A/N: Well here is the final chapter of this fic.

Thanks to the following for reviewing. Silverscale, TimeReaper, and gaul1

DJ Rodriguez: Yeah I decided to make Ginny more Slytherin in character, which may or not be how she is, but that is how I see her.

Just Me: You will find out what Spade has in mind in this chapter and yes as I have said before there is a sequel that will pick up where this one leaves off.

HPfreakout: Yeah it was a bit of an easy mission, but only because of the help they received. ;)

Chapter 22: Part Two of the Final Mission

If there was one thing that Tonks and Harry were not good at it was being patient. They just couldn't stand the suspense of what Spade wanted those records so badly for. Surely he wanted them for more than he was letting on, but they couldn't wait for him to tell them exactly what it was that he needed them for.

After their lunch at the safe house Harry and Tonks used their floo connection to go talk to Ginny. They wanted to thank her for her help with their mission and also Harry wanted to discuss his plan to enter back into society.

When they came out of the floo Harry once again swore under his breath and then complained yet again about using that method of travel. He didn't like it any more than he liked using Portkeys.

"There you two are!" Ginny exclaimed as Harry and Tonks came out of the fireplace. "I was worried you had been caught when I returned to find that you weren't in my office waiting for me."

"Sorry Gin, we were about caught, so we had to use our emergency Portkeys to get back to headquarters. We were just about to leave the department when Justin came in from your lunch date." Harry said with a slight smile about the last part.

"So did you have fun Ginny?" Tonks asked with a look of true interest on her face.

"Justin is a nice guy, but he really isn't my type and my family would never approve of him." Ginny said though they both could tell that the last part wasn't exactly true since the Weasleys really didn't care about who their kids dated as long as they were happy.

"I doubt they would disapprove Ginny, after all they didn't mind Hermione." Harry said with a slight smile.

Tonks looked at Harry and glared for a moment. "There is nothing a wrong with Hermione."

"Not now I suppose, but when we first met she was a down right stick in the mud." Harry said with an even bigger grin on his face.

"So did you manage to get the records that Spade wanted?" Ginny asked trying to change the subject away from her sister-in-law and more importantly away from Justin.

"Yeah we just finished copying Tonks' records and were about to leave. Spade still won't tell us what he needed them for though. He said he was going to read over them this afternoon and that we were to come back tonight to so he can explain it all to us." Harry said as he walked over and sat down and motioned for Tonks to sit down by him.

"So Harry have you given any thought to how you will complete the second part of your mission?" Ginny asked as she sat at her desk and looked at them.

"Yes actually I have been going over a plan and that is one reason for us coming here." Harry said as he looked at Ginny.

"Oh so you only come when you need my help now?" Ginny asked faking a disappointed look and then cracking into a smile to show that she was joking.

"Yeah why have friends if you can't use them from time to time." Harry said jokingly and then got a more serious look on his face. "Seriously Ginny I only wanted to run the plan by you and Tonks and see if it sounded okay to the both of you."

"Well let's hear it then Mr. Potter." Ginny said sounding all professional though she was fighting back the urge to laugh.

Harry sniggered for a moment and then composed himself enough to speak. "I have been reading about a small ritual that can be done where a persons memories can be placed into a pensive and then they are oblivated leaving no trace of the memories in tact. The catch is with the obliviation the person wouldn't even remember putting the memories into the special pensive. That is why the person needed a Memory Keeper, someone who would remind the person about the memories once they were able to get them back in their head."

"Ah so you do need my help then?" Ginny asked with a smile, she would gladly do anything for Harry and Tonks, so this wouldn't be any trouble to her.

"Well either you or I could ask Spade or Blade to do it if you didn't want to help since you have done, so much for us already." Harry said with a sly smile on his face, he knew he was teasing Ginny and he loved it.

"You will do no such thing Mr. Potter." Ginny huffed as she stood up. "You know I would do it, and that is why you came to me first, right?"

"Yes Ginny I figured you would do it, and that is why I waited to explain to both you and Tonks at the same time. Since that is the most crucial part of my plan. Once the memories are gone we are then stunned and brought to the front of the ministry. When we wake up we will have no memory of what happened or anything, so if we are interrogated by Hardy and Fudge we wont be able to tell them anything about how we got back or where we had been."

"That's an excellent idea Harry after all we know Hardy will be out to frame us for all of this since he already thinks I am connected to Silver Wolf." Tonks said as she beamed at Harry.

Ginny grinned as she looked at Harry and then got a bit of a concerned look on her face. "Umm do you think it is smart for you to be stunned, after all You-Know-Who is probably still hunting for you."

"Good point." Tonks said as she too became concerned.

"Well I figured by being left in front of the Ministry someone would find us before Voldemort could." Harry said and then sat thinking about it more.

"It could work as long as I know exactly when you will arrive. I could just happen to leave and find you." Ginny said with a sly smile on her face.

"Brilliant as always, and very cunning too. I see why you were named Fox." Harry said with a chuckle. "Then it is set after we learn what Spade wanted those records for we will meet you and we can arrange to pull off our plan. I am sure I can get Blade to Obilivate us, and then stun us for our journey, so you can find us."

Ginny smiled at the comment about her code name, and then looked at Harry. "Where shall we meet?"

Harry looked at her for a moment as he thought about it. "Use the floo to floo over to our safe house at eight o'clock tonight. We should be back by then, if not you can make yourself comfortable until we get there. No one knows about the floo connection right?"

"No, I have made sure to keep it secret and since I work for this department it is classified, so no one in the Ministry can find out about it. Well I hate to rush you two, but I really do have work I need to complete before I can leave tonight." Ginny said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Harry and Tonks said goodbye and each gave Ginny hug before flooing to their safe house where they would wait a few more hours before heading off to see Spade.

"Harry do you really think your plan will work to get us back into the Wizarding world?" Tonks asked as she sat on a couch in their house by Harry.

"I hope so Tonks, because it is the only way I see us getting back into the world without much trouble. If we returned with all our memories we could be in trouble if they used Veritaserum on us and we revealed everything about us and the Jade Scorpions to them." Harry said with a look of determination in his eyes, since he knew that his plan had to work or they would be in serious trouble.

"Yeah we could get into a lot of trouble if the truth about what has been happening was to come out since we will be looking to bring down the corrupt Ministry." Tonks said with a sigh as she leaned into Harry.

"It's been a long day maybe we should take a short nap before our meeting tonight." Harry said as he held Tonks close to him.

Tonks drifted off while being held by Harry, but Harry wasn't able to sleep as his mind kept going over his plan and all the possible ways for it to get messed up. If he learned anything from his life so far it was if something could go wrong it would.

Harry woke Tonks up at six o'clock and after some grumbling on her part about no wanting to go to school today they were ready to go to see Spade. They figured they could have a late supper with Ginny when they returned, since they were eager to find out what was so important to Spade about them getting their records for him.

Harry and Tonks arrived at the mansion that doubled as the Jade Scorpions' headquarters and they made their way into the dinning hall where Spade was sitting with a smile on his face.

He stood up and walked over to them the smile never leaving his face as he looked at them. "Right on time, shall we go to the meeting room? The rest of the members are there waiting for us."

Harry and Tonks didn't say a word as they followed Spade to the meeting room where Blade, Tiger, Quake, Ice Queen, and Shadow were in fact waiting for them. Spade went to his seat at the head of the table as Harry and Tonks took their seats.

"Before we get to the issue that most of you are dying to know about there are a few matters that we need to go over first. The first order of business is to find out how your planning is going on getting back into the Wizarding World Wolf?" Spade said as he looked at Harry with great interest in his eyes.

"We have a plan in place as to how Panther and I will be reintegrated to the Wizarding World." Harry said and then went into full-blown detail about the plan he had told Tonks and Ginny earlier in the day.

After he had finished Blade looked at him for a moment before speaking. "I think it is great plan, though there are a few factors that could go wrong, though I am sure you have considered them already."

"Yes I have and I have also discussed them with Panther and Fox, but we think it could work." Harry said as he grinned at Blade.

"Wolf if I was still in charge of the Aurors I would have been able to simplify things for you, but since I am not I think your plan should work out just fine." Shadow said as he looked at the rest of the members.

Everyone else seemed to agree with the plan that Harry laid out for them, and so Spade moved on to other business. Harry and Tonks had to listen as all the reports were given to Spade about the basic operations and such before Spade would move on to the real topic they were most interested in.

"Earlier today I was given the records for Wolf and Panther as I requested and I must say I could not have been happier when I read them over." Spade said as he looked at everyone and paused as he looked and smiled at Harry and Tonks.

"So spill it already! What was so bloody important about our records?" Harry asked losing what little patience he had left.

"Okay I will tell everyone right now what this is all about." Spade said as he looked around again knowing that all the members were eager to hear what he had to say. "I asked you to get me the records because I wanted to see if my theory was correct and I am proud to say that it was. Silver Wolf, also known as Harry James Potter, is a direct descendant of the late and great Godric Gryffindor, making him heir to the Gryffindor family line and also heir to half ownership of the organization that Godric Gryffindor formed. I am also proud to say that Panther, also known as Nymphadora Tonks, is a direct descendant of the late and great Rowena Ravenclaw making her heir to the Ravenclaw line and also heir to half ownership of the organization that Rowena Ravenclaw started with Godric Gryffindor."

Harry wasn't as shocked about hearing he was related some how to Godric Gryffindor as he was about hearing that Tonks was related to Rowena Ravenclaw. Tonks seemed to be shocked on both accounts and didn't know what to say.

"That being said." Spade continued after the shocked gasps quieted down. "It is my honor and privilege to tell everyone here that Wolf and Panther will both be in charge of the organization if they chose to take it over. Since I am not a direct descendant of either family line, it is my duty to hand over to control to the rightful heirs as soon as they are known."

Harry snapped out of his mild shock as he looked at Spade. "We wouldn't think of taking over your organization Spade. You have been running the Jade Scorpions far to long to take it from you. I as the heir of Gryffindor hereby decline the offer at this time, until which time you are no longer to run the organization on your own."

Tonks nodded and then said. "As the heir of Ravenclaw I hereby also decline the offer until you can no longer control the organization under your own power."

Spade didn't look too shocked, most people would have expected them to boot him out, but Spade had a feeling they wouldn't do that. "Then as the current head of the organization will stay on until one or both of you feel I am no longer able to perform my duties as the head of the organization. However I will ask you now Wolf and Panther if you would like to form your own team? A team that you would put together and that would be trained how you see fit. That way when you have missions for the organization your own special team would be called in instead of random members of the Jade Scorpions."

Harry and Tonks spoke to each other for a moment and then looked back at the group. Harry decided to tell them what they what had decided. "We have decided that we would like our own team of specially trained members, so that we would be better at our mission and more effective when on them. However I must ask, will these members have to pass the same tests that we did?"

"If they are to be part of the inner circle then yes, otherwise they are under your command and as such you will decide how and when they train to be part of your team. Though you may only tell them what is needed for missions if they are not part of the Jade Scorpions as well." Spade said as he looked at Harry and Tonks.

"So our group would work for the Jade Scorpions, but only those that passed your tests would be consider part of them?" Tonks asked.

"That is correct Panther, and I hope you understand that we do this to protect ourselves as much it would protect you." Spade said.

"I understand Spade and we will make sure that those we do get to be part of our elite group are loyal to us, and if we have time we will have them tested by you as well." Harry said as he stood up. "If we are done here we have to get things ready for our plan to return to the Wizarding world."

After a round of goodbyes and congratulations Harry and Tonks used their Portkey to return to their safe house. Ginny was there waiting for them as they arrived and she had the pensive already set up for them. After they explained to Ginny what had happened at the meeting about their records they went to work setting their memories into the pensive, which was the first part of their plan. It took them a while to get all the memories for the past few months out of their minds, and when they were finished Ginny tested to make sure they were all out.

The next day at eight in the morning Blade and Shadow arrived and Obliviated both Harry and Tonks and then stunned them. They then Apparated outside of the ministry and placed them in front of the building like planned. Blade and Shadow hid out of sight to keep an eye on things just in case anything went wrong.

A moment later Ginny walked towards the ministry as planned and pulled a medallion out from under her robes and pressed it. Within seconds two men dressed in black appeared beside her.

"Miss Weasley what seems to be the problem?" The first man asked as he looked at her not noticing the two bodies on the ground.

The second one however saw the two bodies and quickly went to them. "Asher over here." The second man called to his partner as he continued to examine the bodies.

Asher looked over and saw the two forms now on the ground. "What happened?"

"I don't know I was coming in for work and found them lying there. My first thought was to summon you." Ginny said as she looked at her friends on the ground.

"Asher do you know who they are?" When Asher nodded no, because he couldn't tell from his position his partner continued. "They look like Auror Potter and Auror Tonks."

Asher went a bit pale as he walked over to confirm what his partner had said. "Quick lets get them to the infirmary. Miss Weasley ma'am if you could please go inform Auror Hardy that we have two of his missing Aurors in our infirmary."

The two men used special Portkeys they had to transport Harry and Tonks into the infirmary within the Department of Mysteries as Ginny reluctantly went to get Auror Hardy.

Harry and Tonks were revived from being stunned once they were taken to the infirmary and then were asked a few questions, which proved that they only had no memories of what had happened to them for the months that they were missing. Auror Hardy was not happy about the lack of information he gained even after using Veritaserum on both of them.

After sixteen hours of questioning they were finally released from custody by the head Auror, Hardy, but they were not allowed to return to active duty pending a full inquiry about their disappearance.

The End

A/N: Well that is the end of Life Not Worth Living, but fear not because the sequel will come out which will show Harry and Tonks as they get their members for their team and begin to do things to bring down the corrupt Ministry of Magic.