Reality Bites

Episode 01: The Set Up

By: Sailor Angie

AN: I'm super excited about this story line guys, because I think I may be the first Sailor Moon author to write about Serena and Darien and a reality TV show. Well, needless to say I'm a reality TV show junkie, I can't tear myself away from the TV, isn't that horrible. Well, let me know what you think. Read, review, and enjoy!

Segment 01A

"Mr. Shields, I'm leaving for the night." His secretary announced over the intercom.

"Thank you, I'll see you on Monday." He ran his hand through his tousled black hair, and re-focused on the papers in front of him. He'd been working on the same client all week. It seemed that the writer's manager was not happy with the cover design that Darien was forced to personally design if he wanted the book deal. He needed them to be nailed down before the end of next week.

Darien Shields ran a publishing company with his college roommate and best friend Andrew Johnson. At 25, he appreciated his early success, but also knew he had worked very hard for everything he had. He came from a middle class family, and had to resort to loans in order to put himself through college.

When he graduated, he was offered a job with a small, but successful company. A year later when he was 23 the business was a casualty of a hostile take-over. The president of the company chose to dissolve his company rather than see it in the hands of an inexperienced high roller who'd sell it to the highest bidder. When Darien's colleagues had jumped ship at the first sign of trouble, Darien stood by the older man whom he considered a mentor.

Douglas Hartford decided to retire and gave his high-profile client list to Darien. The rest is history as Darien started his own company, hired his best friend and a few others. His success did indeed rival that of his mentor's. However, the one thing Douglas Hartford possessed that Darien did not was a loving wife and a large, close family.

Darien had a great relationship with his parents, and spoke with them frequently, but that special someone was missing.

All of his dating attempts as of late had been ending horribly. Darien had decided that all women were gold-diggers. At least the ones that Andrew seemed to find for him were. Yes, a woman who was un-interested in only money would be so refreshing.

"We're going out for HAPPY HOUR!" Andrew burst through the door, interrupting Darien's concentration.

"God Dammit Andrew!" Darien stood up and banged his fists on the table. "What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?!" Darien fumed.

"C'mon, you need a break." His blonde friend brushed him off. Darien noticed a mischievous twinkle in his friend's green eyes.

"What are you up to?" Darien accused.

"Nothing; I just want to go out and get some drinks, then you can go home." He paused, "But you can't come back here."

"You can't tell me what to do." Darien narrowed his eyes, "I'm not going; I still have to work on the Dayne pitch." He sat back down, shuffling through the file.

"Darien, you've already put in your time for the day. Besides, the grapevine says you're the only one Mr. Dayne even wants to consider. That means you'd have to royally fuck-up not to get this client. From what I've seen of your work, you're good to go for your meeting on Tuesday." Andrew walked towards Darien's desk.

"Andrew, this could make or break us. I can't believe you're willing to risk it." Darien looked at Andrew in disappointment.

"Fine, then let's do this now." Andrew grabbed Darien's papers and ran out of his office.

Darien growled as he chased after him, "This isn't college; we can't just wait until the last minute." Darien found Andrew in the communications room running his papers through the fax machine and on the phone, "What are you do--"

Andrew shushed him, "I'm faxing over the files and cover boards right now. I thought this might make for a better weekend to have this finished. Better golf game right?" Andrew laughed.

"Who are you talking to?" Darien was confused.

Andrew put a finger to his mouth, "I knew you'd love them, Darien's been toiling over the boards all week. You will? That's great. I'll make sure to give him the message." A single paper was faxed into the office. "Good luck at your match, and give my regards to your wife Mr. Dayne." Andrew hung up the phone.

Darien's eyes bulged, "What have you done?!"

Andrew held the fax before Darien, "Why postpone until Tuesday, what you can do today?" In his hands he held a signed contract from Mr. Dayne, which gave exclusive publishing rights to Johnson-Shields. "I told you he'd love the boards."

Darien could only gape at him slack-jawed.

"You can thank me by buying me a beer; let's go." Andrew escorted Darien into the humid April night.

Segment 01B

"I knew there was a catch." Darien rolled his eyes as Andrew led them over to a booth occupied by two women.

"C'mon Darien, there's nothing better than the company of a woman." Andrew smiled perversely, "Good evening ladies." He took a seat next to one of the women.

Darien threw a twenty dollar bill on the table, "Thanks but no thanks Andy. Buy yourselves a round. I'll see you on Monday at the office." Darien shook his head.

"Suit yourself Darien." Andrew was clearly upset. He turned back to the women pretending not to care that Darien wouldn't stay.

The truth was Darien had been such a drag lately. In college Darien and Andrew were infamous on campus as being some of the biggest players. Women wanted to sleep with them, and men wanted to be them. Now, Darien was constantly leaving Andrew to fly solo. Half the fun of going out with so many women was being able to compare notes with Darien the next day. He felt like he was loosing his best friend. However, rather than dwell on it, Andrew was perfectly content to drown his sorrows away with women and booze.

Segment 01C

On the other side of town, Darien walked through the coffee district trying to decide which atmosphere would be most relaxing. Eventually he meandered into a small dimly lit coffee house with soft classical music playing over the speakers. 'Perfect,' he thought.

After ordering his coffee, he looked around for an open table. To his dismay he could find none. After all there were only five tables and two booths. He walked over to the only table with one occupant. "Would you mind if I sat here?" He asked the gorgeous blonde.

She stared at him for a moment, perhaps registering that he had asked her a question. "Of course not," She finally responded brightly. "I haven't seen you in here before," She attempted to make conversation.

"I don't suppose you would have," Darien obliged, "I've never been here before."

"They have great scones," She giggled; her smile seemed to brighten the room.

Darien very much enjoyed her company, "Are you a regular here?" He inquired.

"Oh yes," She smiled, "I'm here every Friday at 6, like clockwork. It's the only break I get all week." She nursed her coffee.

"My work doesn't give me any time either." Darien replied.

"And what pray tell do you do?"

"I own my own company, and yourself?"

She rolled her eyes, "I work in the TV industry; I can't wait to get out."

"That bad?" Darien chuckled at her response, "Are you an actress?"

"Oh heaven's no. I work behind the scenes. I would never go in front of the camera." She took a sip from her mug.

"Why not? You're certainly pretty enough." Darien's mind spoke aloud; he hadn't meant to hit on her so directly.

She blushed, "Well aren't you the charmer," She paused, "Seeing what actors go through, I just know it's not for me."

"So if you don't want to do TV, then what do you want to do?" he drank some of his coffee.

"I want to write." She leaned back in her chair.

"Like a screen writer?" He questioned.

"No, like books." She shook her head, "It doesn't matter though, nobody will look at my stuff. They don't take me seriously."

Darien was intrigued, after all, he did own a publishing company, he wanted to help her, "What kind of books do you write?"

"Novels I guess, first person narratives. Drama, romance--"

"Adventure?" He cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, sometimes there's adventure." She laughed, "You're funny."

"Do you think I could take a look at your stories sometime?" He finished his coffee.

"Maybe, I'll think about it." She played coy hoping to see him again.

Darien stood up, "So you come here every Friday at 6?" He questioned.

"Every Friday." She repeated, blue eyes twinkling.

"Well, then I'll see you next Friday, and maybe I'll be able to catch a glimpse of one of your manuscripts." He took her hand in his and kissed the top of it, "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure was all mine." She swooned, "I didn't catch your name." She said as he walked out.

"Next week." He waved, his back still facing her as he exited. He smiled at himself; she was beautiful, perfect, and she knew nothing of his bank account.

That night seemed to have changed his outlook on life. It was possible to pick women up outside of bars. And maybe, just maybe there were women that could love you for more than your money. He couldn't wait until next Friday.

Segment 01D

Andrew stumbled home in an intoxicated daze. He had opted not to take either of the women home with him, much to their dismay. He was in too pissy of a mood.

As the alcohol invaded his mind he began to think of what had happened earlier with Darien. He began speaking out loud to himself once inside the confines of his apartment.

"Goddamn Darien, thinks he's so much better than me because he has some sort of ideological view on love."

He logged onto his computer to check his e-mail, as was his ritual.

"Doesn't he get that I want what he wants too, but I just don't need to be celibate until then. Thinks he' so--" Andrew stopped mid-rant as he looked at a headline on his homepage: 'Open casting cal for 'bachelor-type' reality show.'

Andrew began laughing uncontrollably as he entered information into the online form. "This'll show him." Andrew clicked away on the keyboard.

He cackled gingerly as he made the finishing touches and checked the last box as he read aloud what the agreement was: "I Darien Shields hereby certify that the form submitted is valid and agree to any and all terms and contractual agreements as listed on the previous pages." He clicked 'submit.' "Take that Mr. Darien Shields."

AN: Are you excited? Tell me about it, don't forget to review.

Preview --- Episode 02: The Form --- Just for shits and giggles, what exactly did Andrew write on that online form?