nope don't own it btvs. just the plot line of this storyis from my sick twisted little mind.

so enjoy the pleasures of being sick and twisted.

Buffy wandered the streets of LA.

Her prey just ahead. Her feet making no noise as she ran almost faster than the eye could follow. She vaulted a car, flipping seven feet into the air and landing in a dead run. Her black duster flaring out behind her. Her gold lion's main of hair flowing behind like a banner. She jumped again, pouncing onto the side of a building, grabbing the ledge of a window, then pushed off with her feet, back-flipping through the air to land some thirty feet down the alley.

That much closer to whom she hunted.

She was that much closer to feeling the blood of her fellow slayer.

She was so much stronger than Faith now. Chasing a slayer was a challenge of course. Well, it was almost a challenge.

Buffy felt that she was getting closer, her ears picking up the slayer's hammering heartbeat, her nose following the blood already drawn from a skirmish with vamps.

Faith had been slaying in the mud-churned graveyards flooded with rain and stale with death. She had been cornered by five vampires, the rain soaking them and everything else. It had been a rough fight, and one had pulled a knife and sliced a good gash into Faith's left shoulder. Buffy was so aroused watching her she could hardly keep still. The energy of a slayer killing vampire's, the sensual way in which Faith moved, and the satisfied grunts of exertion tearing from the Dark Slayer's throat.

Faith had sensed her watching her the entire time she had been patrolling. Buffy knew by the way Faith would stop and listen, cocking her to the side. She had run in the middle of the fight still knowing something was there and she was outnumbered. When Faith had started running trying to lose her she had taken up the hunt.

Though Faith's running had left the vampire that had injured her unharmed. Buffy had corrected that injustice, ripping the head off the vamp's shoulders. No one would interfere with her hunt, her kill, and her chase.

Now she came to a chain link fence before her, she leaped over it easily. Her eyes now taking in the blood drops on the ground.

She stopped, for so did the blood drops. She listened for the heartbeat, her own body making no sound. For the dead make no sound, and then she heard it, above.

She looked up just in time to have the Dark Slayer crash into her, the weight slamming her into the pavement. She rolled up smoothly, hands on Faith's shoulders, and threw the slayer into a Dumpster next to the building wall she jumped her from.

She watched satisfied as Faith crumpled to the pavement, a groan coming from her throat as she struggled to rise. She stumbled clumsily to he feet, leaning against the Dumpster for support. She licked blood from her lips, and Buffy almost moaned at the action. She watched the blood dripping from the slayer's leather enclosed arm.

Buffy smirked as she watched the recognition flare in Faith's eyes, and the shock. She watched the back-wards step Faith tried to make. She could feel the fear humming through her sister-slayer's veins.

"So, ya gonna finish me then B? Gonna finish what ya couldn't before, come to gut me like a fish?" Faith asked, as though trying to get a rise from Buffy. Words like these had worked in the past to buy time hadn't they?

But to Faith's dismay and growing panic, the Dead Slayer just smiled. Faith swore she felt the temperature drop at that smile. It was cold and loaded, and she could see death in the blonde's eyes.

Buffy didn't say a word, just advanced slowly on Faith, walking closer. Her mouth opened and she licked her lips, her eyes hungrily taking in Faith appearance. The tight leather pants stopping an inch below her naval, a brand new piercing there, and another inch of skin between her naval and the tight black muscle shirt. Her small leather jacket wet and slick from the rain she was slaying in before.

The rain had stopped before now and there were puddles on the black shimmering concrete. The light of a single street lamp was flittering hazily through a light mist.

Buffy's own face shined with rain, her pale skin seemed to absorb the light, giving her skin an almost glowing quality. Making her look like an angel, from hell. Faith didn't think she had ever seen Buffy's blue eyes so bright and penetrating, the intense gaze of those sapphire orbs seemed to lock her in place. The blue standing out like never before against her pale glowing skin, and her luscious golden hair.

The pink of her lips as her tongue slipped out to lick them. Faith felt her knees go weak, and it had nothing to do with being thrown around like a rag doll.

Buffy was only a foot from her now, and Faith could feel the death radiating off her stunning form, and suddenly Faith realized why. Buffy stared at her smiling, she figured out what Faith had realized, watching silently as the slayer's eyes widened.

"Oh, so you figured it out huh Faithy? Yeah, Buffy's a big bad now, and she's gonna have some fun with you." Her voice was barely above a whisper and yet it seemed to echo through the alley. Faith felt as though the space was closing in on itself. Her panic giving way to a new level of hysteria as she glanced around wildly, not quit believing her eyes.

Faith threw a punch to the blonde's face, but the vampire caught it easily. Her ringed fingers wrapped around Faith's fist, squeezing, crushing, and inflicting all that pain. It was enough to make the Dark Slayer whimper and grimace, her wet hair covering her face as she lowered her head, sinking back to the ground ever so slightly.

Buffy felt her body react to the whimper Faith made, could feel herself getting wet. "Oh, Faith," Buffy said as she reached out her free hand to move the damp hair from Faith's face, so she could see those tortured eyes, "You have no idea what you do to me."

Her free hand moved swiftly, this time wrapping around Faith's throat, the Dark Slayer making all those sexy struggling sounds as Buffy's eyes lit up. She almost couldn't believe the arousal she was feeling at Faith's fear. Buffy could smell it in the air, and the terrified look in Faith's feral eyes was making her weak in the knees, her legs trembling.

I guess I deserve this, but damn B I don't want it like this. Fuck who turned you, and what's happened in Sunnyhell now that you're the big bad. Shit I can't die like this, I won't.

Faith kicked out with her legs, and was surprised when they hit nothing, suddenly realizing Buffy was no longer in front of her Faith whipped around, facing the dumpster. Where Buffy was crouched on top of itwith her head to the side, and for some reason the expression and the position of her body just seemed incredibly inhuman to Faith. She took a startled step back, almost stumbling.

"Did I scare ya F," It seems as though Buffy's lips barely move as she says the words, a mischievous glint in her eyes. But the eyes seem dead and cold as Faith looks on, adrenaline pumping herheart faster. She turns on shaky legs to make a run for it.

She gets two steps before she runs into Buffy's impossible strong body. The Dead Slayer managing to out move Faith so quickly the younger slayer didn't even see her, until she ran into her.

Faith's chest heaves as she breathes heavily, Buffy watching her fascinated as Faith lets out a frustrated yellandslamming another fist at Buffy. But the vampire simply isn't there, and before Faith can move Buffy's arms are around her waist from behind. Faith feels her heart stop. Her breath stop, her mind stop, and her thoughts stop as the closeness of Buffy pressed flush against her makes all the blood rush somewhere else.

Buffy squeezes almost painfully and Faith lets out a gasp as cold hands touch her stomach. Those hands that keep traveling north as she leans into Buffy. Those small cold hands a shock to her skin, moving under her shirt, caressing her breasts. Faith feels more cool skin as Buffy's lips kiss her throat.

Faith can't think as she surrenders herself to the ecstasy of the moment, her skin heated under cold flesh. The moment of burning desire as a cold tongue licks her neck, and blunt teeth bite, and a wet mouth sucks.

"Just let go Faith. Let me take you, let me make you mine," another kiss on pulsing skin, a veins just below the surface, her lips move to Faith's ear and she's whispering, "Forever."