Yamis of Torture

Mai: Whoops, I've gone and made you all have another late wait for me to update! (Wow, good rhyming...) I'M SORRY!

Bakura: Ok ok, we get the point, now start typing dammit!

Mai: Fine... I send many thanks to the following people!

S.Chensu and LuffPrimevera TooktekaComputerfreak101Chelsea or Fangirl111AnimeLoverAngelkalimoto

Bakura: Right mortal, type.


Bakura: 00'

Chapter Ten: Sparkle sparkle

Anybody would realise by now that the life the three hikaris is far from normal. A while back they were but normal teenagers, living normal lives. Well Marik DID have a bit of rough patches here and there, but he coped didn't he?

But even so, it wasn't untill the latest craze of 'Duel Monsters' hit the scene that the hikaris lives were turned upside down. By upside down I mean it quite literally, especially if you get lost in the soulroom of an ancient Pharaoh. Then you may find yourself spending friday night on twisting staircases, instead of sitting infront of the television or playing on your game console.

As the card game soon grew in popularity, tournaments were held, which was when the hikaris discovered that this game had a few dark secrets to tell, if it had a mouth to tell them however. Though cards can't speak, but to some, they have a heart. During their lives the hikaris all came across pretty, shiny, golden items... Or the millenium items if you prefer. Some were heirlooms, normal items on a shop stall, or your grandfather's damn good luck when venturing into old Egyptian tombs. Either way, the discovery of these items turned things from bad, to worse.

Our hero in this tale, a teenage boy named Yugi Muto, posesses the millenium puzzle. With it came not a nice little set where you can polish it daily and kiss it whenever you like, but a Pharaoh. Strange? Yes. But this would become the most normal thing in Yugi's life, especially as he began to make new friends. Then entered our next hikari, Ryou Bakura. Who, unlike Yugi, didn't really get such a nice 'free gift' with his item, the millenium ring. Instead he had the 'honour' of becoming the host body for an ancient tombrobber, and with this brought many a problem for Yugi and his friends, have you ever tried being put into your favourite card before and fighting as them with the threat of the card graveyard looming nearby! Nope, bet you haven't. This proved to be one of their mild problems as things progressed, but everything proved to be alright in the end for the Yu-gi-oh! gang. When Yugi would change into his alter-ego 'Yami', he'd whip out his deck and slaughter his oppenents, saving the day once again.

Enter Marik, a so called 'bad guy' at the begining of the Battle City tournament. He mind controlled a lot of people into being his 'Mind Slaves' (Ha, how original) using his own pretty, shiny, golden item, the millenium rod. Let's admit it, the poor guy didn't really have the best childhood, being stuck underground for ages, almost as if his parents were wanting him to become a mole of some sort... But away from the mole bit, we all know that when he was a sweet little boy, his sister took him out into the light one day, where they met 'the stranger'. He foretold the awakening of the Pharaoh before leaving the youths in a trail of confusion. The pair went back to their little home deep under the sand to find that there was a trap on the door and that Odion, their adopted brother, had been punished for their abscense. This was when Marik developed his own alter-ego, 'Malik'. Malik wasn't really that merciful on people and quite brutally got rid of Marik's dear old father...

Since these moments there have been dangerous times for the trio, including flames, countless risky duels and several trips to the shadow realm. Some would say that the hikaris will remain with such cursed lives for the rest of their time, but that's not true! Now the yamis and hikaris have somehow managed to find a way to live under the same roof without too much fuss. Though there is the odd debate here and there over simple things, which the hikaris do well to stay out of.

But lately things have gotten ever stranger than before in this strange house, especially for the little white haired hikari and his yami, who have now admitted deeper feelings for each other. (All together now, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...)

(A.N: Yugi: YUCK! Mai: This is MY story! flicks Yugi away Yugi: MEEP!)

The hikari mumbled something under his breath, brown eyes slowly opening. Ryou squinted in the bright light above, blinking shortly afterwards as he became wary of his surroundings. "Why am I in the bathroom...?" He asked to nobody. He turned his head, eyes narrowing, "Kura's here too..." As he turned to look away an arm snaked round his waist, "Hello Ryou-kun." The figure grumbled.

"Hmm? Hi Kura'."

"By the way, if you can't remember I had the most wonderful time screwing that small ass of yours on the bathroom floor earlier."

Ryou nodded slowly, "Ah, that would be why we're both naked."

"That might be it." Bakura replied, resting his head on his light's shoulder. "Soooo... what now?"

"What... now?" The hikari said, earning a quick nod from the other. "You know, it's getting kind of late so I don't think there really is much to do."

"Reeeeeeeeally? I have an idea..." Bakura smirked slyly.

"NO." The hikari said, grabbing for his clothes, "The only thing you're doing is getting dressed mister."

Bakura rolled his eyes, "Fine, FINE. But just incase you change your mind, I'm always ready for another go!"

"We'll see..." Ryou replied, getting up on his feet.



There was no doubt that the one who just happened to barge in at such unfortunate timing would be Yugi. He let out a whoop, his enthusiasm slowly dying as he decided to take a second glance at the pair.

"EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW! You're naked!" Amethyst eyes blinked with a hint of curiosty, "Hey, are you guys naturists or something?" The hikari obviously wasn't expecting an answer, holding his hand out as Ryou went to speak, "Wow, that's really interesting you know? I'll have to get Yami into this! I mean, you two have the right thing going on here you know, yami and hikari! The ever-lasting duo!"

Bakura smirked to himself, folding his arms, "It would indeed prove interesting for the Pharaoh to undertake the hobby of naturism, (A.N: If that words exists, I'm using it. If not, I'm using it anyway! XD) but in truth me and Ryou underwent rather pleasurable activities on the bathroom floor, resulting in us being naked."

Yugi tilted his head to the side, pouting, "It's rude to use big words infront of people like me you know!"

"And you think I'm bothered about rudeness?" The tombrobber replied, putting on the last of his clothing. The hikari blinked a few more times, remaining silent.

"No..." Bakura added, "I didn't think so..." He smiled slyly, ruffling the youth's hair, "Well, Ryou and I had better be on our way now, hadn't we?"

Ryou nodded in reply, heading out after his yami. Yugi pouted, eyes wideneing at something on the floor, "Hey guys? What exactly have you been doing then! Because I think you've left a bit of a mess..."

Bakura looked over his shoulder, "Er... that's not ours, it's Yami's!"

"REALLY!" Yugi exclamied, clasping his hands together. "Oooohh... that dirty lil' Pharaoh! Heheheheheheeeeeeeeeee..."

Ryou frowned and glomped his yami around the head as they strolled along the corridor, "'Kura! That was mean!" He yelped in suprise as Bakura pushed him up against a nearby wall, pressing their lips together.

"Hmm..." Yugi stormed out of the bathroom, "I have examined the source and I detect that the m- oh..." He smiled to himself, "Oooh! I SO new you two were gay! How sweet!"

"Thank you..." Ryou mumbled, "I think I'll be heading to my room now, it's getting pretty late."

"WHAT! But we haven't had pudding yet!" Yugi screached, almost defeaning the pair.


The light nodded, "Yep! Look, I had to eat Malik's cooking a while ago whille you two were having a merry old time, so now you have to return the favour!"

Ryou rolled his eyes, "What would you like then?"

Yugi flashed a quick, but hellish smirk, "Er, first I'll start with pancakes, then ice cream... chocolate... stawberries and cream..."

"You're not having that much food!" The other hikari said. Earning a small death glare from the other. "Why not...? Oh, and it's called 'pudding'." This was the perfect moment for Yugi to break into a little song, "Yeah! Pudding! It begins with a 'p' and ends with a 'g', it's PUDDING!"


The white haired pair wore similar unimpressed looks as Marik ran up to the small group, Yugi beemed up at him, "You certainly did brother! Come join me in the quest for pudding!"

"I'll join you lil' dude!" The blonde replied, the duo making a quick secret handshake.

"We shall never surrender in the fight for pudding! The evil villian, Bakura, is holding the master of puddings captive!"

"Wow, greedy bugger..." Marik mused.

Yugi frowned in thought, eyes narrowing, "But we should not worry, after all, his joints are getting rather rusty."

"I see, well all it takes is a good kick at the back of the knee eh? Then his tiny little legs will snap in seconds!" The blonde added.

Bakura felt rather insulted at that last comment. If anybody had 'tiny little legs' around here, it would be Yami. "Hey, haven't you noticed that I'm standing right here?"

Yugi screamed in sudden panic, whirring round, "STALKER! MARIK! LET'S GET HIM!" He made a quick peace sign at the yami, "Don't take it too seriously ok? It's all in the ways of role playing, and the desperate urge for pudding."

Ryou sighed heavily, "I know that you're right in the middle of your role playing, but how about you 'heros' take a break and have some pudding?" He looked over his shoulder, smiing at his darker half, "I'm afraid the evil villain won't be fighting you yet, he's already had enough action for today."

"Maybe another day?" Yugi mumbled.

"Yes, maybe." The taller light replied, "Well you guys had better come with me then..." The other two hikaris let out a cheer, singing in unison.


"By the way," Marik began, "Where are we going again?"

"And that concludes today's show, join us in the next thrilling episode as we discover more about Pharaoh Atemu. What kind of person was he? Did he share feelings of love for anybody? All will be revealed soon!"

"BORING!" Malik yelled, folding his arms abruptly.

Yami sat on a chair beside him stirring his tea, pushing his glasses up every so often.

"Hey... since when did you need glasses!" The assasin said.

Crimson eyes glanced to the side, a smug smirk playing across his lips, "I only need them for reading and watching television, asides that I think they make me look quite intelligent."

"Yeah, for someone who's 1/3 blonde."

"That is not an important matter, what does matter is that you are ALL blonde."

Malik raised an eyebrow at that remark, sitting up, "You take this whole Pharaoh and royalty stuff WAY too seriously..." He rolled his eyes as he heard the familiar chanting of the less-mature hikaris. "Great... I'm taking off now, but I'll tell you one thing Yami. You already know what happened in your past. Oh, and another thing, about the part of the show being 'thrilling', I've gotten more thrills off Seto's speeches than that show!"

"Really?" Yami mused, "Well I guess we'll have to keep that in mind for later. I'm sure he can always squeeze you into his busy schedule."

The assasin shuddered at the thought, "No thanks, but feel free to book an appointment of your own. He's always wanted to do anything dominate over you!"

It was times like these that Yami wished he wasn't holding a cup of tea. He had been taking a sip as the other had spoken, and it resulted in fried leather and several Egyptian curses... Yugi ran up to his yami having heard his distress screams, "NOOOOOOO! THE LEATHER TROUSEYS! Yami, I think the best thing to do would be to take them off." Amethyst eyes had a hidden spark in them as he said this, "Yes... that would be a very good idea inde-"


The light stared up at his darker half, "Yep?"

"What did you just say?"

Yugi glanced to the side, "I didn't say anything, why?"

"Hmm... are you sure?"

"Well Marik and Ryou are talking in the kitchen, you must've been overhearing them instead."

"Ah... I see..."

Yugi beemed up at Yami warmly, embracing him tightly, "So Yami, would you like some pudding? Ryou's preparing it now."

The Pharaoh smiled and ruffled the youth's hair, "No, that's alright. I'm not very hungry."

"WHAT!" Yugi screached, "I-I mean... Malik's cooking really won't help you at all! Please eat some pudding-a-ding ding! We could always share if you like?"

"Alright then."

"YAYNESS! I mean, thanks Yami! RYOU! WE CLAIM DIBS ON THE STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM! And the choccie too... heheheheheheeeeeeeeeeee..."

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Marik grew tired of staring at his soon-to-be pudding. He turned on his heel slowly, an unusually large smile forming on his lips, "Hello and welcome back to the action down at the yami and hikari house with me your host, Marik Ishtar! Today I'd like to introduce to you the pudding master! Who, may I add, is gay and head over heels for his dear old tombrobber!"

"That's great Marik, but who exactly are you talking to?" Ryou asked.

The blonde gave the other an odd look, "Who I'm talking to! Don't you know! THEM." He started jabbing his finger at the space infront of him madly.


"Yes! THEM!" Marik replied, "The people out there! My viewers!"

"Right... Well pudding's ready now so you'd better say goodbye to your 'viewers'."

Marik raised his index finger, "Yep! We'll get back to you folks after the break! Well, after pudding. So see you all then!" He smiled to himself with pride, gripping the other's shoulder, "You know, I think I was born to be tv host..."

Ryou nodded slowly, brushing the hand away, "Except you were actually born to be a tombkeeper."

"I know!" Marik declared, "Ra life sucks sometimes..."

By the time they'd reached the table Yugi and Yami were already sat in thier places, the light bearing a somewhat strange look in his eyes, "HHHHHHIIIIII RYOUUUUUUU!" He cheered, waving his arms about. The hikari smiled weakly in reply, now slightly nervous as to the look the other gave his yami.

"Er... hello to you too..." Ryou said, placing the bowls down on the table. Yugi smiled a picked up a strawberry, swirling it in some chocolate before licking it off slowly, "Aren't you going to have some, Yami?" He made a quick wink, noticing the Pharaoh's cheeks flush suddenly. "Er... yes..."

"Then here." Yugi said, holding out another strawberry.

Yami took the fruit gingerly, eyes not leaving the youth as he began to nibble on it. Yugi had been acting rather strangely lately, with odd moments where he'd give such a devious smile then mumble to himself. It just made him wonder what exactly made the teen do this... He watched as the hikari took another strawberry, grabbing for a can of whipped cream, he dipped the fruit in chocolate before balancing a large blob of cream on top, and the Pharaoh could tell that the results would be messy...

Marik raised an eyebrow as the white haired teen began to walk away, "Where exactly are you going?" He asked, catching the other's attention. Ryou stopped and looked over his shoulder, "I'm off to see 'Kura."

"Awwwww! How sweet!" The blonde mused, "You've found love and now you've even given him a nickname!"

"But I usually call him 'Kura..."

Marik smiled at him, laughing under his breath, "Now now Ryou, denial will get you nowhere!"

"I wasn't de-"

"It's alright, I understand. Now off you go!" The tombkeeper grinned in amusement, making a hand manouver, "Bless, kids these days..."

"Though you're one of the biggest kids around." Yami said, taking a sip of his tea quickly.

"Well you're one of the biggest fogies around!" Marik replied, grabbing the whipped cream. "Sheesh, you're so old yet you haven't even got a beard!"

Yugi paused from his eating, "That's because he's special."

The blonde smirked at the pair, "Special? Ah, I see... been crossing your legs for too long, eh Yami?"

"No!" The Pharaoh snapped. Suddenly realising that he'd been sitting at the table with crossed legs as they had been talking.

"Oooh... bet you'd make a bit of an upset in bed... never mind. I guess not all of us can be well endowed." Marik noticed the almost stern pout the other gave him, smirking hellishly at the once forgotten can in his hand. "Ah cheer up Pharaoh, here, maybe this'll put a smile on your face!"

Yami almost screamed as the hikari pushed down on the top of the can, his eyesight now clouded by white. Yugi seemed rather delighted by his friend's action however, grabbing for another strawberry. He smiled then wiped part of the fruit along the Pharaoh's face, licking it off afterwards. "Ooooh... sparkle sparkle..."

"Swvahrkle swvahrkle?" Yami asked. (A.N: Please note his mouth is now full of whipped cream, as well as the rest of his face for that matter XD)

Amethyst eyes flashed, "Yes... sparkle sparkle..."

Malik raised an eyebrow slowly, "It sounds like some sort of way to express extreme pleasure..."

The Pharaoh swiped the white substance off his face, flicking it aside hastily, "I highly doubt that," He said, "My hikari is innocent compared to yours."

The assasin rolled his eyes, getting up out of his seat, (A.N: I dunno' how he came into this bit with all the pudding and that, maybe he just decided to tag along to be with his hikari, awww... how sweet of him...)

"Face it Pharaoh, your hikari has kissed goodbye to his innocence and he's frustrated over you!" Malik smiled to himself, "Be your normal stubborn self and deny the truth if you like, but that thing ain't innocent."

Marik pouted at him, "Hey Mali-kun! Where you goin'!"

"Mali-kun!" The assasin gave his light an odd look, "I'm off to see Ryou and Bakura. Surely they aren't as frustrated as these two over here."

"WE ARE NOT FRUSTRATED!" Yami boomed, earning a pat on the head from

Malik, "Well you sound like you are."

Marik waved as his yami walked away, "Bye bye Mali-kun!" He sighed to himself, running a hand through blonde tresses, "Well I'm sorted in the pudding department, so I'll be taking my leave if that's alright with you two. Besides, it looks like I'll just be getting in the way of your private entertainment!"

Yami flushed madly while his light remained calm, well if it wasn't for the fact he had a very big spark in his eyes, and the Pharaoh could tell that maybe the hikari had something big in mind for him tonight...

Malik strolled along the upper floor corridor and pushed open the door to Bakura's room, finding the place deserted. He frowned at this, shrugging afterwards. The tombrobber was probably in the bathroom or something...

He continued to walk further, but as he did so his ears picked up rather strange sounds. Most people would just turn round and go back downstairs, but Malik wasn't like most people, he kept going till he got to Ryou's room, eyes widening.

"Ooooh..." The assasin crept inside, taking a seat on the floor. "Heheheee..."

'This is brilliant!' He thought, 'I get away from the frustrated Pharaoh then get an ivitation to view free sex! Though I doubt I was actually invited... Oh well!'

"Yugi... I- are you... feeling alright?"

The hikari smiled as he finished off his pudding, raising his eye level, "Yes... I'm fine. Why ask?"

"Er... well you've been acting rather weird lately..."


The Pharaoh widened his eyes, raising his hands, "No no! I didn't mean it- well, in a bad way. What I mean to say is that your recent behaviour has been rather unlike the Yugi I've come to know over the ye- Ah!" He backed away sweatdropping as the light got up and walked over to him, leaning forward slowly, "Maybe you're right... Maybe I HAVE been acting weird..."


The hikari smirked to himself, their faces inches apart, "You know what? I think it's time to show my true colours, 'Pharaoh'."

"When you're walkin' down the street and a man tries to get your business...do be do... and the people that you meet wanna' o- huh? Ooohh..." Lavender eyes narrowed in focus, "I hear... noises..." Like yami like hikari, as the saying would go in this situation. It seemed the light hadn't learnt the bad side to curiosity yet. (A.N: Remember chapter two? XD) Nevertheless, the blonde kept walking, laughing to himself as the cries of the Pharaoh could be heard from a distance.

"I wonder what Yugi's doing to him anyway? It's not like Yugi would be trying to kill him, that's for sure. If he wants to however, he'll have to get in line! Hahah- Huh? Mali-kun?"

Malik put a finger to his lips, the other hand jesturing for the light to enter. As the other took a seat beside him he pointed over to the bed, the hikari's eyes widening. Malik nodded in reply to the other's bewildered look, after all, talking would just go and spoil their fun! At least, that's what a pair of blondes would think...

Ryou sighed mentally in his head, did those two think he and Bakura were stupid! He tapped the yami on the shoulder, looking to his right.

"Huh? Oh- HEY!" Bakura sat up on his hikari, "What the heck do you guys think you're doing here!"

"Free movie." Malik replied bluntly.

"Minus the popcorn." His light added.

"I don't care..." Bakura growled, folding his arms, "Ryou and I are busy if you haven't already noticed, so leave!"

"Must we?" The two blondes whined in unison.

Ryou slid out from underneath his yami, "Yes. Unless we've forgotten what I did to Malik earlier?"

"No no! We haven't forgotten!" Malik stammered, grabbing his light's wrist, "Come on Marik. We'd better get going!"

"You're just scared!" Marik teased, embracing the assasin. The yami rolled his eyes, walking off with the light still clinging to him. "Whatever you say..."

The white haired pair exchanged blank looks, Bakura licking his lips afterwards, "Right then... where was I?"

"Sooo... Any ideas on what to do now?" Marik asked, his yami glancing up at him slowly, "I actually have no clue." He replied, folding his arms.

"You know what Mali-kun? You save me a lot of energy by carrying me."

"Is that so...?"

"Uh huh! And do you know something else?" Marik said, "I can hide behind your hair 'cos it's so tall!"

Malik's eye twitched suddenly as he stared up again, "That's great... really."

"I know!" The light cheered, lowering his head and making an opening at the top of his yami's hair, "Muwahahaaa... Folks, I have returned. I, Marik Ishtar, am curently disguised in my Mali-kun's hair. There is no meaning nor common sense to my actions, but who really gives a damn!"

"I do. Now stop playing around with my hair!" Malik said, begining to storm along the corridor.

"Oooo! Mali-kun's getting stressy!"


Marik smiled to himself, twirling strands of hair around his finger, "Yes you are!"

"Need... to... vent... anger..."


Malik scowled up at the light, slamming his bedroom door shut,

"Hey, Mali-kun? What exactly are you doing?"

"Oh nothing little hikari..."

"You're acting weird all of a sudden."

"I know..."

"Hey 'Kura, do you think Marik and Malik will be alright? After all, Yugi and Yami are already busy with 'other matters'." Ryou said, catching the other's attention. Bakura narrowed his eyes, poking the light on the forehead, "We're in the middle of 'other matters' ourselves, but all you can do is bring up them! Ryou, you're a very naughty hikari..."

"I was just asking." The hikari mumbled in reply. The tombrobber smiled at this, scooping the light up in his arms, "Aww! You're so sweet! Would you mind not breathing for a while? I want to hug you again."

"Er 'Kura... I can't decide when I can or can't breath you know."

"Yes you can!" Bakura said, embracing the other tightly.

Ryou winced slightly, glancing upwards, "Well... I can't... actually breath..."

"See! You decided that you can't breath!"

"Whatever... just... let go..."

Bakura whined in protest, stroking the other's hair, "But you're so cute Ryou-kun..."

"No sex then... what a shame..."

"WHAT!" The tombrobber frowned, loosening his grip, "Ah, but you can't resist me. You'd be begging for me to take you!" He laughed nervously at the blank look the other gave him, "What! A guy can dream, right?"

Marik blinked down at his yami, swinging his legs over the side of the bed, "Like I said before Mali-kun, what exactly are you doing?"

"We need to discuss things." The assasin replied, grabbing the hikari's shoulders and turning him round.


"Yes." Malik folded his arms slowly, "What do you think of me?"

"That's not mportnt." Marik replied, earnng a glomp around the head, "No! Don't get me wrong, but it doesn't actually matter."

"It doesn't?"

The tombkeeper shook his head, "Nope. Well, you're pretty much an all round phsycopath, but we've all been down that road before. Even Yugi. It doesn't matter what people think of you because my opinion counts alone and I think you're great!"

Malik sighed, rolling his eyes, "Ok then. You can leave if you want."


"That was all I needed to know." The assasin added, laying down.

Marik paused for a moment, "Can't I stay here with you?"

There came a long silence, the pair staring at each other.

"Now why would you want to do that?"

"Because-" The tombkeeper looked away quickly, "Because I really like you."

Malik sat back up, leaning into the other's face, "Really?" The light nodded slowly in reply, backing away slightly. "Then you can stay." Malik finished, laying back down again.

Marik wore a blank look, his eye twitching as he did so, "So-... so that's all you're gonna' say!"


The hikari pouted, sitting on the other's stomach, "Don't you have anything to say back to me!"

Malik stared up at the ceiling, finger in his ear, "No. Should I?" The light clenched his fists, leaning down while earning a laugh from the other. "Ah, that's right!" Malik said, "I almost forgot! I love you too." He said, ruffling the hikari's hair.

"You do?" Marik asked, eyes widening.

"No, of course not. I just said something so unlike me for no reason." Malik sighed as there came a long silence, "You really are blonde, aren't you?"

"HEEEEY!" The hikari whined, embracing his yami, "You meanie, you're blonde too you know!"

"I know, I know." The other replied, attempting to sit up with his light still clinging onto him. "I wonder how Yami's doing downstairs...?"

"Forget him!" Marik said, "Let's concentrate on something better, like me! So we can enjoy a rough night of wild sex! Sound good?"

"Sounds better than the Pharaoh, that's for sure." Malik replied.


The blondes turned their attention to the door, making their way outside quickly.

"What's up now Tombrobber? Is Yugi not making Yami scream enough for your liking?"

"Shut it already." Bakura growled, his eyes focused on the staircase.

Marik raised an eyebrow at the white haired pair, "I don't get. You guys just had sex, but then you went to the trouble of getting dressed just to look down at the stairs. Why not walk around naked, it's not like we'd care."

"Ryou forced me to." The tombrobber said, his hikari glomping him round the head, "Where is your dignity!" Ryou snapped, "It wasn't long ago since we already had sex, then I let you do me again because you kept whining at me!"

"Ah, yes. Thank you oh wonderful hikari. I am forever grateful." Bakura said. "For a moment there I thought you were just ashamed to see my naked body! Oh that would have been terrible!"

Malik rolled his eyes, "Whatever, what exactly were you making a fuss about any- Ra, what the hell happened there!"

"Beats me." Marik said, peering over the yami's shoulder.

The downstairs floor was now filled with a white puffy substance, making it hard to see whether anybody was down there.

"Yugi?" Ryou called out, frowning as there came no answer. "Bakura, can you just go down the steps and see what that stuff is?"

The tombrobber nodded in reply, heading downstairs, he stopped at one step, sticking a finger in the substance. "It's whipped cream..."

"How's that possible!" Marik asked, "We only had one can and I used most of it to spray at Yami's face!"

"Shadow powers..." Bakura mumbled, "But which one of them would make a whole load of whipped cream appear?"

Ryou and Marik paled instantly, both nodding at each other, "Yugi..."

Bakura's eyes widened, but he shrugged off the thought, "Alright... YAMI! HEY BAKA PHARAOH! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW!"

The white haired hikari sighed, moving his yami aside, "YAMI! YUGI! SAY SOMETHING IF YOU CAN HEAR US!"

There was a long silence before something began moving in the midst of whipped cream.

"Sparkle sparkle?"

(End chapter)

Mai: Ah... Waves of joy overwhelm me as another chapter has been completed!

Bakura/Finishes draining out Mai's tears from the previous chapter/ That made no sense.

Mai: I know/starts crying/ I DID IT AGAIN! YAY!


Mai: Erm, that's all we have time for today! I had to make this chapter a little shorter, but hopefully it's still as good as the rest. See you all in the next chappy of 'Yamis of Torture'!

Bakura/Begins to drain tears/ Stupid good-for-nothing Ra-damned-

Mai/Gets out Sanzo's 'paper fan of doom' and hits Bakura with it/ HEY! Remember to review peeps! BYE! P.S: Reading countless volumes of Saiyuki is good for you.