Chapter 1

"Summer and Me"

Harry sat in his room, he was tired of this house, of the people in it…and around it. This whole place was just so meaningless to him. He hated that the certain someone hated him so much that he stuck him here. Why was it that it was always him that these things happened to?

Today was going to be the day. He was going to do what he should have done a long time ago. No more depression, no more hiding, he was going to just be himself this year. No more pretending. Well, at least as to his sexuality he would be honest. He couldn't, no wouldn't admit as to whom he liked.

Harry went over to the mirror and peered at himself. He wrote down all the things that he wanted to improve. Also he was already planning on when to shop. Harry had withdrawn a little bit of money from his gringott's bank account and so now all he had to do was get out of the house.

It was late at night, and Harry started to feel doubtful.

Voice: No, you are a new harry potter! Now you don't get scared. Be Brave! I know you can do it!

What was with that voice inside him again! All summer he had been hearing a little voice pushing him to do things, to change. It didn't appear that often but when it did, it made itself known to Harry.

So Harry listened to the voice. Besides, the voice was right, he needed to toughen up. The new Harry is sexy, brave, and for once able to out-do everything that Draco could do.

He slowly got up out of bed and counting each floorboard because every other board was creaky, he walked out of his bedroom and then out the door with his firebolt and invisibility cloak. He flew to the local mall without any problems.

He walked in and everything was different. The halls were lighted gracefully and the stores all looked, for lack of a better term, delicious. He knew a few stores he had always wanted to visit and that is where he headed first. The store was one that had many great clothes, and that would definitely make him look more like he wanted too.

He bought dark washed jeans-boot fit, a blue button up shirt with a black sweater and a black jacket, also a green and khaki ensemble that looked terribly almost illegally good on him.

Now to change it up a little, he went to a store that would show people he could be both naughty and nice. There he bought a few black shirts, all of them tightly clad like his jeans, to show his chiseled muscles and the jeans to show his tight ass.

He was set for at least the summer, and then later he would fly to hogsmead to buy some clothes for winter. He knew that Draco was going to drop dead when he saw him and everyone else would also adore him. What an added bonus this would be.

Slowly, mostly due to the fabulous clothing that was loading his broom down, he made his way back to the Dursley's house and walked in quietly and unnoticed. Before going to bed he checked his calendar. Thank goodness! Only one more day to when he would board the train to Hogwarts and be rid of this place for another year.

Was this the right thing to do though?

YES! You have to stop dismissing yourself like this! You are hot and you know it. Draco will fawn over you and you will finally be happier than you have ever been!

Again the annoying voice was there, again giving him damn good advice that he just had to take. Yawn Well It was getting late and harry didn't want to miss the train the next morning so he went to bed.