Lonely Hearts

(In Town)

Riven was kicking a trash can across the side walk when he saw her, Musa coming out of the music store a few hundred feet in front of him, she looked as lonely as ever.

She was walking his way with you her head bowed down so he couldn't see her expression but he knew something was wrong.

He wanted to say 'hi' but instead just spoke with his usual sarcastic cruel voice, "What no pixie friends with you today?" he sniped and watched as she stopped and looked up, looking as frightened as if she'd just seen a ghost.

After she regained some of her composure she took a deep breath and then replied in a hollow voice, "Aren't you suppose to be with Darcy bout now?" she asked, her voice emotionless.

'She must be jealous' he thought vainly. "I dumped her" he lied, still denying the fact that she had broke up with him, which was all the spell that she put on him to be broken.

Even now he knew what had happened when he was under her spell, denying Musa the help when she wanted it, hurting her feelings by telling her he was with Darcy.

"Good for you" she said and began walking past him, he stepped in her way, forcing her look up at him again.

"Now what do you want?" she snickered as she fisted her hands at her side, and glared at him straight at him showing him her evident anger.

"You're moody aren't you?" he asked avoiding her question.

"So what if I am?" she asked defiantly, her anger starting to show in great bursts.

He saw a faint glow surrounding her showing how peeved off she was and was taken back, "Whoa calm down" he said as he waved his hands in front of her like it was sign of peace offering.

"Leave me alone jerk" she hissed and with that quickly sidestepped around him and stomped down the walk way, leaving him to watch wide eyed and curious, and feeling a twinge of guilt for making her mad.

(In The Park)

Tears were falling from Musa's eyes as she sat by herself in the forest park near Alfea, why he couldn't just care for her; it was killing her every time she saw him.

How could she like him after they way he treated everyone, the way he treated her, with such hate and coldness in his voice every time he spoke.

"Why do I care so much?" she asked to her self between long choked breaths.

She looked around her to make sure no one was around then after wiping her tears away walked back to Alfea, she had to talk to someone, anyone, or, would it be best if she didn't say anything?.

(At Red Fountain)

Riven couldn't concentrate on his fight class, his thoughts were still consumed by Musa.

He knew he liked her more than the others, he still didn't really know why; maybe it was because he knew she liked him, or had, it was evidently clear that she didn't like him right now.

"Riven pay attention" his teacher ordered when he noticed Riven wasn't listening, Riven snapped out of his thoughts once again and looked at the teacher, "This wont do Riven, either you pay attention or go back to your room" his teacher demanded, Riven knew he wouldn't be able to listen so just stood up, gathered his things, and left, leaving everyone to gape at his choice.

(Outside Alfea)

Musa still hadn't told the girls her problems, and now she was about to be faced by her biggest.

They had just scheduled to meet up with the Specialists, to help them hunt for some escaped trolls in the enchanted forest.

'I'm just going to ignore him' she thought, but she knew that wasn't going to be possible.

As the boy's ship came to land she knew that Riven wasn't driving, he was a more adventurous dangerous driver, which only meant that he was hanging out in the back.

As they opened the deck so the girls could board, she grew nervous, she couldn't see him again, but she had to, so she decided not to look at him.

She started walking behind Stella next to Bloom, who could obviously tell something was bothering her, "What's wrong?" she whispered as they walked into the ship, Musa just shook her head and told her nothing was wrong.

She saw Riven straight away; he was staring at her full on, leaning against one of the long side seats.

Seeing that Bloom and Stella had already taken place by their boyfriends in the front she knew that her, Flora and Tecna would be sitting in the back, so she took the seat on the other side of Riven and without looking at him just looked out the window beside her.

Riven knew that she was ignoring him, and for some reason that made him feel angry, why ignore him? Was she still mad at him?.

He noticed that she was talking to Flora who sat beside her, and couldn't help but listen in, while he watched her pink lips move.

"I've already seen that movie" she replied to Flora who was suggesting movies they could watch at the cinema.

"How about Alien VS Predator?" the name of the movie sent chills up and down her spies.

"How about one that I could actually sit through?" Musa pleaded but knew it was in vain.

"So you haven't seen it well that's that, were going to see it tomorrow" she commanded, and Riven held onto that information, looked like he'd be seeing it tomorrow.

(In The Enchanted Forest)

When they arrived at the spot where the trolls had escaped, Stella naturally decided she was the boss and paired everyone up.

"Ok, I will go with Brandon, Bloom you're with Prince Sky, Tecna, Flora and Timmy can go together, and Riven you can go with Musa" she secretly smirked at her cleverness.

Musa stood there, as if she were a stone statue, her face showed shock and horror at what Stella had just said, and no one could ever change Stella's mind.

She quickly shook it off and after nodding started off into the forest without even waiting for Riven to follow.

But Riven wouldn't be denied, "Wait up Musa" he yelled and ran to walk beside her.

(Authors Notes)

Ok, so this should be interesting.

Someone suggested I make a Riven/Musa fanfic so I decided to because I knew exactly what I was going to write, but if you think this is the only one I'm going to write then your sadly mistaken, I have many Riven/Musa plots that I am determined to introduce to you.

And The best thing Is I'm going to add a chapter at the end of this about the plots and you get to vote for the one you want, there will be three Riven/Musa plots to choose from.

But that is in another chapter so I'll just let you review now, hint hint.