Disclaimer: Do I own any of this? No. I wish I did. Please don't sue me. All characters belong to the WB and D.C. comics.

Warning: This fic contains girl/girl material. I'm rating it R for language and some sexual implications. Although I think, it is more of a PG-13.

It was originally supposed to be a one shot deal, a spin off of my other fic(which is still in long delayed progress) but I was talked into making it a series by a friend after a much needed rewrite.

Comments: I welcome comments, criticism, and (although I will think you are insane) praise. Hope you enjoy it.

The music vibrated through the building casting a spell on the people dancing in the center of the floor, urging their bodies a little closer, raising the temperature in the room to the point that most people were covered sweat. She didn't want to go to the rave that night. Her heart had just been broken, obliterated by the person she had been with for more than a year. But Dinah had insisted, saying something about it doing her good to be around people instead wallowing in her misery in a dark room alone. She had given in to her friend's sunshine smile and happy mood. To her surprise Dinah had been right, the music and overall happy energy that poured through the warehouse had been a serious mood booster, of course that could just have been the two cans of Redbull she had had. In any event, she felt a lot better, that is until she had caught a glimpse of her ex on the dance floor. Her happy mood demolished she dragged her broken heart off to a dark corner and attempted to put it back together.

That is where Dinah found her, having just finished dancing with some guy that couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. She didn't understand why the thought somewhat annoyed her, but it did. Dinah took one look at her eyes brimming with unshed tears and shooed her would be suitor away.

"Gabby? What's wrong?" She had asked slipping a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Gina is here." Those three words were enough.

"Where?" There was a strange tone in her voice, a cross between anger and mischief.

So she pointed to the spot on the dance floor she had last seen the couple on. She watched with fascination as azure eyes slid across the dance floor, searching for a familiar face, finally they settled on a couple, bodies entwined almost obscenely.

"Well that didn't take very long, did it?" She looked back at her friend then and saw the sorrow in her eyes. "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. I just never liked Gina to begin with."

"I know, and I don't think it was fast at all…I think they were seeing each other before I got dumped."

She watched as Dinah glared angrily at the two people on the dance floor. "Gabs if you're game, I think I have an idea."

Dinah stood and offered her hand to her friend, with a bemused smile Gabby took it, as D dragged her towards the dance floor she wondered at what the girl had in mind. The music was primal and sexy, Dinah turned and faced her, and there was something in her beautiful eyes. A glint that spoke volumes on the girl's intentions, something that sent delicious shivers through Gabby's body. As Dinah started to sway to the music, both girls drifted towards each other, their bodies seemingly drawn to each other by a will of their own. The Gabby tried to keep a respectable distance between them, but D just reached out, placed a hand on her hip, and urged their bodies closer.

"What are you doing?" She asked, confused by her friends actions.

"Trust me, don't fight it." Dinah whispered to her, her lips just barely touching the shell of Gabby's ear.

Dinah's voice was hypnotic, leaving her no choice but to do as she said. Their bodies flowed together. She stopped fighting her instincts and just started to feel the music, letting it guide her hands as they slowly caressed to length of Dinah's back. The feel of her friend's body was causing delicious sensations to shoot straight from her core into every part of her body, setting her on fire. Suddenly Dinah's lips were grazing the side of her neck. She managed not to jump but could not stop the trembling that had begun when D's lips had grazed her pulse point.

"You don't have to do this D. I'll be ok." She said her voice slightly trembling from a combination of low-grade arousal and slight bewilderment at what was happening.

She felt Dinah pull back and looked into azure orbs. Dinah's voice was like a purr, all silk and satin. "You should know better than anyone else, I don't do anything I don't have to. I do what I want, when I want, and..." Slowly she leaned in until their lips were a mere whisper apart. "And with whom ever I want." With those words, she closed the gap and kissed her.

For a split second Gabby was frozen, she was vaguely aware of Dinah's tongue demanding access, and then just like that she was returning the kiss and then deepening it. Their tongues danced, and suddenly she felt like something exploded, liquid heat searing her, making her want more. The kiss became frantic, and felt endless. Finally, they pulled apart, breathless and aching. She saw the surprised look on Dinah's face and was sure that she had that same look on her own face.

Slowly she became aware of the people around them, some staring, most of them completely focused on each other. Dinah was smirking at something over her shoulder and she had a feeling she new what. Looking down at their joined hands then back up into blue eyes, she tried to think of something to say, but the only word that came to mind was "Wow".

Dinah just smiled shyly and said "Yeah. Wow." They had started to move to the music again, and Dinah spun Gabby around in her arms so that now her back was to Dinah's front. And there, five feet away was Gina, glaring at them. She felt Dinah's lips move against her ear sending her heart rate back up.

"We can go if you want?" Warm breath traced up her neck, pausing on the sensitive skin just behind her ear. Gabby closed her eyes and let the sensation wash over her. Then she felt the graze of lips along her neck, she let her head roll to the side to allow those questing lips better access, to allow her to feel more of those delicious sensations. With a sigh of regret, she made herself pull away and turn around to face the beautiful blonde-haired woman.

"Yeah, maybe we should go."

Without saying a word D led her off the dance floor and towards the coat checkroom, there they collected their coats and bags and made their way out to the black Hummer. After Dinah unlocked the passenger door, she turned to Gabby. The curly-haired blonde woman knew what was coming, Dinah would say it was a mistake and apologize from here till next year, or try to gloss things over and joke around about how they had fooled Gina.

Instead, the taller girl gently backed Gabby to the Hummer, leaned in and kissed her. This time the kiss was unhurried, soft, tender, confident, and something else she couldn't quite figure out, it made her want something. Gabby, although enjoying the kiss immensely, had the sinking feeling that it was something she couldn't have and that thought was slowly but surely shattering her heart again.

When they pulled apart, they were both grinning ear to ear. Dinah gently traced the girls jaw line with her fingertips. "I meant what I said in there Gabs. I never do anything I don't want to do." She gently whispered.

Gabby's smile faltered, becoming sad. "I know and I appreciated it, really."

Dinah frowned at this. Not that she was expecting her newly single best friend to come running into her open arms, but she had always picked up a longing from her friend. A longing for Dinah, but then again, she had been known to be wrong about her 'feelings'. In fact that was one of the reasons

Then she softly pushed Dinah away and got into the Hummer. She watched as Dinah went around the front of the truck, a frown on her beautiful lips. The curly-haired girl stared out her window as D got into the driver's seat, wishing for all the world she knew what to say.

Sorry the writing sucks, hope you enjoyed.