AN: I do not own Harry Potter or any of these Characters, J.K Rowling does!

Harry watched as the trees of the forest whizzed by, he looked over to his best friends; Ron was busy dreaming about spiders, which meant he was squirming every second. The there was Hermione she slept so peacefully her curls floating down her back. Harry smiled to himself. "It's a good thing she has no idea the way I feel about her" he said quietly to himself, minutes later Ron woke screaming which also woke Hermione.

"Oh my god the spiders they just wouldn't stop coming at me I tried oh how much I tried" Harry sniggered and let out a small laugh, where Hermione was now wide awake realized what had just happened she giggled at the fear Ron had for such little things.

"Honestly Ron, why can't you just face your fears and get over your fear of those tiny little things" Hermione said through her giggles. Harry nodded, "Yeah why can't you, I mean if I can face Voldermort then you can face spiders" Ron gave them both dirty looks, "But Voldemort doesn't have eight legs does he Harry?" Harry stopped laughing,

"Well I suppose your right" he sniggered.

Hermione looked deep at Harry trying to not let him catch her gaze at him, trying not to look into those stunning emerald eyes of his. But she was to slow Harry looked back at her and gave an adorable grin, she and him both stared at each other both smiling.

"So Hermione since you're so smart how do I so called face my fears?" Hermione broke the stare with Harry which she desperately didn't. "Well maybe making up bug spray in your dream and spraying them all" She smiled. Harry laughed "Or a shoe!" he said adding his fun of it in.

"You both think you're so smart don't you, I'll come back when you get rid of those smarty pants comments" Ron stood up and left the compartment. They both laughed at the sliding door in which Ron just left from, and then looked back at each other. Their awkward moment was getting longer each of them reading a book and then every so often taking a secret glance at each other. It was until they both looked at the wrong time and caught each others glance. Hermione giggled and stared right at the floor.

Harry smiled, "What's so funny?" he asked, she looked back up at him, "it's just really quite, and weird" she answered, Harry nodded "yeah I know what you mean, so why is it weird?" Hermione bit her lip pretending to think when she knew the answer and it was that she liked Harry and was afraid if she talked to him she would splurt out how much she liked him. "I dunno, do you know?" Harry blushed he knew the reason; he liked Hermione lots and was afraid of rejection.

"Maybe…" he went to say something but looked into her brown eyes and lost his words. He then started to stutter. "I….I….Li… I… Dunno" he managed to finally say. Hermione just looked at the floor. Harry walked across the compartment and sat next to her. "Yeah so what are you reading?" Harry asked trying to make conversation.

"I am reading Hogwarts of History of course when have I ever gotten sick of this book?" She laughed. Harry smiled, "I should of guessed" Hermione stretched out and let out a yawn.

"I was having such a good dream until Ron woke me" She said. Harry looked down at her "What about?" She smiled, the dream was about Harry maybe liking her back Harry and her sharing a kiss, but she had to cover it up. "About what Hogwarts has in store for me" She said. Harry nodded, "Hermione you can um… rest on me if you want, because I need some shut eye too" He said hoping she would say yes. "Yeah of course if you don't mind" Harry moved down the couch and rested his head on the end cushion and Hermione nestled her head into his chest.

"Goodnight Hermione" He said whispering.

"Goodnight Harry" and with that they both feel asleep dreaming of each other.

AN: Hey guys please review and give me some ideas and tell me what I should fix up in the next chap bye…