Hey! This is the new story! It's reloaded and a lot longer!

Summary: Draco thinks Ginny cheated on him with Harry but it isn't true. He won't listen to Ginny though. Will they get it right again? D/G

Hope you all enjoy it! R&R!

It wasn't me baby

Chapter 1: The beginning

Part 1 of chapter 1.

"Stop it Draco! Just stop! Why are you saying these things?!"

"What? I guess that if I had cheated on you, you would just let it slide?"

"But I didn't cheat on you! I swear Draco, I didn't! Why won't you believe me?" Ginny asked grabbing Draco by his waist.

"I fucking walked in on you Ginny!" Draco screamed harshly while shoving her away.

"You didn't! In the first place, there was nothing to walk in on and second, I don't remember doing anything with anyone but YOU!"

"Funny that I walked in on you and Potter then huh?" Draco said sarcastically.

"Draco! Please.. Stop it!" Ginny started to beg.

"Just leave Ginny."



"We're in the middle of a fight!"

"No we are not." Draco said, saying the 'we' slightly louder.


"There's nothing for us to fight anymore."

"Oh.. okay. So you finally believe me. Thank Merlin."

"I don't. I meant that there is nothing more for US to fight."

"Huh?" Ginny said truly confused.

"It's over Ginny.. it's over." Draco answered with sadness evident in his voice.

A tear made his way slowly down Ginny's cheek. Many followed. Draco looked up at her to see the hurt and shock in her eyes.

"Leave." He said with regret.

"But.. but.. I love you!" Ginny cried even harder while saying this. She dropped on her knees in front of Draco, her boyfriend of something more than a year.

"You should have thought about that before snogging scarhead."

"I didn't. I didn't." Ginny whispered.

"Get out Ginny." Draco said calmly while trying to hold back the tears.

"DRACO! Stop! Listen to me. Please! I didn't snogged Harry! I love you! You're the only one I want! I only love you Draco! Please! Please believe me!" Ginny screamed while getting up and crying. She put her arms around Draco's neck and held him tight, too afraid that she would lose him when she let go. Draco pushed her away from her.

"GET OUT!" He said with a rage she had only heard towards other people, but never towards her. She was starting to get afraid.

"I love you Draco. Please don't forget that." She said once more before making her way out of Draco's room.

'I didn't cheat on you baby. I love you." Ginny thought sadly while returning to her room in the Gryffindor tower.

13 months before part 1 (part 1 was around November of Ginny's 6th year)

Ginny was sitting in the Potions classroom, first hour of the first week of the new school year, Ginny's 5th year.

"Weasley!" Snape sneered. Ginny groaned barely hear able. 'What is it now?' She thought.

"Yes sir?"

"Come here." Snape answered. Reluctantly Ginny got up and moved to the front of the class.

"Yes sir?" She repeated.

"Last year you had good grades right? I even think you beat that Granger girl when she was in her 4th year. You were only a few points away from Mr. Malfoy." Ginny stood with her mouth open. 'I beat Hermione?!'

"Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and I have had a meeting about this. We thought it would be a good thing if you would take the 6th year Potions, instead of the 5th year one. Then in your 7th year, you could assist me and other professors on times that you would have Potions. Do you agree?"

"Yes of course!" Ginny said excited. 'Move up a year in Potions? Yes! Although.. then I will be having my lessons with Harry, Ron and Hermione.. Well.. Tough luck. I'll do it somehow.' Since the summer, Ginny had started a disliking for Ron, Harry and Hermione. They were always nosing in her life.. Excuse me, not always, when it would work out for them. When they would have time for her.

"Good. You will be excused right now, to go to your tutor."

"My tutor?" 'What?!'

"Did you expect you could just miss a whole year of Potions. I think not. You will have a tutor that is waiting for you right now in the deserted classroom on the second floor, 3 doors on the left, start counting from the painting of Auxelius, one of the previous headmasters."

"Allright. See you in class then sir." She turned around with that and walked to the door. Once reaching the second floor, she started searching for the painting. Once she found she counted the doors. When she found it, she knocked on it. 'Oh no! What if it's Hermione! But.. Snape did say the best was Malfoy.. Maybe it would be him? That would be great!' Ginny had had a crush on him since the beginning of her 4th year.

Her thought were cut off though when the door opened in front of her. There standing was Malfoy.

"Weasley. Are you going to come in or are you planning to stay there and stare at me the rest of the day?" Malfoy said. Ginny blushed when he caught her staring and mumbled quickly she would come in. When she looked down, she missed the smile, real smile not a smirk, on Draco's face. When he himself noticed it though, he quickly wiped it off.

"I never expected it to be you." He said.

"Excuse me?" Ginny asked confused.

"Snape told me a student was moved up a year in Potions but I didn't think it would be you."

"Oh." She didn't know what to say. Was it an insult or a compliment? Draco responded to her questions without her even asking them aloud.

"It's not an insult if you were wondering." He said softly, without the usual malice that was in his voice most of the time. Ginny blushed again and Draco mentally chuckled. 'Thank Merlin it was she! Thank you Snape!' Draco also got a crush on Ginny. But his was a little longer, it had started when his father told him she almost died. He got a concerned feeling, and he never ever got those. He spent a whole summer thinking about her. When he saw her again in September, he was sure, he had developed a crush on Ginevra Weasley. Since his 4th year, he started sleeping with other girls, just to get her out of his head, but it never worked. He would send them away in the morning and two nights later, he would try again.

The rest of the hour and a half, were spend with Draco telling Ginny about the potions she would be missing in her 5th year. There would be times where he would look up at her to see her staring at him and otherwise. They would both smile, Ginny shyly and blush, and continue.

About a month later, Draco got the courage to tell Ginny how he felt. He asked her out for the next day, when they would have a Hogsmeade day. Of course, Ginny said yes. That was the day Ginny got her first real kiss and got her first boyfriend.

Things were really looking out for her. She did have Potions with 'the amazing three' but she didn't spend much time with them. Snape had put them in groups of four: she, Draco, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. Snape had put her in that group because Draco was her tutor.


"Hey Angel." Draco said leaning down to kiss her. It was another Potions lesson and it was the end of March. Since Voldemort was killed by Harry Potter, of course, a lot of aurors and surprisingly, Lucius Malfoy. He had been a member from the order for a long time and worked with them against the Dark Lord.

"Hey baby."

"Where were you during breakfast? I looked at the Gryffindor table, but you weren't there."

"I overslept. When I was finally dressed and all, there was only 'bout five minutes left so I came straight here, hoping to catch you before class would start." She said, the last part with a wink and a smile.

"Of course, you couldn't start your day properly without me."

"Of course." Ginny said, rolling her eyes jokingly. Draco smiled at her and leaned forward. He kissed her softly on the lips. First the kiss was gentle and full of love towards each other, but soon it became more passionate.

"Mhmh." Someone cleared there throat behind them. They looked up and saw Blaise and Pansy standing there.

"Having fun?" Blaise said. Draco was about to answer when the door flew open and the Dream Team stepped in. Ron looked at them and grew red with anger when he saw that Ginny was on top of the desk with Draco standing in front of her, his hands still on her hips and hers on his arms. They looked at the door and Draco rolled his eyes when he looked back at Ginny. Ron came over.

"Ginny! When will you stop acting like this?"

"What ever do you mean, my dear brother?" Ginny said sarcastically.

"Hanging around with these Death Eaters!" Ginny stood up quickly and moved towards Ron.

"Don't you dare call them that! Without Draco's father you would be dead, stupid! I don't care what you want me to do! Draco is my boyfriend and Pansy and Blaise are my friends! Leave me and them the hell alone Ron! Now.. Move your stupid ass friends and yourself away from me!" Ginny screamed, her face flushing with anger. The three of them moved away, a bit afraid. Ginny walked back to Draco and the others.

"Baby? Are you Allright?" Draco asked concerned.

"I'm fine. I just had to say that." Ginny smiled at him.

"Okay good." He kissed her again when Snape entered the room.

"Okay class. Today we will be making…"


Hey! Okay. That was the first chapter! I know it was a bit boring but I promise, it will get better!

Thank you for the reviews! I really didn't expect that I would get ANY :)

Anyway, I wanted to warn you - The day after tomorrow I'm starting with exams.. uh I don't know if you know what that is.. uh.. It's like really big tests.. Oh! Like the O.W.L's or N.E.W.T's! I hope you know what I mean :) So it's gonna take about 2 weeks for me to update :( My mom won't let me on the computer for more than half an hour :( Maybe you've got IM? If you do you can add me at BabyGirlLinde ;) Ttyl maybe ;)

Kisses, Feltons Trory-Baby

PS: I'm probably gonna bring out another fic today, because I already wrote that for a part.. but don't count on it allright? :) Bye!