

"No…no no!!" Rin yelled while running through the house trying to dodge multiple pieces of furniture. She couldn't help but laugh as she watched Izayoi help her out by pushing a piece of furniture in the way of a running Sesshoumaru.

Nothing stopped him, without any effort he pushed himself over the piece of furniture. Rin paused watching him jump with an angelic like feature. "Don't you look just like an Angel" Rin quickly move to the side as she watched him leap at her. "You're not getting this back, as I recall it was mine in the past…so it makes it mine now too." She laughed hysterically.

Rin continued running through the mansion, knowing that Sesshoumaru could have easily caught her if he wanted. Just as he was abut to speed up she took a quick turn into the bathroom and lock the door.

"Rin…" Sesshoumaru said while leaning his back against the door.

"I'm going to shower, the movie starts in an hour, I have to get ready." She heard him mumble something slightly and she began to giggle. While unclothing and jumping in the shower.

After getting out of the shower, she dried off quickly and went to grab the object she had been keeping from Sesshoumaru. Slowly opening the object in her arms, she marveled at it. It was a very, very old looking kimono. Not the kind of old because it was aged but because she had never seen any fabric quite like it in this current time, only ones in her past memory. It was a mixture of red and white, with various pinkish red flowers towards the end of the sleeve. The sleeves were long and elegant. Rin unfolded it all the way looking at all the different colors and sighed. On the back was a symbol of some kind, which was elegantly written.

She began to wonder how much Sesshoumaru loved her past self. This wasn't the only kimono she had found. She had actually found a whole closet full of beautiful kimonos. They all were in awesome condition and all very beautiful. This one had caught her eye though, for some reason it had grabbed her attention, because of a dream she had. The kimono looked as if it could be the same one.

She looked at her self in the mirror. He has never seen me… will my body be the same to him as his other Rin? She thought to her self remembering the dream she had recently had of helping him bathe. "How could she forget something like that?"

"Rin honey?" Rin snapped out her thoughts looking over towards the door "Rin can I come in, it's Izayoi." She said gently

"Oh yes sure come on in. "Rin said while pulling the thin layer of the kimono over her body and unlocking the door. "Come in"

"Oh I see you are trying it on?" She said while grabbing the next piece of kimono on the counter. "Here let me help you. I've many years of experience in this." Izayoi smiled while putting on each layer. "This one was her favorite one. I wonder how you knew?" She said leaving a puzzled look on Rin's face.

"How would you know?" Rin looked at her with a sad expression.

"There is so much a person can see from my step son if he lets his guard down. I will occasionally see him in the room that used to belong to her and will forever belong to her. He lets no one in it besides himself, much less let any touch her things. He wants to hold on to a memory he lost so long ago. You are the exception, because you are her he cannot deny you anything." She said now running a comb through her hair.

"Why didn't he clear out the room after such a long time?" Rin gently ran her hand across the fabric on her arm.

"I'm not quite sure since I was not alive then, only that 500 year isn't very long for a full blooded dog demon." Izayoi stated. "I had died previous about almost a century before Naraku's defeat."

"What? That's impossible if you are alive now and remember everything." Rin said turning to face her.

"Dear it is not impossible, look at yourself. You are remembering things you should not, only because your soul is linked to yourself from long ago. See most people can have similar appearances but never do you see people with even a close enough similar soul at one time. Obviously I do not know that is true but thinking of it logically we could not. If we had the same souls then we would constantly remember our past lives which would never be too good. Especially if you want to began a new one, but every now and then there is that glitch and a soul sneaks past a guard and your situation would occur; being able to remember but only if you have reminders." Her hand ran gently across Rin's cheek.

"Don't you mean like you and me?" Rin said confused

"No Rin I am not the same." She shook her head gently. "I wasn't reincarnated I was merely brought back to life by a jewel. It was unintentional though." She laughed at the confused expression on Rin face. "Has Sesshoumaru ever told you about she Shikon no Tama?"

"No" Rin looked dumbfounded.

"Well it was a jewel that was tainted by evil. It was meant to be good but even the most evil of attention put on it would warp the jewel. A by the name Naraku got a hold of it, and it shattered. "Izayoi paused as she saw an expression on Rin's face.

"There was one in Kohaku's back!!!" Rin burst out of nowhere.

"Yes maybe, but that's besides the point." She said laughing, seeing Rin's confused face once again. "And well they finally pieced it back together. You get one wish and Naraku had it." Izayoi breathed in.

"And he wish for himself to be more powerful and it killed him. Kagome took the chance and grabbed the jewel . She was told to make a wish and she wished for it to disappear so that no one could use it for harm again. Sesshoumaru was there to and I remember him. He was beginning to leave. I was 14 I believe. The jewel each allowed them to make a wish because they though of no wish that would taint the world or change themselves so the jewel let them have a wish each." Rin blurted out

"Yes. So you do remember more than you say." A smirk appeared on her beautiful complexion

"Only bits and pieces. I can't remember after that though I think I might have left." Izayoi nodded.

"This is where the boys father and I come in. Inuyasha wished for a happy family. Only intending it for him and Kagome to have children a family of there own but out the blue I remember standing in front of my son next to my husband. Along with Sango and Miroku. They had died during the battle with Naraku. Kagome had wished for life mating. Which would allow and join couples of demon and other breeds to life bond. To hold the same lifespan. Shippo wished for a lifetime of crayons and paper. And Kirara you could imagine asked for fish." Rin giggle at the last two wishes. "Sesshoumaru had a chance to wish but he was like he always was. Not impatient but that he doesn't seem to care to stick around. I think honestly he matured a great deal over Naraku's reign. If he hadn't met you during that time, he would surely have suffered the same fate as Naraku."

"He would have wished for more power…" Rin said quietly.

"But he did not, he just left it alone. He had found out that he had everything he wanted and needed right there with him."

"So the wish Kagome made along with Inuyasha wish is why you're still here!!!"

"That's right, but let me tell you young lady; it has been a tiring 500 years, having to put up an act and all. Especially going to the make up store every week and having to buy Sesshoumaru's cover up for kagome, although I really mind that. The tiring part is having to act with Taisho that I was a spoiled rich girl who went after his money…but I was rich in my time; I was a princess for crying out loud" She mumbled the last few sentences "Plus remember he's demon and with demon power comes lots of strength and stamina even in bed!" She said causing Rin to turn a scarlet red.

"Izayoi!!" She squeaked. Izayoi grabbed her face and began to apply light make up.

"Let me tell you another thing about this kimono. Why it's her favorite, I specifically remember Sesshoumaru asking for this to be made. He of course asked me to have it made, probably because I was the woman and I knew was looked good or not. He presented it to you on your 18th birthday as a welcome to the family." Izayoi sighed. "The symbol on the back is the family crest and the red and white are the family colors. You were so overjoyed, you had shown an unladylike display in front of everyone."

"What did I do?" Rin asked eagerly

"Well as soon as you received it you basically hurled yourself into his arms and knocked him down to the ground.."

"I remember why I was so happy…" A sad face had began to appear on Rin's faces.

"You thought it meant he wanted you to be his lady, but he never said anything about it after that. He continued to treat you the way he did as if you were still his ward." She looked away "Then there was the night in the garden where I caught you two alone, you were crying and I could understand why, but I could see Sesshoumaru's will breaking along with the ice around his heart. But your heart was allowing falling to pieces."

"It seems the kimono should have been one for me to hate, but you sure it was my favorite?" Rin said in a playful voice.

"You wore it as much as you could and made sure that it was washed and cleaned only the best way."

"Really?" Rin said trying hard not to think of the memory of her last request before she had been sent to the village.

"It was your favorite, but it left you with a broken heart and no will to live. After I found you in the garden that night alone crying, you looked like the life had been sucked from you, but there was still hope. A couple weeks later Sesshoumaru locked himself up in his study and you were nowhere to be found. Kagome sent us mail which arrived a couple of weeks later telling us you had moved into a neighboring village, the letter was questioning why you were living there. It also told us of your refusal to go live in her village."

"Because it would risk the chance of me seeing him and losing my resolve, the decision he had made up. He didn't love me, he hated me so I promised I would disappear from his life forever, if he told me he hated me and he did." Rin sighed. "To think I was so naïve, the first time when I tried to explain to him that when I was around him I got these strange feelings for him….that I couldn't explain them. He told me to quite acting like a child and that I was being weak, and so I cried in the garden. I let it go for those few months, but when I was in town and I was so happy to have Sesshoumaru accompany me, the lady helped me realized that I loved him. How could I be so naïve to think that a human and demon could be together!! I'd seen the wars and the fighting and even witnessed his discuss. I pretty sure I would of thought more about it but he just threw my living in the village at me all at once!! The first thing that popped in my head was all the times that he cared for me, even at this age how he would hold me! Cradle me and comfort me when I was sad hurt or angry, so I thought maybe something was wrong. Maybe if I told him how I felt; what I just found out maybe he wouldn't send me to this village. Maybe he'd hug me, tell me that he'd always loved me but was afraid. But he didn't so I had to accept it." Rin said while playing ends of her sleeves.

"I see. If I remember correctly he locked himself in his study for a couple of weeks and then he was gone all the time after that, watching over you. He was a wreck; I mean he didn't show it on the outside but you could see it in his eyes. He went back to his old ways. Then you died and he was devastated, but he matured a lot. He brought your baby home and explained everything. He buried you in your favorite place as a child, it was and open field of flowers and he would visit you every year with your daughter."

"What was her name?" Rin asked gently while grabbing Izayoi's hand.

"Sesshoumaru didn't really name her, he just kept calling her Kohana and it stuck."

"Little flower…" Rin looked to the ground. "He used to say I should have been born a flower and if I was I would always be a small one.

Rin and Izayoi's head snapped towards the bathroom door when they heard he thump and Sesshoumaru's

voice. "Well you're done, I hope you have fun. It was dinner and then a movie right?"

"Rin? You ready?" Sesshoumaru asked through the door.

"Um yeah one moment Sesshoumaru." She said while turning towards the mirror and gasping."

A/n: Well I'll leave you with that hope I didn't take to long… heh heh I'm joking… but I promise I will

finish this story up and fast lol. Sorry if there is any misspelling or bad grammar.