Disclaimer: I only own the new characters, and digimons.


Time To Believe


Summary: "I'm the Bearer of the Peace Crest." A turmoil of feelings hit the Digidestined, and all they tried so hard to hide, starts to blossom. But what's going to happen, when negative feelings start to crept from the shadows? (Sorato, Kenyako, Takari, Michi)


Important Note: People please forgive my mistakes, but english is my second language, and it's kinda hard to notice all the mistakes. Please forgive me for those.


Chapter 1: The Last Chosen Child

A waist length purple haired girl was slowly making her way down one of the many school's halls, her eyes dowcast and hidden by a pair of round glasses.

Just like wind had yet to blow the girl's long hair, a smile had yet to enlight her pale face.

Heavy steps continued to keep hitting the dark floor in a slow pace, but the sound desappeared when another pair of feet started walking towards the purple haired girl.

"Hey Yolei!" a cheerfull voice called out, and the purple haired girl gluped though her eyes continued staring at the floor "Where have you been? People are looking everywhere for you."

"Hello Kari." the purple haired girl mumbled, as she slowly looked at the person in front of her. However, when Yolei's hazel brown eyes met Kari's figure the purple haired girl immediatly looked down

Kari's short brown hair was blowing softly as wind entered through the open window next to her, while her deep brown eyes were shinning in happiness. Kari had a sweet smile on her face, which made her look even more prettier.

"What's wrong?" Kari asked as her smile desappeared, only to be replaced by a worried look "Did something happen?"

"Nothing is wrong." Yolei replied before smiling, and look at the brunette in front of her "So, why were you looking for me?"

"Did you forgot Davis is going to play against Ken, today?" Kari asked, as she raised an eyebrow "You know, like...now?"

"Oh I know, but I'm not going." Yolei started, as her smile dropped "I have to help my mom at the shop."

"That's a shame, because we thought about going ice-skating after the game." Kari said, in a quiet voice "We even thought about asking Ken to go with us."

Yolei felt a pain on her chest at Karis' words, but she managed to smile again before walking to the brunette's side:

"You go, and have fun." Yolei said in a cheerfull way, while a smile continued to enlight her face "Don't forget to tell me who won, ok? Even though it's obvious."

And before Kari could say a word, Yolei touched the brunette's shoulder in a friendly way before walking away.


Kari walked towards the field where Davis and Ken's teams were, already getting ready for the football game, and smiled when she saw the rest of her friends sat on the tiers.

Kari's brother Tai was there, his arm over a pink haired girl's shoulders, not really noticing his brown hair was stopping a child, which was sat behind him, from seeing the teams.

Then again not even Mimi, who had returned to Japan to continue with her studies, was aware her giggles were getting into some people's nerves.

Next to Tai and Mimi was a red haired boy, with black eyes, chatting with a blue haired boy which blue eyes were hidden by a pair of small glasses.

'I didn't know Joe was here.' Kari thought to herself, as she watched the two friends talking 'Then again, Joe does need to relax a bit.'

Finally, next to Izzy and Joe, was a blond haired boy whose arm was wrapped around a slim waist which belonged to a shoulder length auburn haired girl, with reddish-brown eyes.

'Can't believe Matt and Sora are showing their....closeness to everyone.' Kari thought before giving a chuckle, and look at a not so small brown haired boy with brown eyes, which was sat on the other row by himself.

'I wonder where TK is.' Kari thought, as she slowly made her way towards the brown haired boy 'He said he would come with his brother.'

"Hello Cody." Kari complimented before sitting next to the boy, who turned his attention to her:

"Good afternoon, Kari." he complimented ""In case you're wonering, TK is just behind you."

"What?" Kari asked confused before turning around only to face a blonde haired boy, with blue eyes

"Did you managed to find Yolei?" the boy asked, and Kari nodded:

"Yeah, but she said she couldn't come." she replied, as the two teenagers sat next to Cody "She needs to help her mother at the store."

"Yolei didn't want to come root for Ken?" Tai asked, with an eyebrow raised "Now that's something you definatly don't see everyday."

"Don't be mean." Mimi said, as she elbowed the brown haired boy on the stomach "Didn't you heard your sister? She said Yolei had to help her mom."

While the group continued to talk, both Davis and Ken looked at her friends. However while Davis felt his blood boild at the sight of Kari and TK talking, Ken couldn't help but wonder why Yolei wasn't there.


«I always asked myself why people take so long to see someone's real self. Or why some never have a single glance of who people truly are.

Thankfully, despite the fact I may look totally insane, I always manage to see how people are on the inside. Unfortunatly, people always have wrong ideas about me.

Ok, so what if I'm good with computers? That's nothing compared with Mimi's hability to cook, to Sora's hability of playing any sport or Kari's hability of always having outstanding marks at school.

Plus the three of them are completely breath-taking: Mimi was a model during her time in America, Sora has a very athletic figure, and Kari is completely gorgeause.

And I'm the ugly duck.

No wonder why I'm so easy to forget, I can hardly do something without embarassing myself, and...well, those moments don't help me at all to fall in guy's good graces.

Specially his.

He's perfect in every aspect of his life: he has the looks, he has the brains, he has the personality everyone should have... sighs He's just too much sand for my truck.

Oh well, guess that's my destiny: to see my friends finding happiness, while I stay in the shadows.»

"Yolei, what's wrong?" a cute feathered ball, with a small beak, deep eyes and small wings asked

With a sad sign Yolei rolled to her back, a closed deep red book next to her, while her hazel brown eyes were staring at the white ceiling:

"Davis and Ken are probably playing now." the purple haired girl whispered to herself, not really noticing the feathered ball was listening to her "And then it's ice-skating time."

"Why didn't you go, Yolei?" the small ball asked, as it flew to the girl's side "I thought you liked to root for Ken."

Slowly Yolei turned to her digimon, her hair falling from her shoulder to the maitresse at the movement, and shook her head:

"I'm feeling too tired." she replied, before yawning "What do you say about a nap, Poromon?"

"Sure, I'm sleepy too." the digimon replied before landing next to Yolei's head, and close his eyes

However, on contrary of Poromon, Yolei kept her eyes opened while questions and doubts started filling her mind.


All Degidestined were waiting for Davis and Ken to come out from the cloak-rooms, while ice-skates could be spotted over their shoulders or inside bags. All of them were feeling quite content for they hadn't gone ice-skating in a long time, let alone alltogether, and they couldn't wait to reach the ringue, and have some fun.

"What are they doing? I wanna go have some fun!" Tai exclaimed in a childish way, and Mimi rolled her eyes at same time she turned to him:

"Can't you wait a few more minutes?" she asked, sounding little annoyed "And don't start acting like a child."

"Actually they're been in there for almost half an hour." Cody commented as he looked down at his watch, and Mimi turned to him with a shock look all over her face:

"What?!" she asked, before turning to the direction of the cloak-rooms "Davis! Ken! What the hell are you two doing there?"

At that everyone sweatdropped, while Tai started laughing at same time he put an arm around Mimi's shoulders:

"Now, whose being the impatient one?" he asked, and Mimi crossed her arms with an 'hmph'

"TK do you mind going there, and tell them to hurry up?" Kari asked as she turned to the blonde haired boy next to her, who chuckled:

"If I have to." he replied "But I don't know if I'll have the permission to go inside. After all, Ken Ichijouji is there."

"I don't think you need to go, TK." Sora commented as a small smile appeared on her face, and all the other teenagers turned to the cloak-rooms, and saw Ken and Davis walking towards them

"Finally!" Tai exclaimed, before he could stop himself "What were you doing in there? Acting like girls?"

"Taichi, when will you start acting like the eighteen year old you're suppose to be?" Mimi asked as she shook her head, and Tai chuckled

"Sorry, it was my fault." Ken started, as he walked towards the group with Davis next to him "Don't ask me how that's possible, but a group of reporters managed to enter in the cloak-rooms, and they just didn't gave up."

"Oh that's ok, at least we still have half of the afternoon to go ice-skating." Kari said, as she tightned her grip on the bag she was carrying "I can't wait to slide on the ice."

"C'mon people lets cut the chat, and start walking." Matt started, as she put his ice-skates over his shoulder "I have band practice after dinner, but I still need to have some fun."

Despite the fact they could have catched the bus, the group decided to walk to the ringue in a strange attempt to get warm before stepping into the ice. They were aware they would probably take more than half an hour to reach their destiny, but all of them had agree it was better to go by foot.

"C'mon guys lets speed up, the ringue it's just around the corner!" Davis exclaimed as he started running in the middle of the street, leaving all his friends behind:

"Hey Davis, wait up!" TK called out, before running after his friend only to be followed by all the others

Once they brought the tickets, and walked inside the huge pavilion the group practically run towards a few benchs where they sat, and quickly put their ice-skates on. There weren't many people in the ringue, and the Digidestined knew it was probably due to the fact it was Thrusday.

While he was taking his shoes off Ken stared at the brunette next to him, and took a deep breath:

"Hey Kari, why isn't Yolei here?" he asked suddenly, and the girl next to him looked at him:

"She said she had to help her mom." Kari replied, as she put her ice-skate "Honestly she was acting rather weird when I found her, but I decided not to press the matter."

"But I thought she liked ice-skating." Ken commented, and Kari shruged

"C'mon guys, what are you waiting for?" Tai asked, as he stepped into the ringue

"We're waiting to see Davis falling in his butt." Matt joked as he stepped into the ringue at same time he grabbed Sora's hand, and he slowly lead the girl to the middle of the ringue

"Hey!" Davis shouted indignatly, and everyone laughed

Everyone expect Ken, who couldn't help but feel a little weird since Yolei wasn't there. The dark blue haired boy didn't knew why, but he always felt more comfortable in the group when the Child of Love and Sincerity was around.

But now that she wasn't, Ken just kept asking himself if it was a good idea to be there.

"Oi Ken, aren't you coming?" Davis asked as he turned to his friend, who snapped from his thoughts:

"Er...yeah." Ken muttered, as he stood up

"C'mon guys, lets have some fun!" TK exclaimed before grabbing Kari's hand, and both slide to the other side of the ringue

"Hey, wait up!" Davis shouted, but when he was about to go after his friends he lost his balance only to end up falling on the ice

At the sight everyone started laughing, but before Davis could say a word a hand appeared in front of him:

"Are you ok?" a voice asked, and the Child of Courage and Friendship looked up only to blush: in front of him was a girl with past the shoulder length, wavy, turquoise hair, and deep stormy grey eyes. She was wearing a grey sweater under a black t-shirt, and a pair of baggy grey pants.

"Er, yeah." Davis managed to reply as he accepted the help, and with a smile the girl helped him to stand up

"You know, you should open your legs a bit more, and try to move your feet as if your a soldier." the girl explained, as she lower her hand "And bent a bit foward, but not much so you can move better, and keep the balance."

"Er, thanks." Davis stuttered, and the girl smiled on last time before waving, and slide away

"Wow, way to go Davis, who's the girl?" Matt asked, only to recieve a glare from Sora

"Yeah man, she's cute!" Tai agreed, and Mimi smacked him on the back of his head "Ouch, Mimi! I was just kidding!"

"I don't know who she is." Davis whispered as he stared to the girl who had helped him, only to see her giving a full pirouette in the air before landing on her feet, and start sliding backwards with her left leg raised

"Wow, did you saw that?!" Izzy asked with his eyes wide open "She looks like a pro!"

"Why don't we talk with her?" Kari asked, as she appeared next to her brother with TK "Maybe she could give us some lessons."

"Yeah, lets go talk with her." Mimi said with her eyes narrowed, for she had noticed Tai looking at the mysterious girl with an opened mouth "And close your mouth Taichi, before you start drooling like an idiot."

"Huh? What? Yeah, sure thing Mimi, it's just I always wanted to learn how to do that." the brown haired boy replied, before grabbing her hand "C'mon, lets go talk with her."

In silence the group started approaching the turquoise haired girl, who had now jumped in the air again, and swirled two times before falling on the ice on her feet

"Wow, where did you learn to do that?" Sora asked amazed, and the other girl stopped skating only to turn to them:

"I saw on the television, and decided to give it a try." she replied "Is there any problem?"

"Problem? No, not at all." Kari started, as she approached the girl "We just wanted to ask if you could give us some lessons, since you can do all those things on ice."

The turquoise haired girl laughed, before extending her hand:

"I'm Eraiza." she said, and Kari shook her hand. However, before Kari could say a word, the turquoise haired girl continued "And I know who you guys are."

"What?!" everyone asked surprised and confused, and Eraiza started at them before smiling:

"Lets see, by whom should I start?" she asked, before turning to left side of the group "You're Kido Joe, you're Izumi Koushiro also known as Izzy, you're Tachikawa Mimi, you're the Kamiya siblings Taichi or Tai and Hikari also called Kari, you're the siblings Ishida Yamato normally called Matt and Takashi Takeru or T.K, and you're Takenouchi Sora."

"How did yo..." Matt trailled off, when Eraiza turned to the younger teenagers:

"And you're Hida Cody, Motomiya Daisuke or Davis, and finally Ichijouji Ken." the turquoise haired girl finished, before tapping a finger against her chin "Hey, where's Inoe Miyako?"

"How...how did you..." Davis trailled off, and Eraiza chuckled:

"Lets say, and old friend told me about you." she replied "He said we should have met along time ago."

"What?" Izzy asked confused "What do you mean with that?"

"I know who you are." Eraiza stated, and everyone gasped "But do not worry, I won't tell a soul."

"What do you know about us?" Tai asked trying to look confused, and Eraiza smirked:

"Don't try to play dumb, Bearer of the Courage Crest." she replied, and everyone's eyes wide in surprise

"How do you know?" Ken asked, his face void of any shock or surprise "What do you want from us? Are you some kind of person we shoud fear?"

"No." Eraiza replied, as she shook her head "I'm...a friend. A friend that should have met you along time ago. Seven years to be accurated."

"Seven years?" Joe repeated, as he looked down "But seven years ago, we..." suddenly the blue haired boy opened his eyes wide in shock, and turned to the grey eyed girl "You mean you're a..."

"I'm no one important." Eraiza cut him off "Just a friend. Well you must forgive me, but I cannot teach you anything about ice-skating I have something important to do, and I must not delay."

Before any of the Digidestined could say a word Eraiza bowed, and slide towards the edge of the pavilion before walking away.

"Seven years ago?" Mimi repeated, as she turned to her friends "But that was when we went to the Digi-World for the first time."

"That's right, and if we should have met her at the time that can only mean one thing." Izzy started, and everyone turned to him "That she's a Chosen Child like us."


Yolei was already dozzing off, and prepared to have a good nap when a noise came from her computer, and the girl immediatly sat on her bed.

As she rubbed her eyes Yolei made her way towards the computer, and blinked when she saw she had recieved a new e-mail. However, the strange thing was that she didn't recognized the sender.

With an eyebrow raised and quietly so she wouldn't wake Poromon up Yolei sat on the purple chair, and clicked on the new e-mail.

"Who are you?" Yolei whispered

«Inoe Miyako,

I am aware you're suffering, and I want to help you. We should have met along time ago, but due to certain events our meeting had to be delayed. However the time is up, and now it's time to meet you personally.

I know this is a weird e-mail, and probably scary too, but I swear I won't do any harm. On the contrary, I know who you are just like I know who your friends are.

Don't be scared, like I said before, I won't hurt you. I can't hurt you.

So, in order to finally end the waiting, I ask for you to come to the Digi-World. You can bring Poromon too, for I know you'll probably feel more safe with him around.

But please, please, show up. I really want to meet you.

See you close to the waterfalls, at 9pm.

Chosen Child.»

"What? Chosen Child?!" Yolei asked out-loud, forgetting completely about Poromon who had woke up in a start

"What's wrong, Yolei?" the small digimon asked, but the purple haired girl ignored him as she stared at her watch:

"It's 8pm, so that leaves me enough time to eat, and then go to the Digi-World." she whispered, and Poromon opened his eyes wide in surprise:

"We're going to the Digi-World?" the small ball asked, and Yolei turned to him with a nod:

"Yeah I just got this weird e-mail, and I wanna check it out." she replied, and Poromon flew towards her with a questioning look on his face:

"Don't you want to warn the others?" he asked, and Yolei shook her head:

"No, the e-mail is for me alone, besides I'm taking you with me so there shouldn't be a problem." she replied

"I don't know, I don't think it's safe to go to the Digi-World without the others." Poromon muttered, as he looked down "What if it's a trap?"

"Aww c'mon Poromon, the Digi-World isn't at the hands of some insane person so why shouldn't I go?" Yolei asked, before straightning up "Look I'm going to eat, and I'll bring you some food. Then we'll go to the Digi-World."

"Fine." Poromon whispered, and Yolei sent him a smile before walking out of the room

One hour later Yolei was back to her room, sat on her bed while Poromon ate the last piece of cake his owner had brought.

"I guess it's time to go." Yolei said, and Poromon looked at her before nodding, and he silently flew to her arms. As she grabbed her digi-advice, Yolei pointed it to the computer's screen "Digi-Portal, open!" she exclaimed, and before she knew it she was back to the Digi-World wearing her usual clothes

Since they had decided to visit the Digi-World every week, Izzy had come with the idea of connecting their computers to the digital world in a way of making them enter more easily, and without taking the chance of being caught at school using the computers in the middle of the weekend.

Thankfully, despite the fact it was night, a warm breeze was rustling the trees and playing with Yolei's hair, at same time the girl started walking towards the waterfalls with Hawkmon next to her.

"Do you know who we're going to meet?" the digimon asked, and Yolei shook her head "What do you mean 'no'? Yolei, now I'm certain we should go back!"

"No Hawkmon, I'm not going back." Yolei replied, without looking at her digimon "I really want to meet this person. Whoever wrote the e-mail, ended by saying 'Chosen Child'."

"But that's not possible Yolei, there aren't more Chosen Child that we haven't heard off." Hawkmon resonable, but Yolei kept walking.

There had been something which had caught the purple haired girl attention, and that was the only reason why Yolei was so determined to meet the sender of the e-mail:

I am aware you're suffering, and I want to help you.

"Hey, what's that?" Hawkmon asked, and Yolei snapped from her thoughts only to see she had reached the waterfalls, and that she was a few yards away from a small lake that had been formed due to the water which kept falling down from the rocks.

That was one of Yolei's chosen places, and the purple haired girl usually went there when she needed to be alone or simply to relax. However when she had heard Wormmon saying to Hawkmon Ken also liked to go there, Yolei immediatly started going to the other place which was in the middle of the forest surrounded by flowers.

As she narrowed her eyes Yolei approached the lake, and stared to the water: indeed there was something there, something dark.

"It's probably a water digimon." the purple haired girl replied as she turned to Hawkmon, who was behind her "Forget about it, and help me to find someone."

"How do you expect me to help you find someone, when I don't know whom we should be looking for?" the digimon asked, and Yolei rolled her eyes. Nevertheless, before she could say a word, footsteps started to be heard:

"You must be Inoe Miyako." a voice said, and Yolei jumped in surprise at same time she turned to the waterfall "Hum, Genkai told me the Chosen Child of Love and Sincerity had an Hawkmon, so I guess you're her."

"Who are you?" Yolei asked, as she finally spot a sillouette next to the water that kept running down the rocks "Are you the one who sent me that e-mail? Are you really a Chosen Child?"

Suddenly the person jump from the rocks only to land in front of Yolei, as if nothing had happened, and footsteps started to be heard again. For protection, Hawkmon had stopped infront of Yolei, prepared to take any challenge.

"Yes, I'm the unknown Chosen Child." the same voice replied, and stormy grey eyes meet hazel brown ones "I'm the Bearer of the Peace Crest."

To Be Continue

A/N: I want you guys to be completely honest with me: do you think this chapter sucks, and that I should stop posting? Or do you think I should continue, and see how this develops? I really want to know your opinion, but please don't send me any flames. Please. Thank you.