Author's Note: singing Abba Funny, funny, funny … in a rich man's world? Okay then … umm I hope you like this, it's definitely funny!

Disclaimers: All Harry Potter characters and settings belong to J. K. Rowling, Warner Bros., Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Inc., and various others. I own nothing but the title and plot of the story.

Summary: Four seventh years are very bored during the Xmas holidays. Until they decide to play truth or dare with a twist: you have to take off an article of clothing off every time you refuse a dare. They certainly have lots of fun …

Genre: Humour with a touch of romance between Lily and James.

Rating: PG 13

Truth or Dare: The Stripping Version – by Agent Bambi

Chapter I: It was the Christmas holidays and everyone was bored - until ...

At Hogwarts, it was the Christmas holidays, and some of the seventh years had stayed back.

They were Lily Evans, Felicity Halliway, James Potter and Sirius Black.

Lily had long, red hair, sparkling green eyes and a slender body. Her best friend, Felicity was a tall girl with shoulder length chestnut – brown hair and deep brown eyes. Both were very popular.

James Potter, also very admired, had chaotic, black hair and playful blue eyes. His best friend was Sirius Black, who looked much like him, only with mischievous brown eyes.

"So, what should we do?" said James.

"I dunno, James, wanna go find some girls?" Sirius said.

"Okay, lets go find … Lily and Fliss."

They went and knocked the door of the seventh year girls' dorm.


James pushed the door open.

"Wanna do something together?" he asked.

"Sure, like what?" Lily inquired.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Sirius suddenly called out.

"Uh, okay."

"How are we gonna choose who dares/asks who?" James requested.

"We could spin a bottle …" Lily said and trailed off.

"Good idea!"

"Accio Bottle!"

"I'll spin first!" Sirius said excitedly.

He grasped the bottle around its neck and spun it on … Lily.

"Truth or dare?" he said promptly.


"What's your bra size?" Sirius asked with no hint of embarrassment.

"Sirius! I am so not telling you that!"

"Oh, come on, Lily!" James pleaded.

Sirius stuck out his bottom lip and said in a pouty voice, "Pweese, Lily?"


James was suddenly hit by an inspiration.

"How about we make it STRIP truth or dare?"


"Well, if you don't do a dare or answer the truth question, then you gotta take an item of clothing off!"



"I suppose …"

Lily took off her jumper, leaving a white shirt, a singlet top, tight black flares, underwear, socks and shoes.

"WHOO HOO!" James yelled.

Lily raised her eyebrows.

Lily spun the bottle.

"Fliss, truth or dare?"

"Uh, DARE!"

"Tongue Sirius!" Lily said gleefully.

"Okay …"

Fliss bounced over to Sirius and tongued him. When she pulled back, Sirius pouted.

"Okay, lets see who's next …" Fliss said and spun the bottle, "James! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" James said without hesitation.

"French kiss Lily for a minute, or as long as you can without running out of air."

James pulled Lily to him, and embraced her in a passionate kiss.

"Wow!" Lily gasped after 48 seconds.

James spun the bottle.

"Lily, truth or –"


"Uh, okay then, dare … put make up on Sirius."

"Well, that's got nothing to do with me, but, okay!"

"NO! PLEASE NOT ME!" Sirius begged.

Ten minutes later.

"There, done!" Lily said.

Sirius groaned when Lily let him study himself in a mirror.

"I look like a drag queen!" he moaned.

Lily spun the bottle, which landed on James.

"Truth!" James said before Lily had a chance to ask him.

"Uh, who do you think is the sexiest girl in school?"

"YOU!" James shouted.

"Hehe, thanks."

"Sirius, truth or dare?" James said, after spinning the bottle.


"Okay, here goes. If you were gay who would you go out with?"

"Eew!" Sirius said, sounding much like a girl. "I think I'll pass on that and take something off!"

Lily and Felicity giggled when he took off his shirt.

"What?" he said irritably, "Never seen a guy without a shirt before?"

He spun the bottle and it landed on Lily.

"Dare or truth?" Sirius said giggling.

"Dare," Lily said, after giving him a puzzled look.

"I dare you to take all your clothes off!"

"That's dumb, coz I can say no and just take one thing off!"

Lily pulled off her shirt.

Sirius and James looked at each other and laughed. Let's just say it was a tight top …

Lily spun and it landed on Fliss.

"Dare or truth?" Lily said, imitating Sirius.


"When you first met me in first year, what did you think?"

"Well, I thought that you were a little up yourself … but now you are cool!"

Fliss spun it on James.

"Do the tango with Sirius!"

"The tango? What's that?" James said.

"Then take off something!"

James took off his shirt. He was now half naked.

Lily eyed him with interest.

James spun the bottle, and it landed on …

Author's Note:

Hahaha, cliffhanger.