Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to the Scfi channel, MGM, and whoever else owns them. I get no money for this! Spoilers: None

Rating: G

Notes: It's finished guys! I hope you all like it and remember to review! I have a lovely message to all of you at the end. Also at the end of the story is a song I have always thought of for Amy and Jonas since I started writing these stories. I hope it's okay to have a song at the end of this, I emailed the webmaster but I didn't hear anything back so I'm guessing it's okay, if not all please let me know. The song is "That's When I'll Give Up on Loving You" by Natalie Grant from her Deeper Life album. Enjoy and as always review! 

Sometimes Miracles Happen

By Ans4Christ

A week later found Jonas packing up his things in his guest quarters. It had been a hard decision for him to return to Kelowna, but he knew in his heart that he had to. On top of this Amy had started to remember what had happened when she had been on the planet with the Ancient's tablet. As she looked over the map she was able to slowly decipher it. There was no way she could leave earth now. In fact, General Hammond was considering sending Amy back to the planet with an SG team so that she could look over the temple again and see if anything came back to her memory. Jonas wasn't pleased with this at first but as he and Amy talked he realized that this was where faith came in.

"Packing up again?" A voice said behind him.

Jonas smiled and turned. "You're here to see me off in secret again?"

Amy smiled as she walked into the room. "Actually, I was going to walk with you to the gateroom." She paused. "How do you feel about going back?"

"Well given the option between battling the Gou'ld, life and death situations, or babysitting a bunch of childish politicians- I honestly don't know which one I'd pick. But I know I'm supposed to go. I have peace about it. I may not be there for the rest of my life, but I know that's where I'm supposed to be right now. I'm not to happy about it though." He said as he touched the side of her face.

Amy lowered her eyes. "I know, I feel the same way. But for some reason right now we're supposed to be apart. I know I'm needed here on earth. And I know that you're needed there. We're where we're supposed to be. It just not where we want to be. But I for one am not going to let this interfere with our relationship. I am coming to Kelowna for a visit soon, and you can come back here. Heck, Jonas just come back for an afternoon and we'll go to lunch or something. We will make this work. And if you have to bound and gag a few diplomats to do that I know that you will."

Jonas started laughing. "You know I think I'd be afraid to have you on Kelwona, I don't know what you would do if left to yourself." He paused, "You know, I feel like I'm ready for this now. I want to take on the whole diplomat thing in a new way this time. Make people start thinking about things in a different way. You've helped me with that more than you'll ever know."

"I like to think I've helped you with a lot of things, Ambassador." Amy said as she leaned up and gave him a soft kiss.

"Well, it's about time!" A rough voice shouted from behind them.

"Jack, give them their privacy."

"What they've been saying for months they're just friends, I want to see them try to say that now."

Amy and Jonas separated and couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry to interupt, but they're about to dial Langara, thought you would want to know that." Daniel said seeming embarrassed.

"Okay, we'll be there." Jonas paused waiting for them to leave. "In a minute."

"Right, take your time- carry on." O'Neill said as he and Daniel stepped away, "I knew those two would connect eventually." He said as he walked away.

Jonas and Amy laughed again, "Well, I guess everyone here was right. 'The people in love are always the last to know.'" Amy teased. "You ready?"

"Almost," Jonas said as he pulled her close, "I want to make sure I say goodbye properly." He kissed her very gently.

Amy pulled away, "That was very proper." She took his hand, "Let's go."

They walked to the gateroom together. The room was empty, Jonas having already said his goodbyes to the rest of SG-1. He knew that they were preparing for their next plan of attack. He also somehow knew that they knew he wanted to be alone with Amy at this moment.

They parted quietly at the door, no words, just a silent stare. Amy gave him a smile, "Well go, Ambassador." She said teasingly.

Jonas chuckled at that, took his bag and walked up the ramp to the stargate. Before entering he paused, turned and looked at Amy. "Hey Amy."


"Remember it's not goodbye, it's till we meet again."

Amy smiled at the memory. "Yes, it is. Till we meet again."

Jonas looked at her with a smile. He turned and headed into the stargate, back to Kelowna. As he did this he whispered to himself, "Until we meet again."

That's when I'll give Up(On Loving You)

By Natalie Grant (Deeper Life) CD
No heartbeat is always steady
Angels have halos already
Please – don't think you're proving
Yourself all the time
I don't need you to be perfect
I know the wait will be worth it
You and me baby we're only just
Learning to shine

You should know
This is my love
How far I'll go
Here's when I'll give up

When the sun is coming up at midnight
When the clocks have all run out of time
When the snow – falls in June
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)
When the earth is finished spinning around
When its raining up instead of down
When a dream – can't come true
When the rivers all run out of blue
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)

You'll never run out of chances
I don't need you to have all the answers
Love isn't something that has to be
Put to the test

Love like this
Can't be undone
I'm telling you
If the day should come


As you're walking through the world
You gotta know
I'll be with you everywhere you go
You can spread your wings or run
Back to my arms
I will always hold you in my heart – baby

You'll always be
A part of me
Baby can't you see


When the sun is coming up at midnight
When the clocks have all run out of time
When the snow – falls in June
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)
When the earth is finished spinning around
When its raining up instead of down
When a dream – can't come true
When the rivers all run out of blue
That's when I'll give up (on loving you)

The End

Well all that's it! How did you like it? Please be honest and email me about it. First I want to say thank you again to everyone who has waited so patiently for me to finish this story. It has been 2 ½ years in the making but I thank all of you for sticking with me. I just hope that it was worth the wait for all of you and that no one was too disappointed. I don't know if I'll do another story or not right now. I may because I do have a few ideas, but we'll see. If not it's been great writing these past few years, and I had a lot of fun, and I hope that you did too. Have fun all and may God Bless each and every one of you richly!