Title: Boys of Summer

Author: SapphirexKat2

Rating: PG-13 (At least for a while)

Pairing: Eventual SatoshixDaisuke; KradxDark .

Warnings: VERY AU (no Phantom Thief, Wing Tamers, etc.); Maybe a little OoC.

Disclaimer: I do not own DN Angel nor its gorgeous bishounen.

Summary: Dark and Daisuke Niwa go to Summer Camp for a whole month. Meanwhile, they meet two half brothers, who both moved from Tokyo. Two get on the right foot, but not the other pair. How can four tremendously different boys come together?

Status: Incomplete series.

Prologue: The Journey to Summer


"Hurry, Dark! We're going to be late for the train!" Niwa Daisuke called up the stairs for his older brother, who was undoubtedly making a last minute call to his girlfriend on the phone. He patiently glanced at his suitcase and made sure that he had everything he would need.

Today, Daisuke and Dark were going to a summer camp for one whole month. Their parents insisted that it would be good for the two brothers. They didn't say it, but they wanted Dark to stay out of trouble (he had a habit of causing many of them), and they wanted their Daisuke to be more outgoing and make new friends. Daisuke was really nice and likeable, but he didn't have as much friends as his heartthrob older brother. Hopefully, Dark's outgoing personality would rub off on Daisuke, and Daisuke's demure quality would calm Dark down a little.

The Camp was just something to get the boys to bond and participate in fun activities with others. Emiko-san and Kosuke-san were confident that it would work. Besides, their boys looked forward to going.

Emiko-san finished packing some food for the trip and gave it to Daisuke. The rather larger collection of containers filled up the rest of his bag pack.

"Mom, that's a lot of food," he complained slightly, feeling the newly added weight. The woman just smiled.

"Ah, well, then share it, Dai-chan," she said, winking. "I'm sure you'll find some nice friends. It's a long trip and you all might be hungry."

Kosuke-san came into the living room next with a big black bag slinging over his shoulder. "Where's Dark?" he asked.

"In his room," Daisuke said. "He's talking to Menou."

"Here. Help me take these to the car. I'm sure Dark will be down in a minute."

Emiko approached the staircase. "Dark-chan, we're waiting for you!" she sang up the stairs.

"Coming, Mom!"

Daisuke and his dad lugged a duffel bag and two suitcases into the car by the time Dark came out. The two teens stood before their mother as she (fondly) fixed their clothing.

"Now, be careful and nice to the other kids. If you want to come home, then just call, all right?" Emiko looked close to tears as she gazed at her handsome sons. "Oh, my babies! You'll be gone for a whole month!" She completely broke down and clutched Dark and Daisuke into a tight embrace. The two teens gasped for breath as they hugged her back; for they were too polite to do anything else.

"Emiko-chan, they're not little boys anymore," said Kosuke from the car. Sometimes his wife could be too emotional when it came to their sons.

The woman nodded sadly as she let them go. Daisuke kissed his mom first, followed by Dark, and they waved back to her as they got into the car.

"'Bye, Mom. I love you," called Daisuke. Dark chorused the same before they drove off towards the train station.

Daisuke sat in the back seat as Dark took the passenger. Kosuke drove in silence, thus creating their quiet, bonding atmosphere (that's how it always was).

Daisuke gazed outside the window, watching the scenery pass by with distant eyes. He would be a freshman in high school, and Dark, a senior, and they couldn't be any more different. Dark was this confident teen with good looks, tons of friends, and luck with the ladies. His violet hair and eyes added to his "bad boy" appearance, which seemed to attract lots of attention. He was the typical popular guy that males wanted to be and females wanted to date.

Daisuke, however, was a small, cute teen that seemed impossibly naïve and innocent. He was often quiet, keeping to himself, and also clumsy at best. His crimson eyes and hair were attracting enough, but his personality wasn't as loud as Dark's. Even though they were close at home, they couldn't be more different outside in public. Most people were surprised to hear that they were brothers.

Niwa Emiko and Kosuke figured that the Camp would be good for the both of them, especially since they would spend a year together in high school for the first and last time; they needed to spend more time together (outside of home). Dark would leave to college soon, and then who would look out for Daisuke?

Ten minutes later, the Niwas arrived at the busy train station. There were many other families who had children between the ages of 15-17 going to the same place for the summer. Daisuke and Dark unloaded their things and stood by the entrance to the train as they said their farewells to their father.

"Take care of yourselves," said Kosuke. "We'll see you in four weeks." Smiling, he embraced each of his boys and watched as they boarded the shuttle. Soon, the whistle blew, signaling the time of departure.

"Later, Dad," called Daisuke at the steps. Dark waved from behind him. Kosuke returned the gesture as the train took off.


Daisuke clutched at his suitcase, looking down the crowded aisle. This shuttle had compartments compared to the traditional open space with seats on the side. "So, where do you want to sit?" he asked Dark.

Dark shrugged in front of him. "I don't know. Let's look."

They went down along the aisle, and they found that most compartments were full. They came towards the end of the shuttle when they saw a compartment with a single person inside. Dark knocked on the opened doorframe.

"Can my brother and I park here?" he asked.

The blue haired teen that was looking out the window turned to them. "Sure," he replied, scooting over.

"Sweet." Dark dropped his stuff off on the opposite seat from the other teen and took off. "Later, Dai-chan," he said, leaving to mingle with the crowd. Daisuke sighed and came into the compartment. He smiled at the other boy, who patiently watching him behind thin spectacles.

"Hi, I'm Niwa Daisuke," he said, smiling softly. "That was my brother, Dark."

"Ah." He looked away to the window again.

Daisuke, a little discouraged, just placed his and Dark's suitcase underneath their chair and plopped down onto the seat. He took this time to take in his surroundings. The shuttle was actually nice with dark blue carpeting and brown leather seats. He sat back in silence for a while before glancing at the other teen. Now would be a good time to socialize, he supposed. Perhaps he could make one good friend in the camp (if no one else).

"So, where are you from?" he asked. His voice sounded loud in the silent compartment. The excitement outside sounded far away.

There was a pause before the quiet boy finally replied without looking at him. "Tokyo. My brother and I just moved here to Azumano two weeks ago."

"Really? I'm from Azumano. Where do you live?"

"In the Winter Lights Condominium."

'Wow. He must be rich,' Daisuke thought. He remembered that place being in an up-scaled part of his town. "So you're right by Azumano High. Will you go to school there?"

"I suppose."

"What grade?"

The teen glanced at him with an unreadable expression. Daisuke idly realized that he'd be a good Poker player, but he couldn't imagine him playing with his classmates at school. "You're rather inquisitive," he said. His blue eyes studied Daisuke's crimson ones. The red head looked away, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Ah, gomen," he apologized. He didn't mean to be overly prying.

"No. It's all right," the other teen said. "I'm going to be a freshman."

Daisuke turned back to him. "Me, too," he replied happily.

The other teen studied him again. Daisuke tried hard not to fidget nervously. He felt like he was being evaluated or something. "What did you say your name was?"

"N-Niwa Daisuke."

"Ah. Nice to meet you, Niwa-kun. I'm Hiwatari Satoshi."


Dark wove his way in and out of the compartments, immediately making friends (with only his smile!). Every girl left in his wake practically swooned, and the guys shook hands with him, instantly inviting him to hang with them if he wanted. Dark was just a social butterfly who touched everyone in his way.Ahead, he caught a glimpse of long blonde hair standing at one of the doorframes of a compartment. Thinking it belonged to some hot girl, he stood behind her and touched her ponytail. The smooth locks slipped through his fingers like silk, and they smelt heavenly!

" Hey, there. I couldn't help, but –"

"Do you mind?"

Dark jumped at the masculine voice that interrupted him and withdrew as the figure turned around. "Whoa! You're a guy!" he said in shock. But the hair was so pretty!

Golden eyes narrowed. "Yes, and you point is…?" The blonde haired male turned to him and crossed his arms.

"Krad-san, do you know him?" a girl asked. Apparently, he was speaking with a group of beautiful girls in the compartment when Dark suddenly waltzed by and touched his hair. The girls gawked at both boys and couldn't decide who was better looking.

"No, but I would like to know the person who just molested my hair." The blonde smirked.

Dark scowled. "I didn't molest anything!"

Krad stroked his long smooth strands. "My hair begs to differ."

As Dark tried to think of a comeback, he heard the four girls whispering in the compartment.

"Krad-san never lets anyone touch his hair…"

" Remember what happened to Kamou-kun? He was just teasing Krad-san (in a good way) about how well he treated his hair, and when he touched it, Krad-san nearly twisted his arm!"

"I hope he doesn't hurt this guy. He's just so cute!"

"I don't know… Krad-san never lets anyone get away with messing with his hair."

Dark ignored the whispers of the girls, suddenly a little intimidated by the guy in front of him. He would get to the camp in one piece, right? He made a mental note to never touch the hair of a person that he didn't know.

"What's your name, molester?"

Dark blushed as the girls giggled. "I didn't molest you," he gritted out as calmly as he could. He didn't want to get on this guy's bad side, although Dark himself was a good street fighter, and he was prepared for a fight ( 'Over hair?' he thought outrageously.). "Niwa. Niwa Dark," he replied after a while. The blonde smiled slowly.

"Try to keep your hands to yourself next time, all right?" His tone was light and teasing, but Dark knew better than to disobey.

"Right." Dark continued on down the aisle.

" 'Bye, Niwa-kun!" he heard some of the girls calling after him. He turned and gave them a wave, careful not to make eye contact with the blonde."What a jerk," he muttered grumpily. Now his good mood was broken, but as he saw other teens ahead, he immediately bounced back. However, he couldn't forget the tingles in his hand that those blonde strands left behind. 'Who was he?' he thought to himself.

To be Continued…

Hi again! Sorry, I REALLY had to get this story out. I have a feeling that I am going to have a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment, ask, or suggest anything if you want.
