Ok, just some fluff that joined the rest in my head the other day. Might unclog my writer's block. Sucky title. As always.

I own NOTHING!!!!

Everything I Never Said

By Missy Mouse

The brig of the 'Dauntless'. Return to Port Royal.

"I think everything's been said, love."

"No! No, nothing has been said!"

"You're marryin' the 'igh and mighty Commodore!"

"That doesn't mean anything! You can marry anyone. You can't fall in love with just anyone."

"I can't help feeling Mr Turner should be the audience of this delightful speech. He's up in his cabin now I imagine, pining away for you something dreadful."

Elizabeth stopped her feverish pacing. She gripped the bars of the pirate's cell. She felt ill, weak, venerable and very, very frustrated. Jack seemed to be deliberately ignoring her desperate attempts to tell him…everything.

"I don't want Will to know!" She hissed.

Jack lifted his hat off his face, and took his first real look at her. She was pale, her skin waxy and her hair tousled.

"You alright?"


"You don't look it."

Elizabeth dropped to her knees, eyes wide and staring. Jack watched her drop, genuine concern beginning to trickle into his mind.

"I don't want Will to know, because…what I'm telling you is not what you think it is."

Jack leant forward, crawling over to the bars, leaning down on all fours. Elizabeth gripped the bars tighter and pressed her face against the metal, shuffling forward on her knees in her dirtied slip. Jack leaned closer.

"What is it, love?"

The ship swayed suddenly.

Their lips met.


Reviews welcome!