A/N: Hey I updated! Not as long a wait as the 2nd chapter. That counts for something right? I'll spare you the excuses.

Thank you:

yellowcard-1991: I hope that you enjoyed chapter 2! Looking at baby names was smart. I would have never thought of that. I hope that you enjoy chapter 3!

Abby: I'm glad that I'm not the only one horrible with names! Yeah, I could imagine Lockhart being a stalker too. It fits with his personality.

Miss Myrtle360: lol. Yes Lily does have a temper. A sarcastic Lily is a good Lily.

Chapter 3

September 23 4:15pm

My best friend is a traitor. A TRAITOR I TELL YOU! Yeah, yeah keep laughing, but see how you fell when your best friend in the whole wide world tells you that SHE'S FALLEN IN LOVE WITH SIRIUS BLACK! The person who now has a bruise on his shin in courtesy of me! And you know what's worse? She wants me to play matchmaker! Me! Somebody up there must hate me!

September 23 5:00pm

I am a horrible, horrible person. I made Janet (my best friend) cry! So of course I went to comfort her and stupid, stupid me I agreed to help her. Wait…I agreed to help her! That, that evil manipulative…grrrrr! How could she do this to me! Just for this I'm not talking to her for a week.

September 24 8:17am

Ok I lied. I can't stand not talking to her. sigh But why Sirius Black out of all people? Nothing good can come out of that. But sadly, I already agreed to play matchmaker and I can't back out of my word now. Off to a Transfiguration test now. Wish me luck!

September 24 3:24pm

Janet is currently yelling at me at the top of her lungs in the girl's dormitories. She said and I quote "I told you to help me get together with Sirius Black not embarrass me!" snigger Well she did tell me to match make so you can't say that I didn't try. Pushing her into him in the middle of the hallway did seem like a good idea at the time. Pity that Janet didn't seem to agree with me. Now my poor ears are paying the price. sob

September 24 6:14pm

Crap! As a result of Janet's rantings, yes she bloody yelled at me for over 2 hours, I am currently late for a meeting with Potter for our project; though why anybody would want to know how to turn a porcupine into a hairbrush is still beyond me.

September 24 8:03pm

Stupid Janet. Throughout our research, Potter kept looking at me oddly because I kept rubbing me ears. It's not my fault that they hurt so bad! Blame Janet and her loud voice for that. Ugg, I have to start coming up with better matchmaking plans. Janet expects me to redeem myself. What am I supposed to do, lock them in a room for 24 hours! Hmmm…not a bad idea. Must remember that for later.

September 24 8:15pm

Lockhart must die. Lockhart must die. Lockhart must die. You know why? BECAUSE HE'S STILL STALKING ME! And he had the nerve to grope me! Grrrrrrrrrr. Lockhart must die.

September 25 9:48am

Need sleep. I stayed up all night plotting ways to kill Lockhart; and I came up with some good one's if I do say so myself. Operation Kill Lockhart successful, operation sleep failed. Well anyway, I tried to catch some sleep in History of Magic (shh, don't tell. It's a secret) when Janet woke me up, by throwing a piece of paper at my head. Not a very pleasant way to wake up. I though it was important so I yawned and read her note. Guess what she woke me up for? SIRIUS BLACK! This was her note: Isn't Sirius looking sooooooo hot today? I turned around to look at her and she was staring at him with stars in her eyes. What has Sirius done to my best friend! Why her! She's turning into a blubbering idiot! And for the rest of the lesson I plotted whether to give the note to Sirius in revenge for waking me up but then I decided that it was too mean. She should be thankful that I'm so nice.

September 25 11:45am

I am seriously considering the locking in the room idea. I don't even know if Sirius knows that she exists! sigh Matchmaking is so stressful. I think that I should try and get rid of the Lockhart problem first. Mwahahahhahahahah cough cough owwww, evil laughs hurt the throat.

September 25 4:23pm

I am currently bawling in the common room with Janet trying to console me. Know why? I failed to kill Lockhart. sob I am a failure to the wizarding world! I tried to push him down the stairs, but then I lost my footing at flew right past him instead of right at him so than he got down the stairs safely. Now I'm spilling the whole story to Janet and she finally understands my pain. She looked absolutely outraged that Lockhart tried to grope me and agreed wholeheartedly that he must die. Then the evil grin spread across her features. You know, the evil grin. Be very afraid of the evil grin. Now I almost felt bad for the torture that Lockhart was going to endure. Almost.

September 25 4:30pm

Janet came back looking very happy about something. I'm guessing that her evil plan is going to be put into action. Now I'm curious, so I asked her. Guess what? She asked the Marauders for help! And she said that they were all concerned, especially James. He looked like he was ready to go Lockhart him and rip him limb from limb. She said that very suggestively might I add. But let's forget about that and move on. I'll kill Janet later. Apparently they're gonna give Lockhart the prank of his life! Now this I gotta see.

September 25 4:43pm

Now I'm feeling extremely happy. The promise of Lockhart being humiliated could raise anyone's mood. And I'm planning to carry out one of my plans tomorrow, and I will not fail! I better go upstairs and start planning, after I finish my homework of course.

September 26 7:35am

Crap! Crap! Crap! I knew that I forgot to do something! My transfiguration homework! McGonagall is gonna KILL me! I can't see the prank on Lockhart if I'm dead! Now do you see my predicament! I hurried down the dormitory stairs still in my pajamas desperate to find someone, ANYONE who would let me copy the homework. Thankfully it was not an essay. Oh no, Potter is the only one in the common room. Merlin help me!

September 26 8:05am

Success! I got the homework from Potter and it is now copied and safe in my bag. I knew that the puppy eyes and pout wouldn't fail me! Disregarding the fact that I had to give him a kiss on the cheek and beg and it was all good. Now all that's left is to get ready and get to Transfiguration on time.

A/N: I hope that all of you enjoyed the chapter! Next chapter there will definitely be more of James, the Marauders, the prank, more Lockhart, and more matchmaking! A plot is actually forming! Don't forget to drop a review!