This is my first story on here. I like this one better than my first three atempts. I hope you do too!


Disclamer: I do not own Teen Titans...damn...

Chapter 1: So Cold...

"You can't stop me, Raven!"

"I created who you are. I am the one who made you and I won't let you continue!"

Raven sat up. She was breathing hard.

"I was only a dream. Nothing more."

She laid back down.

'Maybe, it is something more,' she thought. 'I pushed these memories away. I said I'd never see them again. Then, why are they comming back now?'

These thoughts remained in her mind as she drifted back to sleep.

Raven woke up. She looked over at her alarm clock. It said 8:39. She got up and got dressed. Her violet hair was nothing hard to handle as she brushed it. Raven began to head towards the main hall in silent thoughts of her dream.

"Dude, where's the tofu?"

"I don't eat it! Why would I know!?"

"That's it! Where did you put it!"

"I didn't touch that crap!"

"Good morning, Raven," Beast Boy said, forgetting his arguement with Cyborg.

"Hey, Rae. Want some eggs and bacon?" Cy asked.

"I just want some tea, if you don't mind," she replied.

"I'll get it!" BB exclaimed.

Raven rolled her eyes. She grabbed one of her books from her shelf and headed towards the couch. Robin was sitting there, listening to his headphones and reading the paper. Raven sat down and began to read. Music began to play in the background.

"Crowded streets all cleared by one...fallen heroes they run..."

"You're so cold...keep your hand in mine...wise men wonder while...starved me die..."

"Show me how to end this, me how defenseless you really are...satisfy an empty inside...that's alright, let's give this another try..."

"If you find your family...don't you this land of make-believe...dead and dry..."

"You're so cold...but you feel alive...lay your hands on last time..."

"Show me how to end this, me how defenseless you really are...satisfy an empty inside...that's alright...let's give this another try..."

"Show me how to end this, me how defenseless you really are...satisfy an empty inside...that's alright, let's give this another try... "

"It's's's's's's's's's alright..."

"Here you go, Rae," said BB handing her a hot cup of tea.

"What song was that?"


"What song did you just play?" she asked again, slightly annoyed.

"Oh! It's called "So Cold". Why? Do you like it?" BB asked.

"Yeah. I kinda do," she replied.

"I'll buy the CD for you then."

Raven smiled a half smile. BB smiled back.

'I made her smile,' he thought as he walked away.

Raven smiled a little bigger. Robin looked at her.

"Hey, Raven. I didn't hear you come in," he said.

"I've been sitting here for five minutes," she replied.

"Oh...sorry," Robin said scratching his head.

Raven sighed. She stood and looked outside. She felt like going to her room. So, she went.

"Good morning, friend Raven!" exclaimed Starfire as Raven left the room.

"Morning, Star," Raven replied continuing.

She came to her room and entered. It looked the same it did fifteen minutes ago. She placed the book on her dresser. Raven turned her gaze to the little mirror.

'Not today. Not now,' she thought.

Raven turned away. She walked towards the large window. With her arms crossed, Raven looked at the city. She had the best view, besides the living room and the roof, and she loved it. None of the other Titans had a room close to hers. She was completely alone.

'Here I go,' thought BB outside her door.

Raven smiled as he began to knock on her door.

"Raven? Hey, Rae, you there?"

"What do you want?" she replied, colder than she wanted to.

"I was wondering what you were doing?"

"Just thinking. Why?"

"No reason," he replied quickly. "Um...can I come in?"

Raven thought about it.

'Why not? He hasn't bugged me yet today.'

Raven walked over to the door and opened it. BB smiled at her and entered her room. He had only been in her room many times, but it still freaked him out.

"What are you looking at?" he asked her as Raven turned her gaze back towards the city.

"The city."

"Oh. Why?"

"You ask too many questions," Raven said.

"I'm sorry. I just want to get to know you a little more. I know everyone else, except...except"

"There is a reason, Beast Boy."

"I know, but how can anyone get to know you if you keep it all locked inside?"

"Easy, I don't get close to anyone," she replied.

"Why?" asked BB.

Raven looked at him as he stood next to her by the window.

"I mean, why don't you trust anyone?"

"You should know the answer to that question," she said getting a little angry.

BB remembered Terra and how she betrayed them. He knew that it hit Raven just as much as it hit him.

"That was the past, Rae. This is now. Can't you try?"

"There have been more times than one that I have been betrayed, Beast Boy. It isn't that easy to open up to people."

BB sighed. He knew that Raven wasn't the easiest to get close to, but...his feelings for her was there.

"Raven, just one more question."


"What happened in the past that has you like this?"

Raven's eyes grew wide.

'My past? He want's to know about my past?'

"I don't know..."

"Come on, Raven. It can't be that bad!"

"What do you know!? How can you presume that it is nothing!?" Raven yelled stepping closer to him with clentched fists.

"Rae, I'm sorry," he said backing away.


BB scurried from her room. The door slammed.

'Man, I screwed that one up. If only I could talk to her like everyone else,' he thought.

He walked away, shoulders slumped.

Raven sighed.

'I'm sorry, Beast Boy, but somethings...are best kept silent.'