondering. Actually yes, I have heard from Tommy. But it was about six months ago. He had just gotten back from a dig with a scientist named Anton Mercer and was concentrating on obtaining his PhD." Jason looked over at Kim who was stunned by the fact that Tommy was going to have a doctorate.

"A doctor of what?" She had to know.

"Paleontology." He shared a quick smile with Kimberly who knew the reason why Tommy chose that area for his doctorate. "And Kim, he cut his hair."

"No way."

"Hey where are you guys staying?" Jason asked.

"We got a hotel for the night." Kim said.

"No way am I letting you two stay at a hotel, you can stay with me."

"Angel Grove and Reefside are an hour apart. That's too much time and we need to be in Reefside very early tommorrow." Kim protested.

"I live in Reefside now. Got my own dojo right down the street from the teen hangout Hayley's Cyberspace."

"Really, well at least we'll know someone in Reefside."

After another ten minutes they reached Jason's house in downtown Reefside. As they were unloading, Jason pulled Kim aside for a minute.

"Just so you know, we have power rangers in this city."

"What, are you serious?"

"Five. Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, and White. But white is evil."

"Have you seen them?"

"Not yet but I have heard a lot about them. Look I'll finish up here, why don't the two of you go get settled in."

"Okay, thanks again Jase for letting us stay with you and once we are settled in, you can tell me all about Reefside."


As Kim went inside, Jason's phone began to ring. He looked down and saw the number he knew as Tommy's.

"Hey bro. What's up?"

"Hey Jason. Not much, just wondering if you picked up Kim yet."

"Yeah she's inside. I'm unloading the car."

"You didn't tell her about me did you?" Tommy asked.

"No. As far as she knows I haven't spoken to you in six months, you were trying to get your PhD and that there are power rangers who protect this city." Jason said.

"She doesn't know that I'm one of them?"

"No and it stays that way for as long as you want it to." Jason said, respecting Tommy's need to keep it a secret.

"Okay thanks. I'll talk to you tommorrow."

"Okay Tommy. Oh and one more thing."


"Her daughter is something else, reminds me of us as kids. She has something of everybody. You, Me, Kim of course, Trini,
Billy, and Zack. I can see us all in her. When you see her, you will know what I'm talking about. Talk to you tommorrow Tommy."

"Later Jason."

With that the two friends hung up. Jason sighed as he continued to unload the belongings.

"If you only knew what I couldn't tell you Kim."