Chapter Six; Hoax.

This chapter is dedicated to the reviewers who reminded me that I still had more of this story left to tell. Especial thanks to Tori87 whose thoughtful review was the final push I needed to get writing!

Shane and Hunter stood on the pavement watching Tori's blue van drive down the road. Glancing over at his friend, the crimson ninja realised that Shane was staring at the horizon and taking deep breaths in a pattern he recognised as one of the meditation exercises all the Rangers knew. Understanding Shane's need to bolster his courage before he entered his home, he gave the air ninja some space, leaning against the fence, waiting for him to collect himself. After a few minutes Shane let out a long breath.

"Thanks man. I needed that."

Hunter shrugged expressively.

"No problem. You ready?"

Shane nodded and started up the walk, a determined look on his face. After a moment's pause before the front door, he circled around the back of the house, Hunter following a step behind, and entered through the kitchen door.

"Mom? Dad?" He called, at once hoping to receive an answer and hoping for silence.

"Shane?" A woman came into the kitchen and, ignoring Hunter, threw her arms around her son. Shane looked awkward for a few seconds, then relaxed when he saw Hunter steadfastly gazing out the window, no trace of mockery on his face, although he did glimpse a flash of longing in the Thunder Ninja's eyes.

"Mom," Shane said, drawing back from the embrace, "Where's Dad? I have something to tell you."

"He's in the lounge." She said carefully. "We saw the news."

Shane nodded, relieved in some ways, at least they knew and now he only had to explain.

Hunter watched as Mrs Clarke made her way out of the kitchen, presumably heading towards the lounge. Shane looked at him ruefully, raising one shoulder. Hunter walked up to his friend, resting a hand on his shoulder. Together the two made their way towards Shane's parents.

Hunter looked around the lounge as they entered, taking in the typical furniture, and the man sitting on a couch, watching the television. When he saw what Shane's father was watching he winced, it was an exclusive about the Rangers, currently Kelly was onscreen, looking harassed and surrounded by cameras. It was obvious that she was trying to say something, but in the clamour was simply not being heard. In a gesture he was very familiar with, she threw up her hands, retreated inside Storm Chargers and swiftly flipped the sign to 'closed'.

An exclamation from Mr Clarke drew the Thunder Ninja's attention back to his present surroundings. Shane was being hugged very enthusiastically by his father, and from the stunned look on his face, Hunter guessed that he hadn't been expecting such a joyous reaction.

Neither of them were expecting the words that came out of his mouth next though.

"How did you do it? Brilliant hoax. Who thought of it?"

Shane's face fell.

"Dad, it isn't a joke."

Mr Clarke barely looked at his son as he moved towards Hunter.

"And who did you play?" Hunter looked at the outstretched hand, and then back towards Shane, who merely sighed and moved to intercept his father.

"Dad, it's no hoax. I was a Power Ranger."

Mr Clarke's expression faltered somewhat, before the jovial smile reappeared

"Look son, you don't have to lie to us…"

"I'm not!" Shane exploded.

Hunter reached out, clapping a hand on the other boy's shoulder for an instant before walking to the window, far enough away that the Clarkes could have a semblance of a private conversation, but close enough to pick up on if Shane needed him. Glancing out of the window, he saw a black car pulling up outside and instantly he tensed, wondering if a reporter had discovered where they lived. Casting a quick look over his shoulder, he saw Shane and his father sitting down on the couch while his mother perched on a chair close by. With the silent tread and grace of a ninja, he moved out of the room, so quietly that only Shane noticed the movement.

Finding the front door, Hunter slipped out of the house as a tall man got out of the car. He was dark skinned and wearing a business suit. Hunter sized him up in an instant. There was no camera or microphone that he could see, and the man was alone, so he relaxed slightly. The man's expression when he spotted the crimson ranger confused Hunter somewhat. There was relief there, as well as some anxiety. The man hurried along the sidewalk and up the path to where Hunter stood, arms folded across his chest, his famous glare fixed firmly on his face.

"You're Hunter right?" The man said as soon as he was in earshot.

"Depends. Who're you?"

"Porter. I'm Shane's brother. I came as soon as I heard, figured Shane could use some backup against our parents. They won't believe him without some proof."

Hunter merely nodded and stood aside, allowing the older man into the house, before following behind.

Porter placed his briefcase on a chair and hurried into the living room. Hunter met Shane's glance with a nod and moved to stand beside the windows again.

"Porter!" Mrs Clarke stood to hug her older son, "Why…?"

Porter took a deep breath and sat down next to his younger brother, slinging an arm around his shoulders.

"Shane's telling the truth." He said flatly. "The last time I visited I saw him transform into the red power ranger and then fight against an alien with my own eyes."

Mr Clarke's objections faltered as he saw the resolute look in both his sons' eyes.

"But how…?" was all he could manage. Shane reached out towards a bowl of dried flower petals which sat on the low table before the couch, deciding that the best way to convince his father was to demonstrate his powers. Slowly, with easy control of his element, he formed a breeze and encouraged it to circle over the petals. Mrs Clarke gasped as some of the petals were swept up in the miniature whirlwind he had formed. Porter looked on with pride as Mr Clarke stared in astonishment. Shane looked up and gestured slightly, moving the cyclone across the table towards his father, who sat back in shock, mouth agape.

It was Mrs Clarke who found her voice first.

"Shane… you really were a power ranger?" As he nodded, she managed a shaky smile. "We are so proud of you."

He looked at his father for added reassurance, and although Mr Clarke opened his mouth, he could not seem to form words. Instead he reached out his arm and clasped forearms with his son, his broad smile reassuring Shane that his parents were indeed proud of him. It would take further explanations and demonstrations of his power before they understood fully, but all that mattered to him at that moment was that they did in fact understand.

One set of parents told… two more to go!

The infuriating thing about this chapter is I've had it written for a few days now, but it wouldn't let me upload it! Oh well, here it is now. I hope you enjoyed, please do let me know in a review if you did!
