Life is nothing without hope and love, but yet things seem to go on without them. It is interesting how you can think you know everything, and yet you find that you know nothing.

Harry Potter has come to know that more than anyone else could. He lost all hope of happiness in life. Since the young age of one he has had nothing but hard times. First Voldemort killed his parents, and then he was almost killed by the mad man. If that wasn't bad enough he was then shipped off to live with an Aunt and Uncle that can't stand him. Ten long years he put up with their torments, and it seemed like nothing was going to change that.

Then he met Hagrid and found out that he was a wizard. At the age of 11 Harry got his first real glimpse of hope in his life. Though he would soon find that not everything is perfect, even if you do have magic on your side.

He managed to make some friends his first year at Hogwarts and he made even more enemies. Mainly Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Professor Quirrell/Voldemort. He had to fight for his life once again, and found that with his friends and a lot of luck that he could survive. Though deep down he was still alone, and he knew that he would always be alone.

His second year didn't turn out much better. Though he did make a new friend in the end, he still had to fight Tom Riddle/Voldemort, and a basilisk. Things weren't shaping up to be the best for him, and his depression only seemed to intensify.

Each year at Hogwarts meant a couple new friends but a lot more enemies. Every time he turned around he found that he had a new battle to fight. Battles on the outside became tougher each year. The inner battles that he found also became tougher with time. Especially after he lost his godfather in his fifth year at Hogwarts.

That year was the worst for him, as he sunk even lower into his depressed state. As he would sit alone in the darkness of his room, life seemed to boom on around him. It was nothing had happened, but to him everything was lost.

Sixth year brought on new battles, but not just with Voldemort. Ginny Weasley seemed to be over her crush on Harry years ago, but now he wasn't so sure. She might have been trying to be friendly or maybe she still linked him. Either way Harry only saw her as friend no more no less. Harry liked someone else though he would never admit it to her, because of who she was. Harry didn't know the feeling of love, so what he felt for her he didn't know. All he knew was that he liked her, but there was no chance of her liking him.

Seventh year brought with it problems in love, depression, school, and of course Voldemort. Harry still couldn't get the woman of his dreams out of his head, and found that it increased his depression. On one hand he had a woman that was madly in love with him by the name of Ginny Weasley. On the other hand he was starting to love the woman in his dreams. Though he knew could never find out, because there was no way Voldemort could find out.

Harry graduated from Hogwarts and started his Auror training. This should have been the best time of his life, but it wasn't. He was constantly reminded of the woman he loved, and he knew that things had to change. If he continued on pretending that nothing was wrong he would surely explode from within. Though there wasn't much he could do while at training.

Harry watched as Ron and Hermione got married and started their lives together. He knew those two would some day figure out their love for one another, and was happy for them. Though inside he still felt the stings of his own love slipping even further away.

It was the night following his completion of Auror training. The Weasley's insisted on throwing a huge party for Harry. Though he wished deep down that they wouldn't have. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone, but soon found that would not happen.

He was sitting alone outside in the backyard, trying to get away from the party within. When he heard an all to familiar voice. "Wotcher Harry!"

Harry turned to see Nymphadora Tonks, looking as radiant as always. She had shoulder length reddish brown hair and she had sparkling brown eyes. Harry kept looking into her eyes, as if he was lost in them.

"You mind if I sit with ya?" Asked Tonks as she sat down by Harry.

Harry didn't say a word he just watched as she sat down and then he looked off into the darkness of the yard.

"You seem a bit out of it tonight Harry. You really should be inside enjoying your party. Its not everyday that you complete Auror training, especially as high as you did." Tonks said as she smiled at him.

Harry looked down at the ground. "I just don't feel like celebrating I guess. I told Mrs. Weasley not the throw the party, but she wouldn't listen."

"Harry, Molly is only trying to be nice. Would it kill you to come inside and at least fake enjoying it for her sake?" Tonks asked no longer smiling.

Harry just stood up and looked at her for a moment. "I should get home. I have an early meeting with Mr. Shacklebolt and would hate to be late. Please tell Molly I said I am sorry and thanks for everything." With that Harry Apparated out of the back yard.

Harry arrived seconds later inside his small one room apartment. He had enough money to afford better, but he liked his apartment. Spending most of his life confined to one room had affected him more than he would ever admit.

He sat down in his red cushioned chair and stared off into the darkness. Actually his chair was the only piece of furniture in his small living room. He had a small bed in his bedroom, but that was all that really made up his apartment.

Harry waved his wand placing back the wards to stop anyone from Apparating into his apartment without his permission. Not like anyone knew where he lived, because he made sure not to tell anyone. Anyone that was expect his new boss Kingsley Shacklebolt. Kingsley insisted that Harry tell him where he lived just in case he needed him for anything.

"What was I thinking? I can never have a normal life! Not as long as I remain cursed, I can never have anything normal in my life." Harry said aloud as he continued to stare off into the darkness of his apartment. "Tonight will be the last anyone sees of me for a long time. I cannot chance anyone else being hurt or me being hurt any more. After tonight Harry James Potter will no longer exist!"

The next morning Tonks was called into Kingsley Shacklebolt's office. He was after all her boss as well as Harry's boss. "You wanted to see me boss?" Tonks asked in a low voice. She still hadn't fully recovered from Harry's rudeness at the party the night before. What made it even worse for her was that she had to tell Molly about Harry leaving so soon. Molly took it pretty well, though Tonks could tell that she was hurt.

"I wouldn't have called you in here if I didn't want to talk to you Tonks. Close the door and sit down." Kingsley said in a not so nice tone.

Tonks closed the office door and made her way over and sat down. 'What's eating him today?' Tonks thought as she looked at her irate boss.

"Tonks have you seen Mr. Potter?" Asked Kingsley as he continued to stare at her.

Tonks was a bit taken back by his question. "No sir, not since he left the celebration party last night. He said he had an early meeting with you and didn't want to be late for it."

"Damn it!" Kingsley said as he slammed his fist down on his desk. "I have never known him to be late. All three years during his training he was always on time, normally he got there before anyone else. Today however he has yet to come in, and I am worried."

Tonks was worried too at this point. Kingsley was right, it wasn't like Harry to be late. Especially not for something as important as this. "Sir, I can go by and see if he is at home." Tonks said and then realized that she didn't even know where he lived. "I am sorry sir, but I guess I can't do that. I forgot I don't know where he lives now. He wont tell anyone that."

Kingsley pulled a file from his desk and handed it to Tonks. "His address is in the file. I made him tell me where he lived, just in case something like this happened. Go to his place and see what is going on. You better take someone with you just in case there is trouble."

Tonks nodded and took the file. She stood up and left the office without another word being said. Tonks decided against getting help, but she knew if there was trouble that she could get help then.

Tonks Apparated to the address and knocked at the door. There was no answer, so she looked around for any muggles. When she found none in sight she pulled out her wand and unlocked the door.

She looked around the small apartment but found that it is completely empty. Harry was nowhere in the apartment to be found. She walked out into his living room and started looking for signs of a fight.

She didn't find any signs of a fight, but what she did find would haunt her for some time. Placed in the center of the red cushioned chair was a note.

Dear Reader,

By time you find this note I will be gone. Do not bother to come looking for me because it will do no good. I can no longer put up with the life that I must live!

Please tell the Weasley's that I will miss them dearly for they were my only true family. Tell Ginny especially not to cry, because I know that she loves me, but I feel differently.

Please tell Remus Lupin that I am sorry for this as well. I know he will be upset, but one day he may be able to forgive me.

Also please tell Nymphadora Tonks that I love her. I was never able to tell her myself, because I feared how she would react. After all I am seven years younger than her, and not quite in her league. Also I feared what would happen if Voldemort found out, so I could never allow that to happen. Tonks is the only woman I ever or will ever love, and it hurts me more than anything to leave without telling her.

Alas I must leave and shall never return. From this day on Harry James Potter is no more. The Boy-Who-Lived, will now be known only in the memories of those that knew him.

Sorry Everyone,

Harry James Potter

Tonks fell to her knees crying. "Harry how could you do this?"