Lonely Hearts

Lonely Hearts

Chapter Thirteen

"Don't settle for the one that you can live with,
instead find the person that you cannot live without".

After her wounds were healed, Musa, the Winx, and the Red Fountain boys all decided to find out what Darcy was trying to do, and why.

Riven still insisted Musa take it easy for although she was healed her emotions were still skyrocketed, he himself was still shaken by what had happened. How could he not know that wasn't Musa? He did suspect something was up, and felt a bit of a cold chill come from her but he was just so glad to see her again.

He actually kissed Darcy right in front of Musa, Musa didn't say anything about it, but he could tell she was disturbed by it, how could she forgive him, if…he didn't forgive himself.

"The easiest thing is to forgive you for what you have done. The hardest thing is to forget what you did".

Musa listened to her friends talk about this and that, little did they know she was screaming inside, she felt she was going insane with the picture of Riven and Darcy kissing, how could he not know? Was he under another spell or was it just that he was so happy to see her he didn't think much of it? She forgave him but how could she forget what had branded itself into her mind, would she ever be able to get over such a thing? She looked over at him and found him looking at her, she smiled and inched closer to him so they could thread they're fingers together, in a warm comforting hold.

"When I'm with her, she takes me away from my world, to the world I always long for in my dreams".

As they made it to Cloud Tower they snuck in the way Riven showed them, he couldn't help but feel guilty, as he had to tell them about his and Darcy's meeting area. Musa just smiled though and followed quickly and silently as the others went forward. Riven could tell she was trying to be courageous and couldn't help but feel a bit happier, she always tried to be happy and upbeat. He hid them behind a boulder, as he made sure the way was clear then showed them a tunnel, dank, wet, and creepy.

"This is not how I wanted to spend my evening!" Stella whispered as she tried to avoid the sticky walls.

"Deal with it!" Musa said under her breath and inched closer to Riven, "Do you think she'll be here?" she asked him.

"Where else would she go, she can't hide Musa, what she did was unforgivable, and she must pay for her actions" he vowed angrily. "I'm going to make sure she never comes between us again!" he promised and after giving her a kiss on the cheek drew his sword ushered her back, and charged into Darcy's room.

"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness".

They found nothing unfortunately, it was empty, no clothes or any sign that a person lived in that room, "Maybe it's not her room" Stella suggested as they looked around confused.

"Either that or she actually has no life" Techna said with sarcasm.

"Hey guys!" Musa's voice interrupted, "Look at this, it's a note" she said showing them, then handed it over to Bloom.

'Icy and Stormy


"Well that was short" Stella said as she looked at it, "I would never leave something so short it would be more like…'to my dear fans and followers I have left you to follow a grander richer life…" they tuned Stella out as she continued on.

Musa turned to Riven who stood next to her frowning, "Do you really think that she has left? She wont come back?" she asked him as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"There is not a scrap of clothing, nothing that she would come back for" he told her and without warning hugged her fiercely, "We don't have to worry anymore" he promised her.

Stella's voice in the back round still kept yapping on, "…I love you all do not fear I know you will not forget me…" she seemed to really get into it waving her hand like a queen while Brandon looked embarrassed to say the least.

"Ok time go babe" he said putting a hand on her back and prodding her out of the room back to Alfea, "You might have to write that note if we don't get out of here soon before the witches catch us" he told her and with that hint of warning they left the way they came.

Back at Alfea Riven and Musa were left outside her dorms doors alone, Riven stared at her as she looked at the setting sun, he could tell that something was wrong but what? "Musa? You've been acting strange all night, are you still worried?" he asked her.

Musa turned to look at him and felt her heart ache, it wasn't his fault he was under a spell but she just felt so hurt that he couldn't remember her, but then if she was under such a spell would she have remembered him? She truly did not know.

"Nothings wrong" she tried to assure him but he wasn't about to let this go, Riven grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to look directly at him.

"Something is wrong, has been since I got back but I cant help if I don't know, I thought you said you forgave me for what happened while I was under the spell" he told her confused and angry that she was unintentionally winding him up.

"I do…I just…it hurts knowing you forgot me even for a second…even though you were under that spell and I know you couldn't help it but neither can I" she told him with tears in her eyes as she confessed.

Riven gaped at her, so this was why she was upset cause she thought that he had forgotten her, "Musa look at me!" he demanded, after a deep breath he looked her in the eyes, "I never forgot about you, that spell she put on me made me sleep inside while she controlled my body, that wasn't me" he told her then after pulling her into a big fierce bear hug he whispered in her ear. "I dreamt of you…I always dream of you," he told her then pulled back gently to see her.

Musa didn't give him a second chance to do anything but quickly grabbed him around the neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss that lasted an eternity.

Along time later as they sat on a seat on her balcony watching the stars sparkle, Musa leaned in and kissed him gently, looking into his eyes she whispered, "I love you Riven"

Riven smiled not astonished or surprised at all, "No way near as much as I love you Musa" he told her then gave a cheeky smile, "I knew you couldn't resist my manliness much longer" he confided arrogantly then leant down and gave her another long kiss, with a promise that he would never leave alone or forget.

The End