Disclaimer: I don't own any characters for Loki Ragnarok and I don't wish to make profit from this story either.

This is a result of a conversation between me and my boyfriend. When I told him this "idea", he insisted that I write it. Thanks for the encouragement!

"Here Comes Narugami Clause!"

"Mayura I don't want to be here!"

"But Loki-kun, don't you want to have your picture taken with Santa Clause?"

"No!" Honestly! How many time did Loki have to tell Mayura that he wasn't a child! Sure he looked like one, but still.... He still wasn't sure how Mayura managed to convince him to go to the mall with her or why Yamino hadn't bothered to stop him.

"He was probably busy with his new Christmas mail order catalog." he thought. Loki had wished his son had stopped them, because then He wouldn't be stuck in a line of kids just dying to sit on "Santa's" knee and tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

"If Heimdal show's up, I swear I'm running for it!"

"We're next Loki-kun!" Mayura cried excitably.

"Oh joy." Loki grumbled.

"Moa! Loki-kun try to have some fun with it!"

The chaos god could only roll his eyes as he walked towards Santa's throne..

"Alright! Who's next?.....Loki?!"

Hold it! He recognized that voice! "Narukami-kun?"

The thunder god hushed him, even thought Loki was dying to laugh. Narugami had some weird uniforms before, but one that included a white beard, a red suit and a sack topped them all.

"Quiet Loki! I'm not allowed to be called by my real name, while I'm dressed like this!"

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Funny, I never pictured you in a sleigh being pulled by eight tiny reindeer."

"This coming from a god who's waiting in line with a bunch of kids!"

"I only came because Mayura dragged me here!"

Narugami snickered slightly, but then glanced to the others anxiously. The children were growing impatient as well as his manager, who was dressed as an elf.

"Fine! Fine! We've wasted enough time as it is! Just play along!"

A trickster like grin emerged on Loki's face as Narugami plopped Loki onto his knee.

Mayura did say to have fun, but that didn't mean he couldn't have his own kind of fun.

"So little boy what do you want for Christmas?" Narugami exclaimed, in a deep toned voice, in an attempt to sound jolly.

Loki gave his most innocent child like smile. "Well Santa-san, I want my friend Narukami-kun to get a decent job!"

Narugami paused. "Oh?"

"Yes, so that way he'll stop coming to my place and eating me out of house and home."

A vein throbbed on the thunder god's forehead.

"It's a shame really. He can't even keep a job for a least a week!"

"Little boy...." Narugami said, while resisting bringing out his Mjollnir that he had stashed in his sack. "If you keep talking like that, "Santa" might only put coal in your stocking."

"That's okay!" Loki grinned in a cute manner. "I'll just give it to Narukami-kun! He could probably use it for heat since I doubt he can even afford electricity."

"Smile!" the photographer cried, as the camera's light flashed.

Mayura sweat-dropped when she saw the picture. Loki was smiling nicely like she had wanted, but "Santa" was glaring and slowly bringing out what appeared to be a large stick from his sack.

She decided that next year, Loki could just write Santa a letter.

Author's Note: (evil grin) Come on! This just had to be written. With Narugami's part-time jobs, it was only a matter of time before he got a job as a mall Santa.