Title: Hero

Rating: PG- for language and other things

Author: Candy- Kisses

Disclaimer- The only character I own is Nikki.

Summary: When Fry and Leela's daughter gets kidnapped by someone they must save her.


"Daddy? Can I go outside for a little bit to play with my friends?" a little girl asked Fry.

"You sure can," Fry answered giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek.

Fry grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and sat it down on the coffee table in front of the TV.

As he played with his wedding ring he thought back at his marriage to the woman who carried his child.


"I do," Fry finished his sentence as he turned to his now wife. He turned around to see no other than Leela.

"Oh, Fry, I love you so much," Leela said leaning forward for a kiss.

They gave their kisses and ran out the chapel doors to the car.

End Flashback

Leela came walking through the doors to see their little girl.

"Oh, hey, Fry," she said once she noticed him, " Have you seen Nikki?"

"She just went out to play with her friends," Fry answered taking a sip of his beer.

"Oh, okay."

Leela squinted her eyes giving Fry a deadly glare. She walked over and took a seat by her husband.

"I think you know what happens next," with that Leela grabbed Fry's beer from his hands and threw it in the garbage.

"What the hell was that for?" Fry demanded raising his arms in annoyance.

"What was it for?" Leela mocked Fry, "I think you already know, we made a deal and your half of it was to quit drinking!"


"So? So! So! Fry! You're impossible! Here, you might as well take the damn beer back!" Leela took the beer from the garbage and chucked it over to Fry.

"Well you made a deal not to swear anymore, because the damn kid needs at least one parent who doesn't swear!" Fry declared standing up toe to toe with Leela.

"Well it could never be you, could it, Fry?!" Leela said clenching her fist to her sides.

"Damn it, Leela, why are we always fighting like this? We're married, we're not suppose to do this!"

"I know," Leela whispered looking down at her feet.

"We've got to try harder."

Leela looked up to Fry and gave him a little kiss before she walked out of the room.

A few seconds later Bender strolled in.

"Heard it all," he declared taking a seat on the couch, setting his feet on the rest.

"Heard what?" Fry snapped.

"What do you think, a-hole?" Bender said slapping Fry on the back of the head.

"Oh, the fight... well it's normal. All married couples go through it," Fry said calming down a bit more.


Out of nowhere they heard some screams of a little kid. On the street. Fry jumped out of his chair and ran to window to find his child being kidnapped.

Fry ran to the door and made his way downstairs, he noticed Leela was running out to the street also; she must of heard her child's scream as well.

"Leela? Who is it?" Fry asked, his breath sawing in and out as he caught up to Leela as she ran down the street.

"I have no clue, I don't really care. Just as long as I get my daughter back to me," with that Leela charged faster leaving Fry behind.

"Nikki!" Leela yelled as she tried to catch her daughter from the ship she was being kidnapped by.

"Mommy!" Nikki held out her hands to try to catch her daughter's fingers to bring her back into her arms, but couldn't.

Nikki screamed as she got lifted higher into the sky and once she was high enough the ship took her in.

"Noooooo!" Leela yelled kneeling on the ground crying.

Fry finally caught up to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

Leela stood up and gave her husband a hug, this was the saddest Fry has ever seen Leela since the time she thought Bender killed Nibbler.

The both of them walked back into the Planet Express building, heads down and crying.

"What happened?" Amy asked looking into Leela's eyes.

"Someone took Nikki!" Leela bursted out in tears on Amy's shoulder.

Amy gasped, "that's horrible!"

"Hey, Leela. I'm gonna go out and search the place maybe for some clues to who our kidnapper could be," Fry said pointing out the door.


Fry walked out the doors and looked up to the sky, he couldn't believe it; their daughter was gone. And Lord knows what the kidnapper could be doing with her right now. They might not even get her back.

Fry finally got to the place where Nikki got token up from this person. He walked around everywhere staring at the ground. Looking, hoping, that he would find evidence that would lead them to the kidnapper.

Fry let out a big sigh, he wasn't getting no where at all. So, he decided to head home. There was no use.

Just as Fry was leaving the area, something shiny caught his eye.

He walked over to what he saw and picked it up, studied it and studied.

He studied it for a few more moments.

After a while his eyes largened and as he let out a gasp.